Houses for sale & to rent in BA5 3EX, Chewton Mendip And Ston Easton, Wells

House Prices in BA5 3EX, Chewton Mendip And Ston Easton

Properties in BA5 3EX have no sales history available within the last 3 years. BA5 3EX is a postcode in Chewton Mendip And Ston Easton, an area in Wells, Somerset, with 0 household².

Price Paid in BA5 3EX, Chewton Mendip And Ston Easton

BENDALLS FARM BA5 3EX, Chewton Mendip And Ston Easton Wells

Property BENDALLS FARM has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 18/12/2015 and the sold price was £1,130,000.00.

This is a Other Property which was sold as a freehold in 18/12/2015

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
18/12/2015 £1,130,000.00 Other Property freehold Established Building