Houses for sale & to rent in NN12 6LD, Northampton Road, Towcester Mill, Towcester
House Prices in NN12 6LD, Northampton Road, Towcester Mill
Properties in NN12 6LD have no sales history available within the last 3 years. NN12 6LD is a postcode in Northampton Road located in Towcester Mill, an area in Towcester, Northamptonshire, with 0 household².
Properties for sale near NN12 6LD, Northampton Road
Price Paid in Northampton Road, NN12 6LD, Towcester Mill
ROMAN CORNER FLAT 6 Northampton Road, NN12 6LD, Towcester Mill Towcester
Property ROMAN CORNER FLAT 6 has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 08/11/2021 and the sold price was £130,000.00.
This is a Flat which was sold as a leasehold in 08/11/2021
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
08/11/2021 | £130,000.00 | Flat | leasehold | Established Building |
ROMAN CORNER FLAT 10 Northampton Road, NN12 6LD, Towcester Mill Towcester
Property ROMAN CORNER FLAT 10 has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 08/11/2021 and the sold price was £135,000.00.
This is a Flat which was sold as a leasehold in 08/11/2021
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
08/11/2021 | £135,000.00 | Flat | leasehold | Established Building |
ROMAN CORNER FLAT 16 Northampton Road, NN12 6LD, Towcester Mill Towcester
Property ROMAN CORNER FLAT 16 has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 08/11/2021 and the sold price was £129,000.00.
This is a Flat which was sold as a leasehold in 08/11/2021
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
08/11/2021 | £129,000.00 | Flat | leasehold | Established Building |
ROMAN CORNER FLAT 26 Northampton Road, NN12 6LD, Towcester Mill Towcester
Property ROMAN CORNER FLAT 26 has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 08/11/2021 and the sold price was £116,000.00.
This is a Flat which was sold as a leasehold in 08/11/2021
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
08/11/2021 | £116,000.00 | Flat | leasehold | Established Building |
ROMAN CORNER FLAT 26A Northampton Road, NN12 6LD, Towcester Mill Towcester
Property ROMAN CORNER FLAT 26A has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 08/11/2021 and the sold price was £113,000.00.
This is a Flat which was sold as a leasehold in 08/11/2021
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
08/11/2021 | £113,000.00 | Flat | leasehold | Established Building |
ROMAN CORNER FLAT 28 Northampton Road, NN12 6LD, Towcester Mill Towcester
Property ROMAN CORNER FLAT 28 has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 08/11/2021 and the sold price was £111,000.00.
This is a Flat which was sold as a leasehold in 08/11/2021
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
08/11/2021 | £111,000.00 | Flat | leasehold | Established Building |
ROMAN CORNER FLAT 18 Northampton Road, NN12 6LD, Towcester Mill Towcester
Property ROMAN CORNER FLAT 18 has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 08/11/2021 and the sold price was £121,000.00.
This is a Flat which was sold as a leasehold in 08/11/2021
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
08/11/2021 | £121,000.00 | Flat | leasehold | Established Building |
ROMAN CORNER FLAT 20 Northampton Road, NN12 6LD, Towcester Mill Towcester
Property ROMAN CORNER FLAT 20 has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 08/11/2021 and the sold price was £133,000.00.
This is a Flat which was sold as a leasehold in 08/11/2021
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
08/11/2021 | £133,000.00 | Flat | leasehold | Established Building |
ROMAN CORNER FLAT 22 Northampton Road, NN12 6LD, Towcester Mill Towcester
Property ROMAN CORNER FLAT 22 has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 08/11/2021 and the sold price was £116,000.00.
This is a Flat which was sold as a leasehold in 08/11/2021
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
08/11/2021 | £116,000.00 | Flat | leasehold | Established Building |
ROMAN CORNER FLAT 24 Northampton Road, NN12 6LD, Towcester Mill Towcester
Property ROMAN CORNER FLAT 24 has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 08/11/2021 and the sold price was £119,000.00.
This is a Flat which was sold as a leasehold in 08/11/2021
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
08/11/2021 | £119,000.00 | Flat | leasehold | Established Building |
ROMAN CORNER FLAT 8 Northampton Road, NN12 6LD, Towcester Mill Towcester
Property ROMAN CORNER FLAT 8 has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 08/11/2021 and the sold price was £121,000.00.
This is a Flat which was sold as a leasehold in 08/11/2021
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
08/11/2021 | £121,000.00 | Flat | leasehold | Established Building |
ROMAN CORNER FLAT 12 Northampton Road, NN12 6LD, Towcester Mill Towcester
Property ROMAN CORNER FLAT 12 has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 08/11/2021 and the sold price was £116,000.00.
This is a Flat which was sold as a leasehold in 08/11/2021
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
08/11/2021 | £116,000.00 | Flat | leasehold | Established Building |
ROMAN CORNER FLAT 14 Northampton Road, NN12 6LD, Towcester Mill Towcester
Property ROMAN CORNER FLAT 14 has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 08/11/2021 and the sold price was £119,000.00.
This is a Flat which was sold as a leasehold in 08/11/2021
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
08/11/2021 | £119,000.00 | Flat | leasehold | Established Building |
ROMAN CORNER FLAT 28A Northampton Road, NN12 6LD, Towcester Mill Towcester
Property ROMAN CORNER FLAT 28A has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 08/11/2021 and the sold price was £121,000.00.
This is a Flat which was sold as a leasehold in 08/11/2021
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
08/11/2021 | £121,000.00 | Flat | leasehold | Established Building |
Postcodes in Northampton Road, Towcester Mill
Navigate through other locations in Northampton Road, Towcester Mill, Towcester to see more property listings for sale or to rent.
Transport near NN12 6LD, Northampton Road
Northampton Station
Wolverton Station
Milton Keynes Central Station
Long Buckby Station
Bletchley Station
King's Sutton Station
Fenny Stratford Station
House price paid reports for NN12 6LD, Northampton Road
Click on the buttons below to see price paid reports by year or property price:
- Price Paid By Year
Property Price Paid in NN12 6LD, Northampton Road by Year
The average sold property price by year was:
Year | Average Sold Price | Price Change |
Sold Properties
2021 | £121,428 | - |
14 Properties |