Houses for sale & to rent in Sunderland, Sunderland
House Prices in Sunderland
Properties in Sunderland have an average house price of £143,835.00 and had 6,431 Property Transactions within the last 3 years.¹
Sunderland is an area in Sunderland with 76,176 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £2,363,566.00.
Properties for sale in Sunderland
Neighbourhoods in Sunderland
Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Sunderland, Sunderland for sale or to rent.
Transport in Sunderland
Please see below transportation links in this area:
Sunderland Station
Seaham Station
Heworth Station
Chester-Le-Street Station
Manors Station
Newcastle Station
Dunston Station
- Price Paid By Year
- Property Type Price
Frequently asked questions about Sunderland
What is the average price for a property for sale in Sunderland?
The average price for a property for sale in Sunderland is £143,835. This amount is 0.67% lower than the average price in Sunderland. There are more than 10,000 property listings for sale in Sunderland.
What locations have the most expensive properties for sale in Sunderland?
The locations with the most expensive properties for sale in Sunderland are Shiney Row at an average of £313,750, Fulwell at an average of £213,818 and Doxford at an average of £208,626.
What locations have the most affordable properties for sale in Sunderland?
The locations with the most affordable properties for sale in Sunderland are Hendon at an average of £89,854, Redhill at an average of £99,254 and Millfield at an average of £102,798.
Which train stations are available in or near Sunderland?
Some of the train stations available in or near Sunderland are Sunderland, Seaham and Heworth.
Property Price Paid in Sunderland by Year
The average sold property price by year was:
Year | Average Sold Price | Price Change |
Sold Properties
2024 | £141,145 | 1% |
1,547 Properties |
2023 | £139,497 | -7% |
2,113 Properties |
2022 | £148,644 | 4% |
2,771 Properties |
2021 | £143,196 | 8% |
2,950 Properties |
2020 | £131,204 | 2% |
2,236 Properties |
2019 | £128,755 | 2% |
2,438 Properties |
2018 | £126,699 | 0,5% |
2,286 Properties |
2017 | £126,108 | 3% |
2,237 Properties |
2016 | £122,667 | 0,4% |
2,187 Properties |
2015 | £122,139 | 4% |
2,100 Properties |
2014 | £117,185 | -0,1% |
2,086 Properties |
2013 | £117,270 | - |
1,655 Properties |
2012 | £117,232 | 1% |
1,409 Properties |
2011 | £116,007 | -7% |
1,454 Properties |
2010 | £123,770 | 3% |
1,348 Properties |
2009 | £119,762 | -8% |
1,290 Properties |
2008 | £128,868 | 0,4% |
1,762 Properties |
2007 | £128,382 | 5% |
3,706 Properties |
2006 | £122,487 | 4% |
3,729 Properties |
2005 | £117,763 | 7% |
3,299 Properties |
2004 | £109,727 | 24% |
3,666 Properties |
2003 | £83,934 | 22% |
3,517 Properties |
2002 | £65,251 | 12% |
3,346 Properties |
2001 | £57,343 | 9% |
3,051 Properties |
2000 | £52,245 | -1% |
2,664 Properties |
1999 | £52,595 | 5% |
2,600 Properties |
1998 | £49,845 | 3% |
2,409 Properties |
1997 | £48,245 | 6% |
2,221 Properties |
1996 | £45,309 | 6% |
2,029 Properties |
1995 | £42,702 | - |
1,880 Properties |
Property Price per Property Type in Sunderland
Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.
The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:
Property Type | Average Sold Price | Sold Properties |
Terraced House | £117,544.00 | 2,829 Terraced Houses |
Flat | £90,493.00 | 670 Flats |
Semi Detached House | £157,291.00 | 2,412 Semi Detached Houses |
Detached House | £293,176.00 | 520 Detached Houses |