Houses for sale & to rent in Billingshurst, Billingshurst

House Prices in Billingshurst

Properties in Billingshurst have an average house price of £435,162.00 and had 130 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
Billingshurst is an area in Billingshurst, West Sussex with 176 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £715,000.00.

Properties for sale in Billingshurst


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Roads and Postcodes in Billingshurst

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Billingshurst, Billingshurst for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Adversane Caravan Park RH14 9GZ
Arun Crescent RH14 9GP
Ash Lane RH14 9XG
Barnfield RH14 9ZT
Becks Way RH14 9ZD
Bowling Lane RH14 9FT
Briar Lane RH14 9XN
Broadford Bridge RH14 9EL
Brookers Road RH14 9GF
Centurion Close RH14 9UW
Challen Street RH14 9FR
Chamberlain Close RH14 9ZF
Cleve Way RH14 9RD RH14 9SB
Coneyhurst Road RH14 9FG
Dadswell Drive RH14 9YX
Daux Road RH14 9SH RH14 9SJ RH14 9SR
Eagle Trading Estate RH14 9YZ
East Street RH14 9QH
Evershed Close RH14 9ZG
Farhall Close RH14 9FB
Field End RH14 9XE
Frewen Close RH14 9ZH
Garman Way RH14 9YS
Gillmans Industrial Estate RH14 9EZ
Griffin Close RH14 9GS
Hawthorn Way RH14 9GX
Henshaw Way RH14 9FP
High Street RH14 9NT
Hilland Road RH14 9FS
Huffwood Trading Estate RH14 9UR
Ingfield Manor Drive RH14 9AU RH14 9AX
Laburnum Way RH14 9XU
Longhurst Drive RH14 9XP RH14 9XR
Lordings Road RH14 9JE RH14 9NA
Manor Close RH14 9GR
Meadow Close RH14 9FU
Mill Lane RH14 9JZ
Muggeridge Road RH14 9YY
Myrtle Close RH14 9XF
New Road RH14 9DU
Newbridge Road RH14 9HZ
Newbridge Road East RH14 9LR
Newman Way RH14 9ZP
Oak Road RH14 9XH
Okehurst Road RH14 9HS
Owl Close RH14 9XJ
Pond Close RH14 9HY
Puttock Way RH14 9ZJ
Randall Way RH14 9ZQ
Rhodes Way RH14 9ZL RH14 9ZN
Roman Way RH14 9QW RH14 9QZ
Stane Street RH14 9AE RH14 9HP RH14 9JP RH14 9LY RH14 9LZ
Stanley Mews RH14 9FA
Station Road RH14 9RX RH14 9RY
The Brambles RH14 9US
Truelove Gardens RH14 9ZR
Underwood Road RH14 9FE
West Chiltington Lane RH14 9DX
West Street RH14 9LW
Wood Croft RH14 9XL
Woodlands Close RH14 9AY
RH14 4AW RH14 4AS RH14 4AZ RH14 4BQ RH14 4BU RH14 4BX RH14 4BY RH14 4BZ RH14 4DA RH14 4DB RH14 4DD RH14 9DW RH14 9JU RH14 9XX RH14 9YE RH14 9YJ RH14 9YQ RH14 4DE RH14 4DL RH14 9FH RH14 9XQ RH14 9XS RH14 9XW RH14 9ZS

Transport near Billingshurst

Frequently asked questions about Billingshurst

What is the average price for a property for sale in Billingshurst?

The average price for a property for sale in Billingshurst is £435,162. This amount is 0.62% lower than the average price in Billingshurst. There are 708 property listings for sale in Billingshurst.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Billingshurst?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Billingshurst are Stane Street at an average of £669,000, Newman Way at an average of £577,500 and Longhurst Drive at an average of £554,500.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Billingshurst?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Billingshurst are Meadow Close at an average of £107,750, Frewen Close at an average of £211,750 and Challen Street at an average of £335,500.

Which train stations are available in or near Billingshurst?

Some of the train stations available in or near Billingshurst are Billingshurst, Christ's Hospital and Pulborough.

Property Price Paid in Billingshurst by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £477,875
12 Properties
2023 £433,818
25 Properties
2022 £413,095
34 Properties
2021 £439,762
59 Properties
2020 £420,206
98 Properties
2019 £434,477
129 Properties
2018 £427,923
94 Properties
2017 £666,000
11 Properties
2016 £412,794
71 Properties
2015 £393,215
37 Properties
2014 £353,328
14 Properties
2012 £265,000
1 Property
2010 £233,000
1 Property
2000 £273,125
2 Properties
1995 £30,000
1 Property
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Billingshurst

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Semi Detached House £389,174.00 47 Semi Detached Houses
Detached House £499,741.00 62 Detached Houses
Terraced House £372,657.00 19 Terraced Houses
Flat £107,750.00 2 Flats
Source: Land Registry