Houses for sale & to rent in Spalding Monks House, Spalding
House Prices in Spalding Monks House
Properties in Spalding Monks House have an average house price of £223,074.00 and had 241 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
Spalding Monks House is an area in Spalding, Lincolnshire with 2,216 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £540,000.00.
Properties for sale in Spalding Monks House
Roads and Postcodes in Spalding Monks House
Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Spalding Monks House, Spalding for sale or to rent.
Streets | Postcodes |
Aalsmeer Rise | PE11 3JD |
Abbots Crescent | PE11 1NB |
Abbots Way | PE11 1JS |
Aldwych Gardens | PE11 3ZH |
Ambassador Walk | PE11 3WH |
Amstel Close | PE11 3HB |
Amsterdam Gardens | PE11 3HY |
Archer Court | PE11 1YF |
Astor Place | PE11 3WJ |
Austen Mews | PE11 1WQ |
Betjeman Close | PE11 1NZ |
Bourne Road | PE11 1JN PE11 1JR PE11 1JW PE11 3LJ PE11 3LL PE11 3LW |
Breda Court | PE11 3LT |
Brownsgate | PE11 1PA |
Buttercup Close | PE11 1YS |
Byron Walk | PE11 1WR |
Canterbury Close | PE11 1LL |
Carrington Close | PE11 1LZ |
Carrington Road | PE11 1LY |
Chaucers Way | PE11 1LH |
Circus Approach | PE11 1WN |
Clydesdale Crescent | PE11 3GQ |
Corinne Grove | PE11 1LF |
Cuckoo Bridge | PE11 3BE |
Daffodil Close | PE11 1RE |
Defoe Lane | PE11 1FU |
Delacorte Green | PE11 3WN |
Dickens Street | PE11 1WF |
Dowgate Close | PE11 1NG |
Doyle Lane | PE11 1WU |
Edam Court | PE11 3HD |
Edward Road | PE11 1NP |
Ellen Crescent | PE11 1LD |
Farrier Way | PE11 3GG |
Faulkner Drive | PE11 1YJ |
First Avenue | PE11 1LR |
Floriade Close | PE11 3HQ |
Gershwin Lane | PE11 3WF |
Glebe Close | PE11 3LE |
Haarlem Court | PE11 3EH |
Hannam Boulevard | PE11 1LA PE11 1LB |
Hawthorn Bank | PE11 1JH PE11 2UR |
Heren Place | PE11 3LB |
Hoekman Drive | PE11 3HF |
Hoekman Way | PE11 3HE |
Honeysuckle Way | PE11 3LU PE11 3SU |
Horse Fayre Fields | PE11 3FA |
Horseshoe Road | PE11 3FB PE11 3FD PE11 3HS PE11 3HT PE11 3JA PE11 3JB |
Jasmine Court | PE11 3SX |
Keats Grove | PE11 1FQ |
Kimblewick Lane | PE11 3GY |
Kipling Avenue | PE11 1XU |
Laureate Grove | PE11 1NQ |
Lavender Drive | PE11 1YR |
Leiden Fields | PE11 3EQ |
Limburg Drive | PE11 3LA |
Mansell Close | PE11 1NE |
Meadow Way | PE11 3SH |
Meadowgate Lane | PE11 1NF |
Meadway | PE11 3LQ |
Mears Court | PE11 1WL |
Melville Way | PE11 1YH |
Monks House Lane | PE11 3LH |
Monks Walk | PE11 3LG |
Monkshouse Court | PE11 3YS |
Nesbit Avenue | PE11 1FY |
Orwell Drive | PE11 1GU |
Pennygate | PE11 1LG PE11 1LN PE11 1LQ PE11 1LS PE11 1LT PE11 1LX PE11 1NN |
Percheron Drive | PE11 3GH |
Pilgrims Way | PE11 1LJ PE11 1LU |
Poplar Court | PE11 1NR |
Primrose Way | PE11 1YT |
Quaker Lane | PE11 1ND |
Rembrandt Way | PE11 3HX |
Saddlers Mead | PE11 3GW |
Second Avenue | PE11 1LP |
Sewell Way | PE11 1GX |
Shakespeare Way | PE11 1UZ |
Shearers Drive | PE11 3ZJ |
Sheila Crescent | PE11 1LE |
South Drove | PE11 3BD PE11 3JE |
Steeple View | PE11 1WP |
Sunflower Close | PE11 1PY |
The Chantry | PE11 3LF |
The Circus | PE11 1WG |
The Parkway | PE11 3EE |
The Wende | PE11 3EG |
The Wyke | PE11 3EF |
Third Avenue | PE11 1LW |
Van Gogh Drive | PE11 3HU |
Wallace Street | PE11 1XY |
Westside | PE11 3WG |
Woodrow Place | PE11 1BF |
Wygate Road | PE11 1NS PE11 1NT PE11 1NY |
Transport near Spalding Monks House
Spalding Station
Swineshead Station
Hubberts Bridge Station
Heckington Station
Peterborough Station
Boston Station
- Price Paid By Year
- Property Type Price
Frequently asked questions about Spalding Monks House
What is the average price for a property for sale in Spalding Monks House?
