Houses for sale & to rent in KA27 8HN, Catacol, Ardrossan and Arran, Isle of Arran

House Prices in KA27 8HN, Catacol, Ardrossan and Arran

Properties in KA27 8HN have an average house price of £244,500.00 and had 3 Property Transactions within the last 3 years.¹ KA27 8HN is a postcode in Catacol located in Ardrossan and Arran, an area in Isle of Arran, North Ayrshire, with 12 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £370,000.00.

Price Paid in Catacol, KA27 8HN, Ardrossan and Arran

2 The Row Catacol, KA27 8HN, Ardrossan and Arran Isle of Arran

Property 2 The Row has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 31/03/2023 and the sold price was £220,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 31/03/2023

Date Price Classification
31/03/2023 £220,000.00 Established Building

11 The Row Catacol, KA27 8HN, Ardrossan and Arran Isle of Arran

Property 11 The Row has been sold 5 times. The last time it was sold was in 02/05/2022 and the sold price was £143,500.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 02/05/2022

Date Price Classification
02/05/2022 £143,500.00 Established Building
22/12/2015 £194,000.00 Established Building
12/08/2009 £107,500.00 Established Building
19/05/2008 £190,000.00 Established Building
05/02/2003 £93,125.00 Established Building

Bayvoyach Catacol, KA27 8HN, Ardrossan and Arran Isle of Arran

Property Bayvoyach has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 22/04/2022 and the sold price was £370,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 22/04/2022

Date Price Classification
22/04/2022 £370,000.00 Established Building

Arrandale Catacol, KA27 8HN, Ardrossan and Arran Isle of Arran

Property Arrandale has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 31/03/2021 and the sold price was £232,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 31/03/2021

Date Price Classification
31/03/2021 £232,000.00 Established Building

Colmar 1 A The Row Catacol, KA27 8HN, Ardrossan and Arran Isle of Arran

Property Colmar 1 A The Row has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 17/05/2019 and the sold price was £148,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 17/05/2019

Date Price Classification
17/05/2019 £148,000.00 Established Building

8 The Row Catacol, KA27 8HN, Ardrossan and Arran Isle of Arran

Property 8 The Row has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 01/02/2016 and the sold price was £205,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 01/02/2016

Date Price Classification
01/02/2016 £205,000.00 Established Building

12 The Row Catacol, KA27 8HN, Ardrossan and Arran Isle of Arran

Property 12 The Row has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 06/10/2015 and the sold price was £196,015.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 06/10/2015

Date Price Classification
06/10/2015 £196,015.00 Established Building

3 The Row Catacol, KA27 8HN, Ardrossan and Arran Isle of Arran

Property 3 The Row has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 09/05/2012 and the sold price was £200,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 09/05/2012

Date Price Classification
09/05/2012 £200,000.00 Established Building

The Crags Catacol, KA27 8HN, Ardrossan and Arran Isle of Arran

Property The Crags has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 10/11/2010 and the sold price was £235,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 10/11/2010

Date Price Classification
10/11/2010 £235,000.00 Established Building

Rossmore Catacol, KA27 8HN, Ardrossan and Arran Isle of Arran

Property Rossmore has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 09/07/2010 and the sold price was £240,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 09/07/2010

Date Price Classification
09/07/2010 £240,000.00 Established Building

Auchnamara Catacol, KA27 8HN, Ardrossan and Arran Isle of Arran

Property Auchnamara has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 24/10/2008 and the sold price was £240,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 24/10/2008

Date Price Classification
24/10/2008 £240,000.00 Established Building

Catacol Lochranza Catacol, KA27 8HN, Ardrossan and Arran Isle of Arran

Property Catacol Lochranza has been sold 2 times. The last time it was sold was in 09/07/2007 and the sold price was £157,678.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 09/07/2007

Date Price Classification
09/07/2007 £157,678.00 Established Building
09/01/2004 £150,000.00 Established Building

The Craw Catacol, KA27 8HN, Ardrossan and Arran Isle of Arran

Property The Craw has been sold 2 times. The last time it was sold was in 04/02/2004 and the sold price was £15,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 04/02/2004

Date Price Classification
04/02/2004 £15,000.00 Established Building
19/02/2002 £60,000.00 Established Building

Catacol Farmhouse Catacol, KA27 8HN, Ardrossan and Arran Isle of Arran

Property Catacol Farmhouse has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 25/11/2002 and the sold price was £227,500.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 25/11/2002

Date Price Classification
25/11/2002 £227,500.00 Established Building

Transport near KA27 8HN, Catacol

House price paid reports for KA27 8HN, Catacol

Click on the buttons below to see price paid reports by year or property price:

Property Price Paid in KA27 8HN, Catacol by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2023 £220,000
1 Property
2022 £256,750
2 Properties
2021 £232,000
1 Property
2019 £148,000
1 Property
2016 £205,000
1 Property
2015 £195,007
2 Properties
2012 £200,000
1 Property
2010 £237,500
2 Properties
2009 £107,500
1 Property
2008 £215,000
2 Properties
2007 £157,678
1 Property
2004 £82,500
2 Properties
2003 £93,125
1 Property
2002 £143,750
2 Properties
Source: Registers of Scotland