Houses for sale & to rent in Rushey Green, London

House Prices in Rushey Green

Properties in this part of Rushey Green within London have an average house price of £431,659.00 and had 817 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹. This area has 6,265 households² , where the most expensive property was sold for £1,260,000.00.

Properties for sale in Rushey Green


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Roads and Postcodes in Rushey Green

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Rushey Green, London for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Adenmore Road SE6 4BG SE6 4BL SE6 4BN SE6 4BS SE6 4BT SE6 4DZ SE6 4EA SE6 4EB SE6 4ED SE6 4EE SE6 4EJ SE6 4FA SE6 4FB SE6 4FD SE6 4FE
Albacore Crescent SE13 7HP SE13 7HW
Bankhurst Road SE6 4XW
Beechfield Road SE6 4NE SE6 4NG
Blagdon Road SE13 7HH SE13 7HL
Blythe Hill SE6 4UJ SE6 4UL
Blythe Hill Lane SE6 4UF SE6 4UH
Blythe Vale SE6 4NN SE6 4NP
Bournville Road SE6 4RN
Bowness Road SE6 2DG
Bradgate Road SE6 4TR SE6 4TS SE6 4TT
Brays Gardens SE6 2BB
Britton Close SE6 1AP
Bromley Road SE6 2TP SE6 2TW SE6 2TX SE6 2UR
Brookdale Road SE6 4JN SE6 4JP SE6 4JR
Brownhill Road SE6 1AA SE6 2BG SE6 2BQ SE6 2DA SE6 2DH SE6 2DJ SE6 2EG SE6 2EJ SE6 2EW SE6 2HB SE6 2HF SE6 2HG SE6 2DN SE6 2HE
Campbells Mews SE6 4FH
Canadian Avenue SE6 3AS SE6 3AU SE6 3AX SE6 3AY SE6 3BA SE6 3BB SE6 3BD SE6 3BP SE6 3AT
Carswell Road SE6 2JQ SE6 2JE
Casslee Road SE6 4XH
Catford Broadway SE6 4SN SE6 4SP SE6 4SR
Catford Hill SE6 4PJ SE6 4PS SE6 4PT SE6 4PU SE6 4PX
Catford Island SE6 2DD
Catford Road SE6 4FG SE6 4QZ SE6 4SW SE6 9SE SE6 4FN
Chilthorne Close SE6 4YW
Cudham Street SE6 2JA
Culverley Road SE6 2LE
Davenport Road SE6 2AS SE6 2AT SE6 2AU SE6 2AX SE6 2AY SE6 2AZ
Doggett Road SE6 4PZ SE6 4QA SE6 4QB
Elmer Road SE6 2ER SE6 2HA
Engleheart Road SE6 2ET SE6 2EU SE6 2HN SE6 2HP SE6 2HR SE6 2HW
Farley Mews SE6 2AL
Farley Road SE6 2AA SE6 2AB SE6 2AF SE6 2AR
Faversham Road SE6 4XE SE6 4XF SE6 4XG
Felday Road SE13 7HJ SE13 7HQ
Fleet Terrace SE6 2EB
Florist Mews SE6 2BN
Fordmill Road SE6 3JH
George Lane SE13 6HH SE13 6HL SE13 6HW SE6 4AP
Glenwood Road SE6 4NF
Hamlet Close SE6 4BF
Hawstead Road SE6 4JJ SE6 4JL SE6 4JH
Herron Walk SE13 6BF
Holbeach Road SE6 4TG SE6 4TQ SE6 4TW
Honley Road SE6 2HY SE6 2HZ SE6 2JB
Iona Close SE6 4YL SE6 4YN
Jutland Road SE6 2DQ
Laleham Road SE6 2AD SE6 2AE SE6 2HS SE6 2HT SE6 2HU SE6 2HX SE6 2JD SE6 2JJ
Lamington Mews SE6 4FL
Lara Close SE13 6HZ
Lewisham High Street SE13 6LJ SE13 6LL
Lime Tree Terrace SE6 4US
Medusa Road SE6 4JW
Melbourne Mews SE6 2HL
Merryfields Way SE6 2HH
Montacute Road SE6 4XL
Morena Street SE6 4JA
Mountfield Close SE6 1AF
Mountfield Terrace SE6 1AZ
Nelgarde Road SE6 4TA SE6 4TB SE6 4TF SE6 4TP SE6 4TD
Patrol Place SE6 4JE
Pattenden Road SE6 4NH SE6 4NQ
Plassy Road SE6 2AW SE6 2DS
Polsted Road SE6 4YH SE6 4YQ
Rathfern Road SE6 4NJ SE6 4NL
Ravensbourne Park SE6 4RW SE6 4XU SE6 4XY SE6 4XZ SE6 4YA SE6 4XT SE6 4XX
Ravensbourne Park Crescent SE6 4YB SE6 4YD SE6 4YF SE6 4YG SE6 4YJ SE6 4YP SE6 4YE
Redfern Road SE6 2BH
Renshaw Close SE6 4BB
Ringstead Road SE6 2BP SE6 2BS SE6 2BT SE6 2BU
Rosenthal Road SE6 2BX SE6 2BY
Rushey Green SE6 4AA SE6 4AF SE6 4AS SE6 4BD SE6 4BE SE6 4HQ SE6 4JD SE6 4JF SE6 4AR SE6 4BJ SE6 4BP SE6 4BQ SE6 4HH SE6 4HP SE6 4HW SE6 4JG SE6 4JT SE6 4RU SE6 4RY SE6 9SA SE6 9SB SE6 9SD SE6 9SF SE6 9SG SE6 9SH SE6 9SJ SE6 9SL SE6 9SN SE6 9SP SE6 9SQ SE6 9SR SE6 9SS SE6 9ST SE6 9SU SE6 9SW SE6 9SX SE6 9SY SE6 9SZ SE6 9TA SE6 4FJ
Sangley Road SE6 2DT SE6 2DX SE6 2DY SE6 2JH SE6 2JP SE6 2JS SE6 2JT SE6 2DU SE6 2JN
Scrooby Street SE6 4JB SE6 4LA
Shorndean Street SE6 2ES SE6 2EZ
Silvermere Road SE6 4QS SE6 4QT SE6 4QU SE6 4QX
Sportsbank Street SE6 2EX SE6 2EY
St Fillans Road SE6 1DG
Stainton Road SE6 1AD SE6 1AN
Stanstead Grove SE6 4UD
Stanstead Road SE6 4TZ SE6 4UE SE6 4XB SE6 4XD SE6 4TY
Station Approach SE6 4RE
Sussex Mews SE6 4UY SE6 4XS
Sycamore Grove SE6 2AJ
Thomas Lane SE6 4SA SE6 4SB SE6 4SQ SE6 4FF SE6 4RQ SE6 4SD SE6 4SE SE6 4SF SE6 4SG
Westdown Road SE6 4RL
Wildfell Road SE6 4HU
Winslade Way SE6 4JU
Winterbourne Road SE6 4UQ
Winterstoke Road SE6 4UG