The average price for a property for sale in Spalding Monks House is £223,074. This amount is 10% lower than the average price in Spalding. There are 2,032 property listings for sale in Spalding Monks House.
What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Spalding Monks House?
The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Spalding Monks House are Monkshouse Court at an average of £435,000, Primrose Way at an average of £422,500 and Abbots Crescent at an average of £374,166.
What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Spalding Monks House?
The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Spalding Monks House are Leiden Fields at an average of £112,332, Saddlers Mead at an average of £130,000 and Breda Court at an average of £136,623.
Which train stations are available in or near Spalding Monks House?
Some of the train stations available in or near Spalding Monks House are Spalding, Swineshead and Hubberts Bridge.
Property Price Paid in Spalding Monks House by Year
The average sold property price by year was:
Year | Average Sold Price | Price Change |
Sold Properties
2024 | £225,280 | 5% |
39 Properties |
2023 | £214,978 | -6% |
85 Properties |
2022 | £228,220 | 8% |
117 Properties |
2021 | £209,445 | 16% |
158 Properties |
2020 | £175,331 | -4% |
141 Properties |
2019 | £181,911 | 5% |
120 Properties |
2018 | £172,511 | - |
124 Properties |
2017 | £172,529 | 8% |
130 Properties |
2016 | £158,654 | 8% |
96 Properties |
2015 | £145,523 | 2% |
125 Properties |
2014 | £142,445 | -1% |
132 Properties |
2013 | £143,661 | -5% |
97 Properties |
2012 | £151,330 | 16% |
84 Properties |
2011 | £127,516 | -9% |
89 Properties |
2010 | £139,181 | -2% |
90 Properties |
2009 | £141,799 | 1% |
92 Properties |
2008 | £140,762 | -3% |
111 Properties |
2007 | £144,661 | -1% |
202 Properties |
2006 | £145,711 | 0,4% |
167 Properties |
2005 | £145,190 | 12% |
176 Properties |
2004 | £127,559 | 17% |
188 Properties |
2003 | £105,542 | 14% |
152 Properties |
2002 | £90,365 | 9% |
221 Properties |
2001 | £81,958 | 17% |
210 Properties |
2000 | £67,708 | 13% |
155 Properties |
1999 | £58,568 | 5% |
138 Properties |
1998 | £55,727 | 6% |
180 Properties |
1997 | £52,188 | 11% |
148 Properties |
1996 | £46,239 | 13% |
137 Properties |
1995 | £40,280 | - |
69 Properties |
Property Price per Property Type in Spalding Monks House
Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.
The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:
Property Type | Average Sold Price | Sold Properties |
Semi Detached House | £185,797.00 | 92 Semi Detached Houses |
Detached House | £292,724.00 | 92 Detached Houses |
Terraced House | £176,170.00 | 52 Terraced Houses |
Flat | £115,200.00 | 5 Flats |