Houses for sale & to rent in Hargate and Hempsted, Peterborough

House Prices in Hargate and Hempsted

Properties in Hargate and Hempsted have an average house price of £284,852.00 and had 214 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
Hargate and Hempsted is an area in Peterborough, City of Peterborough with 171 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £980,000.00.

Properties for sale in Hargate and Hempsted


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Roads and Postcodes in Hargate and Hempsted

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Hargate and Hempsted, Peterborough for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Adlington Close PE7 8QY
Alder Close PE2 9FL
Alfric Square PE2 7JP
Aqua Drive PE7 8QL PE7 8QN
Ashbourne Road PE7 8BT
Aston Business Park PE2 7BF PE2 7EY
Avebury Mews PE7 8QA
Barchester Avenue PE7 0LJ
Barnsdale Drive PE7 8LD
Bartlett Drive PE2 9FN
Beebys Way PE7 8QU
Benington Close PE7 8RE
Berrington View PE7 8RH
Boroughfield Road PE2 9EX PE2 9FR
Boundary Lane PE7 8SL
Broadstone Drive PE7 8QR PE7 8QS
Brodie Place PE7 8QD
Bruce Grove PE7 0NL
Capthorne Close PE7 8DA
Carolside Grove PE7 8QF
Chalice Close PE7 8RL
Clayside Way PE2 9EY
Clovelly Drive PE7 8PZ
Club Way PE7 8JA
Columbus Road PE2 9FP
Cygnet Road PE7 8FD PE7 8FJ
Cyrus Way PE7 8HP
Davis Place PE7 0NH
Drake Avenue PE2 9EP PE2 9FF
Drummond Close PE7 8PY
Emmetts Grove PE7 8RJ
Fairhaven PE7 8RF
Farlakes Drive PE2 9EU
Fenton Close PE7 8QE
Flaxley Road PE2 9EN PE2 9FT
Forbes Drive PE7 0ND
Forder Way PE7 8GX PE7 8JB
Forrest Drive PE7 0LP
Godric Square PE2 7JH PE2 7JJ
Grant Mews PE7 0NQ
Greenfield Way PE7 8RX
Hargate Way PE7 8BZ
Harmony Grove PE7 8QX
Hartland Avenue PE7 8HR PE7 8TF
Henson Drive PE7 0LR
Hillary Close PE7 0LX
Kelsey Place PE7 0NN
Kentwell Road PE7 8RD
Littledale Crescent PE2 9FQ
Lockwood Way PE7 8QP PE7 8QQ
Logan Mews PE7 8QB
London Road PE7 0LF PE7 8QJ
Markham Avenue PE7 0NJ
Maxwell Road PE2 7JB PE2 7JD PE2 7JE PE2 7JN
Morley Way PE2 7BP PE2 7BW PE2 7EP PE2 9JB
Morpeth Close PE2 7JU
Parry Close PE7 0NG
Phorpres Way PE7 8NY
Ross Close PE2 9FJ
Ruby Court PE2 7WJ
Ruster Way PE7 8FE
Saxonbury Way PE2 9EZ
Serpentine Green Shopping Centre PE7 8BD PE7 8BE PE7 8DR
Shaw Close PE7 0NP
Shipley Mews PE7 8RN
Shipton Grove PE7 0NE PE7 0NF
Shrewsbury Avenue PE2 7BJ PE2 7BZ PE2 7LB PE2 7LF
Skylarks Close PE7 8HB
Stockwood Close PE7 8RA
Tatton Grove PE7 8RP
The Metro Centre PE2 7UH
Tilgate Road PE7 8QT
Trelowen Way PE7 0LN
Valehouse Close PE7 8RW
Vancouver Way PE2 9FH
Wainman Road PE2 7BU
Welbeck Way PE2 7WH
Westbury Drive PE7 8NQ PE7 8QW
Woodston Business Centre PE2 7EF

Transport near Hargate and Hempsted

Frequently asked questions about Hargate and Hempsted

What is the average price for a property for sale in Hargate and Hempsted?

The average price for a property for sale in Hargate and Hempsted is £284,852. This amount is 17% higher than the average price in Peterborough. There are 5,431 property listings for sale in Hargate and Hempsted.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Hargate and Hempsted?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Hargate and Hempsted are Boundary Lane at an average of £890,000, Valehouse Close at an average of £528,000 and Broadstone Drive at an average of £337,899.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Hargate and Hempsted?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Hargate and Hempsted are London Road at an average of £49,000, Alder Close at an average of £204,166 and Drummond Close at an average of £205,250.

Which train stations are available in or near Hargate and Hempsted?

Some of the train stations available in or near Hargate and Hempsted are Peterborough, Whittlesea and Stamford.

Property Price Paid in Hargate and Hempsted by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £269,500
44 Properties
2023 £276,250
61 Properties
2022 £295,864
109 Properties
2021 £273,969
198 Properties
2020 £282,676
237 Properties
2019 £256,891
316 Properties
2018 £225,819
249 Properties
2017 £212,023
115 Properties
2016 £178,591
115 Properties
2015 £168,999
98 Properties
2014 £173,854
7 Properties
2010 £130,000
1 Property
2003 £205,000
1 Property
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Hargate and Hempsted

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Semi Detached House £252,927.00 89 Semi Detached Houses
Detached House £356,437.00 80 Detached Houses
Terraced House £239,843.00 32 Terraced Houses
Flat £173,692.00 13 Flats
Source: Land Registry