Houses for sale & to rent in East Marsh, Grimsby

House Prices in East Marsh

Properties in East Marsh have an average house price of £69,225.00 and had 530 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
East Marsh is an area in Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire with 5,312 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £235,000.00.

Properties for sale in East Marsh


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Roads and Postcodes in East Marsh

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in East Marsh, Grimsby for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Acton Court DN32 7ES
Albert Close DN32 7HS
Albert Place DN32 7DW
Albert Street West DN32 7SJ DN32 7SL
Albion Street DN32 7DY DN32 7DL DN32 7DX DN32 7EW
Appleby Court DN32 7ET
Arnold Court DN32 7EU
Art College Mews DN32 9XB
Auckland Road DN31 3RP
Banbury Court DN32 7ER
Belper Court DN32 7EP
Bexley Court DN31 3DS
Bluestone Close DN32 7FD
Bodiam Way DN32 7ED
Bradley Street DN32 9BL
Bradman Court DN32 7TB
Buller Street DN32 8BL DN32 8BW
Buttermere Way DN32 7EH
Calvi Court DN32 7TA
Carr Lane DN32 8AS
Casswell Close DN32 7SA
Castle Street DN32 7LA DN32 7LB DN32 7LG DN32 7LP DN32 7LW
Cavendish Way DN32 9HA
Charles Hume Court DN32 7SD
Church Street DN32 7DD DN32 7SR
Churchill Way DN32 9EZ DN32 9HB
Cleethorpe Road DN31 3AX DN31 3BE DN31 3BH DN31 3BL DN31 3BP DN31 3BU DN31 3EW DN31 3HW DN31 3AY DN31 3BY DN31 3DA DN31 3DH DN31 3DW DN31 3EF DN31 3ER DN31 3ET DN31 3EU
Columbia Road DN32 8EA DN32 8EB
Comber Place DN32 7HP
Convamore Road DN32 9ED DN32 9EB DN32 9AL
Cooper Road DN32 8DF DN32 8DG DN32 8DH DN32 8DQ
Cope Street DN32 7FB
Cross Street DN31 3PU
Derby Close DN32 7RA
Duke Street DN32 7RT DN32 7RU
Duncombe Gardens DN32 7SQ
Duncombe Street DN32 7EG DN32 7SG
Durban Road DN32 8AT DN32 8AU DN32 8AY DN32 8BA DN32 8BD DN32 8BX
East Side DN31 3NB
Eastgate DN32 9BA
Eastmarsh Street DN32 9BD
Eleanor Street DN32 8AF DN32 8AL DN32 9DT DN32 9EA DN32 9DN DN32 9UT
Ellis Way DN32 9AA
Fairmont Road DN32 8DU DN32 8DX DN32 8DY DN32 8DZ
Fish Dock Road DN31 3NN DN31 3PD
Frank Walsham Court DN32 7NN
Fraser Street DN32 8AQ
Freeman Street DN32 7AA DN32 7AB DN32 7AG DN32 7AJ DN32 7AP DN32 7AS DN32 9DR DN32 9DW DN32 7AE DN32 7AH DN32 7AQ DN32 7AR DN32 7AT
Garibaldi Street DN32 7DU
George Janney Court DN32 7QE
Grafton Street DN32 7RN DN32 7RP DN32 7RR DN32 7RW
Guildford Street DN32 7PL DN32 7PP
Hainton Avenue DN32 9AS DN32 9BB DN32 9AJ DN32 9AY
Hamilton Street DN32 7QZ DN32 7RH DN32 7RE
Hanson Way DN32 7NL
Hardys Court DN32 8EF
Harlech Way DN32 7EE
Harold Street DN32 7LR DN32 7NB DN32 7NQ
Hendron Mews DN32 8HU
Heneage Road DN32 9DZ DN32 9ES DN32 9AH DN32 9HD DN32 9HE
Heritage Mews DN32 8HX
Hilda Street DN32 7JB
Hildyard Street DN32 7LU DN32 7LX DN32 7NJ
Holles Street DN32 9DL
Holme Street DN32 9AD
Hope Street DN32 7QL DN32 7AZ
Humber Bank South DN31 3SD
Humber Bridge Road DN31 3AS DN31 3SQ
Humber Street DN31 3HL
Humberstone Road DN32 8AZ DN32 8BP DN32 8DP DN32 8DR DN32 8HR
Hutton Road DN31 3PS
Julian Street DN32 8BG DN32 8BH
Kathleen Rice Close DN32 7TF
Kent Street DN32 7DG DN32 7DH DN32 7DJ
Kesgrave Street DN31 3BT DN31 3HG
Kingsgate DN32 8GA
Ladysmith Road DN32 9EF DN32 9EH DN32 9EQ
Levington Street DN31 3HY
Maclure Street DN31 3NE
Mansel Street DN32 7QX
Mansfield Court DN31 3DX
Marlborough Close DN32 7JD
Marsden Road DN31 3SG
Milford Court DN31 3DT
Millom Way DN32 7EJ
Munster Court DN31 3DU
Murray Street DN31 3RD
Nacton Street DN31 3HH
Nelson Street DN32 7DE DN32 7DS DN32 7SH
Newmarket Street DN32 7BP DN32 7SF
Norfolk Court DN32 7JH
North Quay DN31 3SY
Orchard Drive DN32 7AW
Orwell Street DN31 3HB
Oxford Street DN32 7JE DN32 7NX DN32 7PB DN32 7PD DN32 7QH DN32 7QQ
Park Street DN32 7NS DN32 7NT DN32 7NU DN32 7QU DN31 3AU
Pasture Street DN32 9AB DN32 9EE DN32 9EP
Petchell Way DN32 7BL
Railway Street DN32 7BN DN32 7DA DN32 7DB
Riby Street DN31 3HF
Roberts Street DN32 8AW DN32 8AX DN32 8BT DN32 8BU DN32 8DS DN32 8DT DN32 8AD DN32 8AP
Robinson Street East DN32 9AE
Ross Mews DN32 8HT
Rowlandson Street DN31 3LG
Rutland Court DN32 7LD
Rutland Street DN31 3AF DN32 7LE DN32 7ND DN32 7NE DN32 7NF DN32 7NG DN32 7RS DN32 7LT
Salacon Way DN32 7PR
Seascale Walk DN32 7EL
Spencer Street DN31 3AA
Stanage Walk DN32 7EN
Stanley Street DN32 7LH DN32 7LJ DN32 7LL DN32 7LN DN32 7LQ DN32 7RF DN32 7RG DN32 7RQ DN32 8BS DN32 7BA
Stirling Street DN31 3AE
Strand Street DN32 7BD DN32 7BE
Suffolk Court DN32 7JG
Surrey Court DN32 7JQ
Sussex Court DN32 7JF
The Square DN32 7PG
Thesiger Street DN32 7DR
Thesiger Walk DN32 7DP
Thorold Street DN31 3AL
Tivoli Gardens DN32 7SE
Tom Hammond Way DN32 7QD
Trinity Street DN31 3AN
Tunnard Street DN32 7LS DN32 7LY DN32 7NA
Victor Street DN32 7PZ DN32 7QB DN32 7QW DN32 7QF DN32 7QN
Webster Way DN32 7QP
Weelsby Street DN32 7JW DN32 7PF DN32 7PQ DN32 7RY DN32 7RZ DN32 8AB DN32 8AE DN32 8BB DN32 8BE DN32 8BJ DN32 8BN DN32 8DJ DN32 8DL DN32 8DN DN32 7JL DN32 7RX
Wellington Court DN32 7JY
Wellington Street DN32 7BH DN32 7EQ DN32 7JN DN32 7JP DN32 7JR DN32 7JS DN32 7JT DN32 7JU DN32 7DZ DN32 7EA DN32 7EB DN32 7JX
Werneth Road DN32 7EF DN32 7FA DN32 7FE
Wesley Court DN32 7EX
Wharncliffe Road DN31 3QF DN31 3QJ DN31 3QL
Wickham Road DN31 3SL DN31 3SW
Willing Way DN32 7PJ
Willingham Street DN32 9BP
Windsor Court DN32 7EZ
Womersley Road DN31 3SH
Wood Street DN32 7BJ
Woodyard Court DN32 7JJ
Wordsworth Court DN32 7EY
Wragby Street DN32 8AA
DN32 7HB DN32 7HE DN32 7HW DN31 3QW DN32 7SB

