Houses for sale & to rent in Penn Wood and Old Amersham, Amersham

House Prices in Penn Wood and Old Amersham

Properties in Penn Wood and Old Amersham have an average house price of £887,500.00 and had 4 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
Penn Wood and Old Amersham is an area in Amersham, Buckinghamshire with 97 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £1,130,000.00.

Properties for sale in Penn Wood and Old Amersham


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Roads and Postcodes in Penn Wood and Old Amersham

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Penn Wood and Old Amersham, Amersham for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Cherry Lane HP7 0QG
Church Street HP7 0DD
Coleshill Lane HP7 0NN
Diamond Court HP7 0BY
Fagnall Lane HP7 0PE HP7 0PQ
High Street HP7 0HR
Lacemaker Court HP7 0HS
London Road West HP7 0HA HP7 0HE HP7 9DD
Market Square HP7 0DH
Market Walk HP7 0DR
Misbourne Court HP7 0DE
Mop End HP7 0QR
Penn Street HP7 0FA HP7 0PP HP7 0PR HP7 0PS
School Lane HP7 0HG
Station Road HP7 0AN
The Broadway HP7 0TU HP7 0UT
The Galleons HP7 0AA
The Maltings HP7 0ES HP7 0ET
Ward Place HP7 0EU
Whielden Close HP7 0HZ
Whielden Heights HP7 0GL
Whielden Lane HP7 0ND HP7 0FD
Whielden Street HP7 0JA HP7 0JD
Winchmore Hill HP7 0NZ

Transport near Penn Wood and Old Amersham

Frequently asked questions about Penn Wood and Old Amersham

What is the average price for a property for sale in Penn Wood and Old Amersham?

The average price for a property for sale in Penn Wood and Old Amersham is £887,500. This amount is 18% higher than the average price in Amersham. There are 1,362 property listings for sale in Penn Wood and Old Amersham.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Penn Wood and Old Amersham?

The street with the most expensive properties for sale in Penn Wood and Old Amersham is Fagnall Lane at an average of £1,040,000.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Penn Wood and Old Amersham?

The street with the most affordable properties for sale in Penn Wood and Old Amersham is Diamond Court at an average of £795,000.

Which train stations are available in or near Penn Wood and Old Amersham?

Some of the train stations available in or near Penn Wood and Old Amersham are Amersham and Chalfont and Latimer.

Which tube stations are available in or near Penn Wood and Old Amersham?

Some of the tube stations available in or near Penn Wood and Old Amersham are Amersham and Chalfont and Latimer.

Property Price Paid in Penn Wood and Old Amersham by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2022 £958,333
3 Properties
2021 £675,000
1 Property
2020 £1,300,000
1 Property
2016 £733,731
8 Properties
2015 £1,218,762
1 Property
1999 £600,000
1 Property
1997 £489,651
1 Property
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Penn Wood and Old Amersham

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Terraced House £735,000.00 2 Terraced Houses
Semi Detached House £1,040,000.00 2 Semi Detached Houses
Source: Land Registry