Houses for sale & to rent in Perivale, Greenford

House Prices in Perivale

Properties in this part of Perivale within Greenford have an average house price of £508,114.00 and had 421 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹. This area has 4,831 households² , where the most expensive property was sold for £1,050,000.00.

Properties for sale in Perivale


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Roads and Postcodes in Perivale

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Perivale, Greenford for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Aintree Road UB6 7LA
Alperton Lane UB6 8DH UB6 8AA
Anthony Road UB6 8HE UB6 8HF
Barmouth Avenue UB6 8JR UB6 8JS UB6 8JT UB6 8JU
Bethlehem Close UB6 7FQ
Bideford Avenue UB6 7PP UB6 8DB UB6 8DD UB6 8DE UB6 8DF UB6 7PR UB6 7PT UB6 7PY UB6 7QB
Bilton Road UB6 7AY UB6 7AZ UB6 7BA UB6 7BB UB6 7BD UB6 7BH UB6 7BJ UB6 7BN UB6 7DE UB6 7DH UB6 7DS UB6 7HH UB6 7HJ UB6 7HL UB6 7HN UB6 7HQ UB6 7HW UB6 7DJ
Bleasdale Avenue UB6 8LB
Blenheim Close UB6 8ET
Brooklands Drive UB6 7AU
Buckingham Avenue UB6 7RA UB6 7RB UB6 7RD UB6 7RE
Calder Avenue UB6 8JQ
Cecil Manning Close UB6 7FE UB6 7FF
Central Parade UB6 8TF
Chilham Close UB6 8AR
Colwyn Avenue UB6 8JX UB6 8JY UB6 8JZ
Coniston Avenue UB6 8ED UB6 8EE
Conway Crescent UB6 8HX UB6 8HY UB6 8HZ UB6 8JA UB6 8JB UB6 8JE UB6 8JF UB6 8JG UB6 8HU UB6 8JD
David Avenue UB6 8HG
Dawlish Avenue UB6 8AF UB6 8AG UB6 8AQ
Devon Close UB6 7DN UB6 7DP UB6 7DR UB6 7DW
Doris Ashby Close UB6 7FD
Ealing Golf Course Lane UB6 8SS
Empire Road UB6 7EA UB6 7EB UB6 7ED UB6 7EE UB6 7EF UB6 7EG UB6 7EH UB6 7EJ UB6 7EL UB6 7EQ UB6 7ES UB6 7EZ UB6 7HA UB6 7HB
Fairfield Drive UB6 7AX
Federal Road UB6 7AN UB6 7AP UB6 7AW
Fleetway Business Park UB6 7LD
Francis Road UB6 7AD
Fraser Road UB6 7AH UB6 7AJ UB6 7AL UB6 7AQ
George V Way UB6 7HS UB6 7HT UB6 7JA
Gilbert White Close UB6 7FG UB6 7FH UB6 7FJ
Haymill Close UB6 8HL UB6 8EJ UB6 8EL
Hicks Avenue UB6 8EX UB6 8EY UB6 8EZ UB6 8HA UB6 8HB UB6 8HD
Hodder Drive UB6 8LH UB6 8LJ UB6 8LL
Horsenden Lane South UB6 7NN UB6 7NP UB6 7NR UB6 7NS UB6 7NT UB6 7NU UB6 8AB UB6 8AD UB6 8AE UB6 8GP
Jordan Road UB6 7BT UB6 7BU UB6 7BX UB6 7BY UB6 7BZ
Jubilee Road UB6 7HX UB6 7HY UB6 7HZ
Langdale Gardens UB6 8DG UB6 8DQ
Launceston Gardens UB6 7ET UB6 7EY
Launceston Road UB6 7EU UB6 7EX
Leaver Gardens UB6 8EN UB6 8EP UB6 8ER UB6 8ES UB6 8EW
Lee Road UB6 7BS UB6 7DA UB6 7DB UB6 7DD
Lynmouth Gardens UB6 7HR
Lynmouth Road UB6 7HP
Medway Drive UB6 8LN UB6 8LW
Medway Parade UB6 8HP UB6 8HR UB6 8HS UB6 8HN
Old Church Lane UB6 8TU UB6 8TT
Parva Grove UB6 7FR UB6 7FS UB6 7FT
Perimeade Road UB6 7AR UB6 7AS UB6 7AT
Perivale Lane UB6 8TL UB6 8TN UB6 8TW UB6 8TZ UB6 8TS UB6 8UT
Perivale New Business Centre UB6 7LF
Perivale Park UB6 7RH UB6 7RJ UB6 7RL UB6 7RW
Perivale Village UB6 8DP
Periwood Crescent UB6 7FL UB6 7FN
Phoenix Trading Estate UB6 7DZ
Rhyl Road UB6 8LD
Ribchester Avenue UB6 8TG
Rockford Avenue UB6 8AH
Rydal Crescent UB6 8DY UB6 8DZ UB6 8EA UB6 8EB UB6 8EG UB6 8EQ
Salvia Gardens UB6 7PG
Sarsfield Road UB6 7AB UB6 7AE UB6 7AG UB6 7AF
Scorton Avenue UB6 8LA
Selborne Gardens UB6 7PD
Sheraton Business Centre UB6 7JB
Stockdove Way UB6 8TJ
Sunley Gardens UB6 7PE UB6 7PF
Tavistock Avenue UB6 8AJ UB6 8AL UB6 8AN UB6 8AW
Tees Avenue UB6 8JH UB6 8JJ
Teignmouth Gardens UB6 8BX
Teignmouth Parade UB6 8BZ
Thames Avenue UB6 8JL UB6 8JN
The Bilton Centre UB6 7LR
Thirlmere Avenue UB6 8EF
Torrington Gardens UB6 7EN UB6 7ER
Torrington Road UB6 7EP UB6 7EW
Wadsworth Close UB6 7JF
Wadsworth Road UB6 7LQ UB6 7JD UB6 7JJ UB6 7JZ
Walmgate Road UB6 7LH
Welland Gardens UB6 8SZ UB6 8TA
Western Avenue UB6 8AT UB6 8DW UB6 8TE UB6 8GF UB6 8GN
Wicket Road UB6 8YH UB6 8YJ
Woodhouse Avenue UB6 8LE UB6 8LG UB6 8LQ
Woodhouse Close UB6 8LF
Woodrow Close UB6 7HU
Wyresdale Crescent UB6 8TH UB6 8TQ