Transport near East Marsh

Frequently asked questions about East Marsh

What is the average price for a property for sale in East Marsh?

The average price for a property for sale in East Marsh is £69,225. This amount is 55% lower than the average price in Grimsby. There are 1,430 property listings for sale in East Marsh.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in East Marsh?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in East Marsh are Carr Lane at an average of £190,000, Heneage Road at an average of £146,250 and Hardys Court at an average of £105,000.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in East Marsh?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in East Marsh are Rutland Court at an average of £20,500, Werneth Road at an average of £33,500 and Wellington Court at an average of £34,000.

Which train stations are available in or near East Marsh?

Some of the train stations available in or near East Marsh are New Clee, Grimsby Docks and Grimsby Town.

Property Price Paid in East Marsh by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £66,389
117 Properties
2023 £67,986
179 Properties
2022 £71,591
234 Properties
2021 £66,440
200 Properties
2020 £56,001
118 Properties
2019 £56,636
134 Properties
2018 £55,229
144 Properties
2017 £54,921
148 Properties
2016 £52,661
149 Properties
2015 £56,356
114 Properties
2014 £50,086
110 Properties
2013 £51,509
94 Properties
2012 £46,619
80 Properties
2011 £53,458
106 Properties
2010 £65,827
77 Properties
2009 £62,187
88 Properties
2008 £67,828
140 Properties
2007 £68,217
342 Properties
2006 £62,547
302 Properties
2005 £59,929
314 Properties
2004 £50,087
374 Properties
2003 £35,829
399 Properties
2002 £29,387
284 Properties
2001 £26,085
225 Properties
2000 £23,626
176 Properties
1999 £24,755
149 Properties
1998 £24,589
172 Properties
1997 £24,586
145 Properties
1996 £23,463
177 Properties
1995 £24,287
168 Properties
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in East Marsh

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Flat £43,957.00 14 Flats
Terraced House £67,884.00 488 Terraced Houses
Detached House £126,375.00 4 Detached Houses
Semi Detached House £101,699.00 24 Semi Detached Houses
Source: Land Registry