Houses for sale & to rent in Knaresborough King James, Knaresborough

House Prices in Knaresborough King James

Properties in Knaresborough King James have an average house price of £434,044.00 and had 336 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
Knaresborough King James is an area in Knaresborough, North Yorkshire with 2,023 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £3,800,000.00.

Properties for sale in Knaresborough King James


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Roads and Postcodes in Knaresborough King James

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Knaresborough King James, Knaresborough for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Abbey Crags Way HG5 8EF
Abbey Mill Gardens HG5 8ER
Abbey Mill View HG5 8ES
Abbey Road HG5 8HX HG5 8HY
Abbots Way HG5 8EU
Aspin Avenue HG5 8EJ
Aspin Chase HG5 8PH
Aspin Drive HG5 8HH HG5 8HQ
Aspin Gardens HG5 8HW
Aspin Grove HG5 8HJ
Aspin Lane HG5 8ED HG5 8EP HG5 8EX HG5 8HP
Aspin Oval HG5 8EL HG5 8EW
Aspin Park Crescent HG5 8EZ
Aspin Park Drive HG5 8EY
Aspin Park Lane HG5 8EN
Aspin Park Road HG5 8HF HG5 8HG
Aspin View HG5 8HN
Aspin Way HG5 8HL
Belmont Avenue HG5 8JH HG5 8JR
Belmont Grove HG5 8JG
Belmont Mews HG5 8BA
Belmont Terrace HG5 8JS
Belmont View HG5 8JJ
Bensons Yard HG5 8BL
Birkham View HG5 8JE
Blands Hill HG5 8JA
Bond End HG5 9AU HG5 9AW
Brewerton Street HG5 8AZ
Bridge Close HG5 8PN
Briggate HG5 8BH HG5 8BQ HG5 8PF
Byland Mews HG5 8HS
Cass Lane HG5 8JZ
Castle Ings Close HG5 8DJ
Castle Ings Gardens HG5 8DL
Castle Ings Road HG5 8DQ HG5 8FD
Castle Yard HG5 8AS
Castlegate HG5 8AR
Chadwick Park HG5 8QD
Cheapside HG5 8AX
Church Lane HG5 9AR
Claro Mews HG5 8BU HG5 8BW
Conyngham View HG5 9AT
Coronation Terrace HG5 8JN
Crag Lane HG5 8EE
Crestholme Close HG5 0SR
Farfield Avenue HG5 8HB HG5 8HT
Farfield Mount HG5 8HA
Finkle Street HG5 8AA
Fisher Gardens HG5 8BD
Forest Moor Drive HG5 8JT
Forest Moor Road HG5 8JP HG5 8JU HG5 8JY
Foundry Gardens HG5 8BB
Fountains Way HG5 8HU
Gracious Street HG5 8DS HG5 8DT
Green Dragon Yard HG5 8AU
Grimbald Road HG5 8HD
Grimbald Way HG5 8HR
High Street HG5 0ET HG5 0HB HG5 0HL
Hilton Lane HG5 8BF HG5 8BX
Hope Street HG5 8BG
Horsemill Square HG5 0AB
Iles Lane HG5 8DY
Jockey Lane HG5 0HF
King James Road HG5 8EB
Kirkgate HG5 8AD HG5 8BZ HG5 9AB
Kirkham Court HG5 8LB
March Avenue HG5 8DG
Market Place HG5 8AG HG5 8AL
Middleton Cottages HG5 8JD
Orchard Mews HG5 8PX
Quarry View HG5 8BJ
Rievaulx Avenue HG5 8LD
Rievaulx Close HG5 8NG
Rievaulx Court HG5 8NZ
South View HG5 8DH
Spital Croft HG5 8JB
St Roberts Gardens HG5 8EH
St Roberts Road HG5 8EQ
Station Road HG5 9AA
Stephenson Close HG5 8EG
Stockdale Close HG5 8EA
Stockdale Walk HG5 8DZ
The Bungalows HG5 8JQ
The Parsonage HG5 9AE
Thistle Hill HG5 8JW HG5 8LS
Union Street HG5 8DW
Vicarage Lane HG5 9AF
Walkers Fold HG5 8DN
Water Bag Bank HG5 9AD
Waterside HG5 8DE HG5 8DF HG5 9AZ
Wellington Street HG5 8BE
Wetherby Road HG5 8LG HG5 8LH HG5 8LJ HG5 8LL HG5 8LN HG5 8LQ
Whiteway Head HG5 8LE
Windsor Lane HG5 8DR HG5 8DX
York Place HG5 0AA
York Road HG5 0AH HG5 0SW HG5 0TT

Transport near Knaresborough King James

Frequently asked questions about Knaresborough King James

What is the average price for a property for sale in Knaresborough King James?

The average price for a property for sale in Knaresborough King James is £434,044. This amount is 8% higher than the average price in Knaresborough. There are 854 property listings for sale in Knaresborough King James.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Knaresborough King James?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Knaresborough King James are Spital Croft at an average of £1,175,625, Abbey Road at an average of £1,020,497 and Aspin Chase at an average of £842,500.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Knaresborough King James?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Knaresborough King James are Market Place at an average of £170,000, Stockdale Close at an average of £175,000 and Hilton Lane at an average of £187,833.

Which train stations are available in or near Knaresborough King James?

Some of the train stations available in or near Knaresborough King James are Knaresborough, Starbeck and Hornbeam Park.

Property Price Paid in Knaresborough King James by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £427,805
44 Properties
2023 £422,770
73 Properties
2022 £432,033
89 Properties
2021 £443,863
130 Properties
2020 £324,475
77 Properties
2019 £366,446
79 Properties
2018 £309,144
80 Properties
2017 £311,646
84 Properties
2016 £318,091
79 Properties
2015 £272,720
76 Properties
2014 £306,244
91 Properties
2013 £258,846
69 Properties
2012 £223,691
62 Properties
2011 £272,192
66 Properties
2010 £265,433
54 Properties
2009 £245,305
83 Properties
2008 £301,771
63 Properties
2007 £314,551
117 Properties
2006 £273,514
116 Properties
2005 £243,020
94 Properties
2004 £220,424
103 Properties
2003 £205,090
106 Properties
2002 £173,933
95 Properties
2001 £140,426
98 Properties
2000 £119,653
103 Properties
1999 £98,489
89 Properties
1998 £100,821
83 Properties
1997 £86,890
136 Properties
1996 £90,460
110 Properties
1995 £79,228
69 Properties
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Knaresborough King James

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Semi Detached House £369,920.00 82 Semi Detached Houses
Detached House £611,112.00 138 Detached Houses
Terraced House £286,614.00 89 Terraced Houses
Flat £209,750.00 27 Flats
Source: Land Registry