Houses for sale & to rent in Pound Hill North & Forge Wood, Crawley

House Prices in Pound Hill North & Forge Wood

Properties in Pound Hill North & Forge Wood have an average house price of £361,222.00 and had 140 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
Pound Hill North & Forge Wood is an area in Crawley, West Sussex with 42 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £1,500,000.00.

Properties for sale in Pound Hill North & Forge Wood


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Roads and Postcodes in Pound Hill North & Forge Wood

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Pound Hill North & Forge Wood, Crawley for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Aquamarine Close RH10 3GT
Balcombe Road RH10 3NZ
Barnham Close RH10 3ZN
Bastable Street RH10 2AB RH10 2AF RH10 2AR
Beryl Close RH10 3YD
Buttermere Close RH10 3FA
Camellia Close RH10 3PF
Charlbury Road RH10 3ZE
Citrine Close RH10 3GY
Cornwell Avenue RH10 3FB RH10 3FE RH10 3FF RH10 3FG RH10 2AG RH10 2AH RH10 2AJ RH10 2AL RH10 2AN RH10 2AP RH10 2AQ RH10 3SJ
Crommock Street RH10 3FJ RH10 3FL
Crosswater Road RH10 3WD
Curie Close RH10 2AE
Daffodil Crescent RH10 3GJ RH10 3GN RH10 3GP RH10 3GQ RH10 3UY
Dowlen Close RH10 3WA
Eames Way RH10 3FY RH10 3WQ RH10 3XS RH10 3YS RH10 3YX
Emerald Road RH10 3FZ
Foxglove Drive RH10 3GW RH10 3XR
Geranium Close RH10 3GR
Grattons Drive RH10 3AE RH10 3BB
Grouse Grange RH10 3FN
Hammingden Court RH10 3FR
Hightrees Way RH10 3WE
Honour Way RH10 3YG RH10 3YZ
Jade Way RH10 3GG
Jasper Drive RH10 3YA
Killick Close RH10 3GB RH10 3GZ RH10 3WF RH10 3WL
Lakeview RH10 3SS RH10 3HQ
Leafield Close RH10 3ZD
Moore Road RH10 2AA RH10 2AS RH10 3WU RH10 3YF
Nutbourne Mews RH10 3ZL
Onyx Close RH10 3GH
Poppy Way RH10 3FU
Portfield Close RH10 3ZH
Primula Close RH10 3YJ
Radford Road RH10 3NR
Rickmans Avenue RH10 3ZF
Riverside Walk RH10 3SZ
Robinson Crescent RH10 3ES
Sangster Close RH10 3GL
Somerley Drive RH10 3FD RH10 3SU RH10 3SW RH10 3SX RH10 3SY RH10 3ZR RH10 3ZS
Spinel Street RH10 3GA
Steers Lane RH10 3NP RH10 3ST
Sunflower Way RH10 3YU
Tulip Close RH10 3FX
Ullswater Road RH10 3FH RH10 3ZT
Valley Drive RH10 3WB
Watersfield Road RH10 3ZJ
Whiteoak Close RH10 3XJ
Wimblehurst Road RH10 3ZP
Windermere Close RH10 3EA
Wisteria Drive RH10 3GX
Worth Park Avenue RH10 3DF
Worthington Close RH10 2AD

Transport near Pound Hill North & Forge Wood

Frequently asked questions about Pound Hill North & Forge Wood

What is the average price for a property for sale in Pound Hill North & Forge Wood?

The average price for a property for sale in Pound Hill North & Forge Wood is £361,222. This amount is 0.5% lower than the average price in Crawley. There are 819 property listings for sale in Pound Hill North & Forge Wood.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Pound Hill North & Forge Wood?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Pound Hill North & Forge Wood are Balcombe Road at an average of £1,500,000, Wisteria Drive at an average of £845,000 and Portfield Close at an average of £534,000.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Pound Hill North & Forge Wood?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Pound Hill North & Forge Wood are Tulip Close at an average of £252,012, Hammingden Court at an average of £252,636 and Cornwell Avenue at an average of £276,227.

Which train stations are available in or near Pound Hill North & Forge Wood?

Some of the train stations available in or near Pound Hill North & Forge Wood are Three Bridges, Gatwick Airport and Horley.

Property Price Paid in Pound Hill North & Forge Wood by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £375,023
21 Properties
2023 £361,028
35 Properties
2022 £403,455
38 Properties
2021 £320,181
46 Properties
2020 £383,819
65 Properties
2019 £341,349
189 Properties
2018 £388,578
178 Properties
2017 £331,025
97 Properties
2016 £317,331
76 Properties
2015 £314,401
105 Properties
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Pound Hill North & Forge Wood

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Semi Detached House £401,725.00 40 Semi Detached Houses
Detached House £549,916.00 24 Detached Houses
Terraced House £354,940.00 20 Terraced Houses
Flat £253,666.00 56 Flats
Source: Land Registry