Houses for sale & to rent in Birchfield, Widnes

House Prices in Birchfield

Properties in Birchfield have an average house price of £295,859.00 and had 391 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
Birchfield is an area in Widnes, Halton with 2,574 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £775,000.00.

Properties for sale in Birchfield


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Previously listed properties in Birchfield

Roads and Postcodes in Birchfield

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Birchfield, Widnes for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Alderwood Court WA8 9DR
Balham Close WA8 9YT
Balmoral Road WA8 9HE WA8 9HH
Battersea Court WA8 9ZN
Belgravia Court WA8 9ZP
Bellflower Close WA8 9EB
Bembridge Close WA8 9AA
Biddleston Cross WA8 9AU
Birchfield Road WA8 9EG WA8 9ES WA8 9AH WA8 9EE WA8 9TX
Bowen Close WA8 9GL
Bridgend Close WA8 9WH
Buchanan Close WA8 9QD
Burton Close WA8 9ZJ
Campsey Ash WA8 9GP
Chapel Lane WA8 4NX
Chapman Close WA8 9WU
Chetwood Drive WA8 9BL
Chilwell Close WA8 9NY
Chislet Court WA8 9AP
Cleadon Way WA8 9PD
Colvend Way WA8 9DZ
Cornerhouse Lane WA8 9WD
Cornforth Way WA8 9WB
Cowan Way WA8 5BW WA8 5BX WA8 9BJ WA8 9BP
Cronton Farm Court WA8 9DE
Cronton Lane WA8 5WA
Cronton Lane Mews WA8 5AQ
Dinnington Court WA8 9XA
Doughton Green WA8 9AX
Falkirk Avenue WA8 9DX
Fillmore Grove WA8 9QF
Fir Park WA8 9BD
Fox Bank Close WA8 9DP
Galion Way WA8 9ZE
Giltbrook Close WA8 9FY
Greengate Way WA8 9FN
Greenock Mews WA8 9DW
Grundy Close WA8 9ZH
Harebell Close WA8 9EA
Harton Close WA8 9PF
Heathfield Park WA8 9WX WA8 9WY
Higher Ashton WA8 9GN
Hill View WA8 9AL WA8 9BN
Holborn Court WA8 9UG
Holly Farm Court WA8 9DF
Ingham Road WA8 9HA
Jefferson Gardens WA8 9QG
Julian Way WA8 9AB
Kennington Park WA8 9PE
Lanark Gardens WA8 9DT
Larne Court WA8 9SG
Lessingham Road WA8 9FU
Limerick Close WA8 9SE
Linacre Lane WA8 9DN
Linden Court WA8 9EY
Lindon Way WA8 9EX
Lingwell Avenue WA8 9YN
Lingwell Park WA8 9YP WA8 9YS
Littlestone Close WA8 9YU
Lofthouse Gate WA8 9GT
Longford Drive WA8 9SA
Maisemore Fields WA8 9AY
Malahide Court WA8 9SF
Marcien Way WA8 9ZL
Marsden Court WA8 9PG
Mckinley Way WA8 9QH
Meadow Close WA8 9ZD
Mersham Court WA8 9AT
Motherwell Close WA8 9DU
Moyles Close WA8 9ZX
New Barnet WA8 9GR
Newbury Close WA8 9YX
Northumberland Road WA8 5EB
Old Upton Lane WA8 9PA WA8 9ZS
Oxborough Close WA8 9FX
Petham Court WA8 9AW
Pex Hill Court WA8 9DQ
Poleacre Drive WA8 9ZY
Portrush Close WA8 9SH
Preece Close WA8 9WQ
Prescot Road WA8 4PD
Prestwick Close WA8 9DY
Rawcliffe Close WA8 9FZ
Regency Park WA8 9PH
Revesby Close WA8 9ZW
Rock Lane WA8 9AE
Rockfield Close WA8 9ZT
Roscommon Way WA8 9SB
Rosewood Farm Court WA8 9DG
Rushmore Drive WA8 9QB
Rushton Close WA8 9ZF
Sandringham Road WA8 9HD
Sandstone Mews WA8 9DJ
Shannon Grove WA8 9SD
Stockswell Farm Court WA8 9DH
Stone Cross Drive WA8 9DL
Tate Close WA8 9ZZ
Telford Close WA8 9GS
Tickford Bank WA8 9AZ
Truman Close WA8 9QE
Tuson Drive WA8 9EU WA8 9EZ
Tynwald Crescent WA8 9AN
Upton Bridle Path WA8 9HB WA8 9HG WA8 9AD
Upton Grange WA8 9ZA WA8 9ZB
Upton Lane WA8 9AF WA8 9AG WA8 9AJ WA8 9AQ WA8 9BH WA8 9PB
Upton Rocks Avenue WA8 9DA WA8 9DB
Upton Rocks Mews WA8 9DD
Vixen Grove WA8 9DS
Wallsend Court WA8 9WE
Warnley Close WA8 9WJ
Washington Close WA8 9QJ
Westerhope Way WA8 9QA
Whickham Close WA8 9ZQ
Whitstable Park WA8 9AS
Wilmere Lane WA8 5UY
Windsor Road WA8 9HF
Woodstock Grove WA8 9ZU

Transport near Birchfield

Frequently asked questions about Birchfield

What is the average price for a property for sale in Birchfield?

The average price for a property for sale in Birchfield is £295,859. This amount is 57% higher than the average price in Widnes. There are 308 property listings for sale in Birchfield.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Birchfield?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Birchfield are Pex Hill Court at an average of £640,000, Bembridge Close at an average of £573,000 and Regency Park at an average of £491,380.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Birchfield?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Birchfield are Larne Court at an average of £98,928, Stockswell Farm Court at an average of £99,443 and Cronton Farm Court at an average of £104,312.

Which train stations are available in or near Birchfield?

Some of the train stations available in or near Birchfield are Widnes, Hough Green and Rainhill.

Property Price Paid in Birchfield by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £290,569
55 Properties
2023 £308,142
70 Properties
2022 £279,585
100 Properties
2021 £302,237
166 Properties
2020 £236,684
93 Properties
2019 £231,428
114 Properties
2018 £258,379
125 Properties
2017 £246,253
144 Properties
2016 £226,921
157 Properties
2015 £221,920
136 Properties
2014 £213,815
130 Properties
2013 £221,475
98 Properties
2012 £209,930
85 Properties
2011 £213,809
82 Properties
2010 £224,475
95 Properties
2009 £190,639
89 Properties
2008 £199,664
103 Properties
2007 £197,541
207 Properties
2006 £219,002
248 Properties
2005 £209,908
244 Properties
2004 £206,061
246 Properties
2003 £162,600
415 Properties
2002 £148,125
209 Properties
2001 £124,082
109 Properties
2000 £123,983
125 Properties
1999 £104,668
129 Properties
1998 £94,863
140 Properties
1997 £87,320
173 Properties
1996 £81,203
106 Properties
1995 £85,606
104 Properties
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Birchfield

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Semi Detached House £247,309.00 72 Semi Detached Houses
Detached House £384,684.00 216 Detached Houses
Terraced House £196,734.00 39 Terraced Houses
Flat £111,101.00 64 Flats
Source: Land Registry