Houses for sale & to rent in West Drayton, Hillingdon London Borough
House Prices in West Drayton
Properties in this part of West Drayton within the Hillingdon London Borough have an average house price of £397,287.00 and had 872 Property Transactions within the last 3 years.¹ This area has 11,098 households² , where the most expensive property was sold for £2,200,000.00.
Properties for sale in West Drayton
Neighbourhoods in West Drayton
Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in West Drayton, Hillingdon London Borough for sale or to rent.
Transport in West Drayton
Please see below transportation links in this area:
West Drayton Station
Iver Station
Hayes and Harlington Station
Heathrow Terminals 2 and 3 Station
Heathrow Terminals 1 2 3 Station
Heathrow Terminal 5 Station
Uxbridge Station
- Price Paid By Year
- Property Type Price
Frequently asked questions about West Drayton
What is the average price for a property for sale in West Drayton?
The average price for a property for sale in West Drayton is £397,287. This amount is 22% lower than the average price in Hillingdon London Borough. There are 2,080 property listings for sale in West Drayton.
What locations have the most expensive properties for sale in West Drayton?
The locations with the most expensive properties for sale in West Drayton are Heathrow Villages at an average of £427,689 and West Drayton at an average of £410,242.
What locations have the most affordable properties for sale in West Drayton?
The location with the most affordable properties for sale in West Drayton is Yiewsley at an average of £362,624.
Which train stations are available in or near West Drayton?
Some of the train stations available in or near West Drayton are West Drayton, Iver and Hayes and Harlington.
Which tube stations are available in or near West Drayton?
Some of the tube stations available in or near West Drayton are Heathrow Terminals 1 2 3, Heathrow Terminal 5 and Uxbridge.
Property Price Paid in West Drayton by Year
The average sold property price by year was:
Year | Average Sold Price | Price Change |
Sold Properties
2024 | £405,063 | 5% |
222 Properties |
2023 | £385,667 | -4% |
270 Properties |
2022 | £401,000 | 6% |
380 Properties |
2021 | £378,627 | -0,4% |
474 Properties |
2020 | £380,059 | 2% |
307 Properties |
2019 | £372,182 | 0,1% |
387 Properties |
2018 | £371,986 | 6% |
448 Properties |
2017 | £349,819 | 2% |
486 Properties |
2016 | £342,919 | 12% |
452 Properties |
2015 | £303,478 | 18% |
571 Properties |
2014 | £247,565 | 2% |
469 Properties |
2013 | £242,264 | 8% |
468 Properties |
2012 | £222,903 | - |
342 Properties |
2011 | £222,795 | -2% |
349 Properties |
2010 | £226,853 | 13% |
352 Properties |
2009 | £197,532 | -11% |
273 Properties |
2008 | £219,333 | 2% |
443 Properties |
2007 | £214,151 | 7% |
696 Properties |
2006 | £199,366 | 8% |
540 Properties |
2005 | £183,131 | 4% |
454 Properties |
2004 | £176,026 | 5% |
618 Properties |
2003 | £167,503 | 12% |
586 Properties |
2002 | £147,081 | 18% |
650 Properties |
2001 | £120,793 | 8% |
523 Properties |
2000 | £110,599 | 18% |
653 Properties |
1999 | £90,570 | 15% |
620 Properties |
1998 | £76,602 | 9% |
516 Properties |
1997 | £69,681 | 9% |
600 Properties |
1996 | £63,224 | 1% |
504 Properties |
1995 | £62,859 | - |
322 Properties |
Property Price per Property Type in West Drayton
Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.
The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:
Property Type | Average Sold Price | Sold Properties |
Terraced House | £444,837.00 | 219 Terraced Houses |
Flat | £276,771.00 | 362 Flats |
Semi Detached House | £484,845.00 | 246 Semi Detached Houses |
Detached House | £656,711.00 | 45 Detached Houses |