Houses for sale & to rent in North Bermondsey, London

House Prices in North Bermondsey

Properties in this part of North Bermondsey within London have an average house price of £482,947.00 and had 19 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹. This area has 277 households² , where the most expensive property was sold for £1,500,000.00.

Properties for sale in North Bermondsey


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Roads and Postcodes in North Bermondsey

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in North Bermondsey, London for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Abbey Street SE16 4EH
Abbeyfield Road SE16 2AR SE16 2DY
Arabella Street SE16 4BF SE16 4DY
Bermondsey Wall East SE16 4NB SE16 4TY
Bermondsey Wall West SE16 4SA SE16 4TG SE16 4TH SE16 4TQ
Chambers Street SE16 4EN SE16 4EP SE16 4XR
Cherry Garden Street SE16 4EL SE16 4QF
Clements Road SE16 4DG SE16 4DU SE16 4EE SE16 4EQ SE16 4EZ
Copper Row SE1 2LH
Dockhead SE1 2BS
Drummond Road SE16 2BT SE16 2JX SE16 2JY SE16 4ES SE16 4FA
Frean Street SE16 4AS
Freda Street SE16 4BJ SE16 4BW
Fulford Street SE16 4NW
Gainsford Street SE1 2NY
George Row SE16 4WA
Hawkstone Road SE16 2PA
Jamaica Road SE1 2RW SE1 2RX SE16 4BA SE16 4BD SE16 4EG SE16 4RS SE16 4SH SE16 4SN
Koops Mill Mews SE1 2SH
Layard Road SE16 2JQ
Llewellyn Street SE16 4UN
Major Road SE16 4RZ
Marine Street SE16 4AZ SE16 4BS
Mill Street SE1 2AY SE1 2BA
Ness Street SE16 4AR
Old Jamaica Road SE16 4AW SE16 4BB SE16 4BL SE16 4DZ SE16 4ER SE16 4SU
Parkers Row SE1 2DQ
Priter Road SE16 4QW
Prospect Street SE16 4EY
Providence Square SE1 2EW
Queen Elizabeth Street SE1 2BT SE1 2JE SE1 2LS SE1 2PD SE1 2RJ
Raymouth Road SE16 2DB SE16 2DH SE16 2DJ
Rosebud Mews SE16 2FD
Scott Lidgett Crescent SE16 4XF
Shad Thames SE1 2PU SE1 2XZ SE1 2YD
Southwark Park Road SE16 2EW SE16 2HB SE16 2HU SE16 2JN SE16 2JP SE16 2JW
Spa Road SE16 4AQ SE16 4AU SE16 4EJ
St James's Road SE16 4ET SE16 4QZ SE16 4RA
Sugar Lane SE16 4EU
Thurland Road SE16 4AA
Tower Bridge Road SE1 2UP
Tranton Road SE16 4RL
Voyager Business Estate SE16 4RP
Webster Road SE16 4DH
West Lane SE16 4NY

Transport near North Bermondsey

Frequently asked questions about North Bermondsey

What is the average price for a property for sale in North Bermondsey?

The average price for a property for sale in North Bermondsey is £482,947. This amount is 27% lower than the average price in London. There are 6,553 property listings for sale in North Bermondsey.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in North Bermondsey?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in North Bermondsey are Fulford Street at an average of £1,500,000, Prospect Street at an average of £601,666 and Old Jamaica Road at an average of £585,500.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in North Bermondsey?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in North Bermondsey are Chambers Street at an average of £143,500 and Jamaica Road at an average of £375,000.

Which train stations are available in or near North Bermondsey?

Some of the train stations available in or near North Bermondsey are Rotherhithe, Wapping and Canada Water.

Which tube stations are available in or near North Bermondsey?

Some of the tube stations available in or near North Bermondsey are Bermondsey, Canada Water and Tower Hill.

Property Price Paid in North Bermondsey by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £615,000
2 Properties
2023 £650,178
7 Properties
2022 £339,475
10 Properties
2021 £261,738
18 Properties
2020 £761,363
11 Properties
2019 £338,260
5 Properties
2018 £490,016
15 Properties
2017 £232,458
6 Properties
2016 £180,611
9 Properties
2015 £774,373
8 Properties
2003 £115,000
1 Property
2000 £43,750
2 Properties
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in North Bermondsey

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Flat £426,444.00 18 Flats
Detached House £1,500,000.00 1 Detached House
Source: Land Registry