Transport near Rushey Green

Frequently asked questions about Rushey Green

What is the average price for a property for sale in Rushey Green?

The average price for a property for sale in Rushey Green is £431,659. This amount is 18% lower than the average price in London. There are 3,124 property listings for sale in Rushey Green.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Rushey Green?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Rushey Green are Polsted Road at an average of £765,100, Casslee Road at an average of £739,000 and Montacute Road at an average of £731,000.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Rushey Green?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Rushey Green are Florist Mews at an average of £140,000, Culverley Road at an average of £151,052 and Thomas Lane at an average of £205,000.

Which train stations are available in or near Rushey Green?

Some of the train stations available in or near Rushey Green are Catford Bridge, Catford and Ladywell.

Property Price Paid in Rushey Green by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £408,637
107 Properties
2023 £428,472
186 Properties
2022 £442,007
271 Properties
2021 £432,656
253 Properties
2020 £445,786
155 Properties
2019 £386,597
186 Properties
2018 £382,810
269 Properties
2017 £424,031
352 Properties
2016 £374,538
259 Properties
2015 £333,831
380 Properties
2014 £278,654
222 Properties
2013 £252,936
176 Properties
2012 £233,486
141 Properties
2011 £220,561
121 Properties
2010 £220,981
103 Properties
2009 £188,929
114 Properties
2008 £207,073
163 Properties
2007 £216,823
331 Properties
2006 £197,115
308 Properties
2005 £190,172
247 Properties
2004 £182,413
337 Properties
2003 £168,488
314 Properties
2002 £142,239
352 Properties
2001 £127,702
321 Properties
2000 £95,159
374 Properties
1999 £80,714
358 Properties
1998 £69,806
312 Properties
1997 £59,837
304 Properties
1996 £53,991
242 Properties
1995 £59,095
229 Properties
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Rushey Green

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Flat £334,099.00 510 Flats
Semi Detached House £673,286.00 48 Semi Detached Houses
Terraced House £576,849.00 253 Terraced Houses
Detached House £669,166.00 6 Detached Houses
Source: Land Registry