Houses for sale & to rent in North Wymondham, Wymondham

House Prices in North Wymondham

Properties in North Wymondham have an average house price of £308,378.00 and had 184 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
North Wymondham is an area in Wymondham, Norfolk with 27 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £850,000.00.

Properties for sale in North Wymondham


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Roads and Postcodes in North Wymondham

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in North Wymondham, Wymondham for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Barnes Close NR18 0GG
Barnham Broom Road NR18 0RS NR18 0RT NR18 0RW
Bartram Close NR18 0FU
Begonia Way NR18 0FA
Blake Drive NR18 0UX
Briggs Mead NR18 0GB
Butler Gardens NR18 0GE
Chamberlain Rise NR18 0GF
Coldham Grove NR18 0GR
Dove Avenue NR18 0GH
Edith Cavell Close NR18 0YL
Enfield Row NR18 0YN
Flanders Rise NR18 0YQ
Jeckyll Road NR18 0GD
Jutland Rise NR18 0YR
Kitchener Close NR18 0YS
Mann Close NR18 0WR
Norwich Road NR18 0SS NR18 0SX NR18 0YT
Ollett Court NR18 0GJ
Pond Way NR18 0XD
Poppy Street NR18 0YU
Reeve Way NR18 0GL
Simpson Way NR18 0XE
Slopers Road NR18 0SD
Somme Close NR18 0YW
Sutton Drive NR18 0YP
Swatman Grove NR18 0GN
The Drive NR18 0SY
Tipperary Avenue NR18 0ZA
Tuttles Lane East NR18 0EP NR18 0EW
Wilfred Owen Mews NR18 0ZB
Woodland Court NR18 0WL
NR18 0GP

Transport near North Wymondham

Frequently asked questions about North Wymondham

What is the average price for a property for sale in North Wymondham?

The average price for a property for sale in North Wymondham is £308,378. This amount is 3% lower than the average price in Wymondham. There are 1,340 property listings for sale in North Wymondham.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in North Wymondham?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in North Wymondham are The Drive at an average of £799,950, Norwich Road at an average of £515,000 and Mann Close at an average of £460,000.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in North Wymondham?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in North Wymondham are Bartram Close at an average of £208,166, Chamberlain Rise at an average of £209,000 and Butler Gardens at an average of £226,000.

Which train stations are available in or near North Wymondham?

Some of the train stations available in or near North Wymondham are Wymondham, Spooner Row and Attleborough.

Property Price Paid in North Wymondham by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £328,666
9 Properties
2023 £318,826
34 Properties
2022 £312,060
58 Properties
2021 £299,326
83 Properties
2020 £253,601
82 Properties
2019 £268,689
113 Properties
2018 £291,053
104 Properties
2017 £266,290
110 Properties
2016 £254,049
91 Properties
2015 £308,488
46 Properties
2014 £221,645
35 Properties
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in North Wymondham

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Semi Detached House £257,141.00 52 Semi Detached Houses
Detached House £380,855.00 91 Detached Houses
Terraced House £219,314.00 35 Terraced Houses
Flat £172,750.00 6 Flats
Source: Land Registry