Houses for sale & to rent in YO41 1JZ, Ryedale South West, York

House Prices in YO41 1JZ, Ryedale South West

Properties in YO41 1JZ have no sales history available within the last 3 years. YO41 1JZ is a postcode in Ryedale South West, an area in York, North Yorkshire, with 15 households².

Price Paid in YO41 1JZ, Ryedale South West

SAWMILL HOUSE YO41 1JZ, Ryedale South West York

Property SAWMILL HOUSE has been sold 3 times. The last time it was sold was in 23/07/2021 and the sold price was £815,000.00.

This is a Detached House which was sold as a freehold in 23/07/2021

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
23/07/2021 £815,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building
11/04/2014 £560,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building
20/12/2001 £390,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

PARK GATE YO41 1JZ, Ryedale South West York

Property PARK GATE has been sold 2 times. The last time it was sold was in 26/03/2021 and the sold price was £1,200,000.00.

This is a Detached House which was sold as a freehold in 26/03/2021

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
26/03/2021 £1,200,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building
21/08/2013 £835,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

THE DOVECOT, 7 YO41 1JZ, Ryedale South West York

Property THE DOVECOT, 7 has been sold 2 times. The last time it was sold was in 14/12/2020 and the sold price was £640,000.00.

This is a Terraced House which was sold as a freehold in 14/12/2020

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
14/12/2020 £640,000.00 Terraced House freehold Established Building
31/01/2014 £570,000.00 Terraced House freehold Established Building

5 YO41 1JZ, Ryedale South West York

Property 5 has been sold 2 times. The last time it was sold was in 08/11/2017 and the sold price was £610,000.00.

This detached house, sold as a freehold on 08/11/2017, is a 166 sqm detached house with an EPC rating of E.

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
08/11/2017 £610,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building
16/11/1995 £175,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

THE NOOK YO41 1JZ, Ryedale South West York

Property THE NOOK has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 22/09/2017 and the sold price was £795,000.00.

This other property, sold as a freehold on 22/09/2017, is a 192 sqm detached house with an EPC rating of F.

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
22/09/2017 £795,000.00 Other Property freehold Established Building

WOODLANDS YO41 1JZ, Ryedale South West York

Property WOODLANDS has been sold 2 times. The last time it was sold was in 27/09/2013 and the sold price was £850,000.00.

This detached house, sold as a freehold on 27/09/2013, is a 282 sqm detached house with an EPC rating of C.

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
27/09/2013 £850,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building
14/02/2003 £635,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

HOME FARM YO41 1JZ, Ryedale South West York

Property HOME FARM has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 10/04/2008 and the sold price was £994,129.00.

This detached house, sold as a freehold on 10/04/2008, is a 484 sqm detached house with an EPC rating of F.

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
10/04/2008 £994,129.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

PARK VIEW YO41 1JZ, Ryedale South West York

Property PARK VIEW has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 27/06/2007 and the sold price was £705,000.00.

This detached house, sold as a freehold on 27/06/2007, is a 280 sqm detached house with an EPC rating of D.

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
27/06/2007 £705,000.00 Detached House freehold New Build

PINEWOOD LODGE YO41 1JZ, Ryedale South West York

Property PINEWOOD LODGE has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 27/05/2002 and the sold price was £290,000.00.

This is a Detached House which was sold as a freehold in 27/05/2002

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
27/05/2002 £290,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

7 Sand Hutton, YO41 1JZ, Ryedale South West York

This is a 141 square meter Semi-detached House with an EPC rating of G. Currently, there is no transaction history available for this property.

Transport near YO41 1JZ

House price paid reports for YO41 1JZ

Click on the buttons below to see price paid reports by year or property price:

Property Price Paid in YO41 1JZ by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2021 £1,007,500
2 Properties
2020 £640,000
1 Property
2017 £610,000
1 Property
2014 £565,000
2 Properties
2013 £842,500
2 Properties
2008 £994,129
1 Property
2007 £705,000
1 Property
2003 £635,000
1 Property
2002 £290,000
1 Property
2001 £390,000
1 Property
1995 £175,000
1 Property
Source: Land Registry