Transport near Perivale

Frequently asked questions about Perivale

What is the average price for a property for sale in Perivale?

The average price for a property for sale in Perivale is £508,114. This amount is 5% higher than the average price in Greenford. There are 1,233 property listings for sale in Perivale.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Perivale?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Perivale are Chilham Close at an average of £760,000, Teignmouth Gardens at an average of £745,634 and Torrington Road at an average of £684,400.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Perivale?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Perivale are Old Church Lane at an average of £225,750, Wicket Road at an average of £281,071 and Buckingham Avenue at an average of £296,027.

Which train stations are available in or near Perivale?

Some of the train stations available in or near Perivale are South Greenford, Castle Bar Park and Greenford.

Which tube stations are available in or near Perivale?

Some of the tube stations available in or near Perivale are Perivale, Alperton and Sudbury Town.

Property Price Paid in Perivale by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £519,437
69 Properties
2023 £505,490
74 Properties
2022 £528,786
129 Properties
2021 £486,278
149 Properties
2020 £464,299
96 Properties
2019 £448,337
95 Properties
2018 £417,920
186 Properties
2017 £441,857
112 Properties
2016 £427,031
98 Properties
2015 £413,643
116 Properties
2014 £368,314
116 Properties
2013 £294,479
125 Properties
2012 £264,835
105 Properties
2011 £269,929
108 Properties
2010 £264,941
103 Properties
2009 £244,681
89 Properties
2008 £277,350
95 Properties
2007 £272,090
285 Properties
2006 £242,559
256 Properties
2005 £240,673
163 Properties
2004 £233,551
221 Properties
2003 £215,889
207 Properties
2002 £183,796
245 Properties
2001 £163,017
208 Properties
2000 £137,727
224 Properties
1999 £115,553
223 Properties
1998 £98,936
214 Properties
1997 £88,000
230 Properties
1996 £74,384
205 Properties
1995 £70,461
158 Properties
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Perivale

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Flat £295,233.00 77 Flats
Semi Detached House £572,628.00 109 Semi Detached Houses
Terraced House £544,642.00 232 Terraced Houses
Detached House £803,333.00 3 Detached Houses
Source: Land Registry