Houses to rent in Ferndale Court, BT48, Derry and Strabane
There are 78 results. Ferndale Court, BT48, Derry and Strabane. Rental prices in Ferndale Court, BT48 range from £440 pcm to £5,300 pcm with an average price of £1,460 pcm.
Properties to rent in Ferndale Court, BT48, Derry and Strabane
Useful property information about Ferndale Court, BT48
Your search returned 13 homes to rent near Ferndale Court, BT48.
The average asking price for a 2 bedroom Apartment near Ferndale Court, BT48 is £1,083 pcm.
The most common property types available to rent near Ferndale Court, BT48 are 2 bedroom apartments and 1 bedroom flats.
Looking to let in Ferndale Court, BT48?
If you are intending to let a property in Ferndale Court, BT48,
you can find helpful property listing information in this area.
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