Houses for sale & to rent in Stonefield And Christchurch, Stone

House Prices in Stonefield And Christchurch

Properties in Stonefield And Christchurch have an average house price of £242,031.00 and had 289 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
Stonefield And Christchurch is an area in Stone, Staffordshire with 2,369 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £825,000.00.

Properties for sale in Stonefield And Christchurch


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Roads and Postcodes in Stonefield And Christchurch

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Stonefield And Christchurch, Stone for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Abbey Street ST15 8PA
Airdale Grove ST15 8JL
Airdale Road ST15 8DP ST15 8DW
Airdale Spinney ST15 8AZ
Albert Street ST15 8HQ
Alexandra Street ST15 8HL
Alma Street ST15 8EX
Anderton View ST15 8ZP
Arthur Street ST15 8HW
Barnton Edge ST15 8ZR
Beech Court ST15 8QG
Bentley Close ST15 8ZW
Berkeley Street ST15 8LS
Brindley Close ST15 8ZL
Caldon Way ST15 8ZX
Cedar Park ST15 8PE
Chandlers Way ST15 8LY
Chestnut Court ST15 8GU
Chestnut Grove ST15 8GP
Church Close ST15 8BP
Church Street ST15 8BD ST15 8BW
Claremont Close ST15 8QE
Coppice Gardens ST15 8BL
Coppice Road ST15 8BJ
Cressey Close ST15 8ZT
Cross Street ST15 8DH
Crown Street ST15 8EF
Darwin Close ST15 8GR
Dixon Close ST15 8GN
Dominic Court ST15 8EH
Edward Street ST15 8HN
Elmhurst Way ST15 8EY
Field Terrace ST15 8HG
Fieldhouse Court ST15 8YL
Granville Terrace ST15 8DF ST15 8DN
Hampson Court ST15 8TS
Harding Grove ST15 8GT
Harecastle Bank ST15 8ZU
Hartley Drive ST15 8WH
High Street ST15 8AJ ST15 8AW
Joules Drive ST15 8ZS
Kent Grove ST15 8LN
Kings Avenue ST15 8EG ST15 8HD
Lichfield Road ST15 8PG
Lichfield Street ST15 8BB ST15 8NA ST15 8NB
Limelock Court ST15 8GX
Longton Road ST15 8DJ ST15 8DL ST15 8DQ
Margaret Street ST15 8EL
Meaford Avenue ST15 8LT
Mill Street ST15 8AY ST15 8BA
Millennium Way ST15 8ZQ
Millers Gate ST15 8ZF
Mount Avenue ST15 8HU ST15 8LW
Mount Crescent ST15 8LR
Mount Road ST15 8DD ST15 8HA ST15 8LH ST15 8LJ ST15 8LP
Mount Street ST15 8HT
Navigation Loop ST15 8YU ST15 8ZH
Newcastle Road ST15 0PS ST15 8LB ST15 8LD ST15 8LF ST15 8LG
Newcastle Street ST15 8JT ST15 8JX
Nicholls Lane ST15 8UA
Norbury Court ST15 8GY
Northesk Street ST15 8EP
Oddfellows ST15 8YQ
Old Rectory Road ST15 8PF
Old Road ST15 8HR ST15 8HS ST15 8HX ST15 8JE ST15 8JH
Oulton Grove ST15 8WB
Oulton Mews ST15 8WP
Oulton Road ST15 8DR ST15 8DS ST15 8DX ST15 8DY ST15 8DZ ST15 8EB
Princes Street ST15 8HY ST15 8HZ
Queens Square ST15 8JA
Radford Close ST15 8EE
Radford Street ST15 8DA
Rangeley View ST15 8YZ
Redhill Gardens ST15 8BH
Redhill Road ST15 8BE ST15 8BG
Regent Street ST15 8EU
Rendel Grove ST15 8ZN
Riverside Grove ST15 8WJ
Rolt Close ST15 8YX
Rudyard Close ST15 8ZJ
Saltersford Rise ST15 8ZY
St Georges Road ST15 8BS
St Michaels Close ST15 8LZ
Stafford Street ST15 8QW ST15 8QZ
Station Road ST15 8ER ST15 8ES ST15 8EW
The Avenue ST15 8DG
The Crescent ST15 8JN
The Hempbutts ST15 8BT
Trent Close ST15 0GY
Trent Court ST15 0GZ
Trent Road ST15 8LE
Trinity Drive ST15 8ET
Tunley Street ST15 8HB
Victor Street ST15 8HH ST15 8HJ
Victoria Street ST15 8HP
White Hart Court ST15 8JJ
Whitebridge Lane ST15 8LQ
York Street ST15 8DU ST15 8JB

Transport near Stonefield And Christchurch

Frequently asked questions about Stonefield And Christchurch

What is the average price for a property for sale in Stonefield And Christchurch?

The average price for a property for sale in Stonefield And Christchurch is £242,031. This amount is 13% lower than the average price in Stone. There are 1,190 property listings for sale in Stonefield And Christchurch.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Stonefield And Christchurch?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Stonefield And Christchurch are Oulton Grove at an average of £728,750, Elmhurst Way at an average of £670,000 and Hartley Drive at an average of £612,500.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Stonefield And Christchurch?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Stonefield And Christchurch are Edward Street at an average of £108,250, Abbey Street at an average of £115,790 and Stafford Street at an average of £118,440.

Which train stations are available in or near Stonefield And Christchurch?

Some of the train stations available in or near Stonefield And Christchurch are Stone, Blythe Bridge and Longton.

Property Price Paid in Stonefield And Christchurch by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £266,261
71 Properties
2023 £244,805
90 Properties
2022 £226,641
128 Properties
2021 £244,773
122 Properties
2020 £236,871
103 Properties
2019 £204,634
89 Properties
2018 £202,754
107 Properties
2017 £219,719
133 Properties
2016 £208,312
141 Properties
2015 £200,958
110 Properties
2014 £175,223
136 Properties
2013 £195,856
124 Properties
2012 £195,332
98 Properties
2011 £168,195
90 Properties
2010 £164,549
82 Properties
2009 £162,302
96 Properties
2008 £183,908
129 Properties
2007 £184,143
175 Properties
2006 £190,254
202 Properties
2005 £168,826
136 Properties
2004 £158,285
170 Properties
2003 £162,674
223 Properties
2002 £130,939
233 Properties
2001 £102,700
216 Properties
2000 £86,345
139 Properties
1999 £90,731
109 Properties
1998 £64,669
116 Properties
1997 £65,180
122 Properties
1996 £53,508
83 Properties
1995 £68,587
66 Properties
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Stonefield And Christchurch

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Semi Detached House £256,606.00 43 Semi Detached Houses
Detached House £483,415.00 48 Detached Houses
Terraced House £200,312.00 112 Terraced Houses
Flat £154,350.00 86 Flats
Source: Land Registry