Houses for sale & to rent in ML4 2RP, Keynes Square, Mossend and Holytown, Bellshill
House Prices in ML4 2RP, Keynes Square, Mossend and Holytown
Properties in ML4 2RP have an average house price of £105,000.00 and had 1 Property Transaction within the last 3 years.¹ ML4 2RP is a postcode in Keynes Square located in Mossend and Holytown, an area in Bellshill, North Lanarkshire, with 11 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £105,000.00.
Properties for sale near ML4 2RP, Keynes Square
Previously listed properties near ML4 2RP, Keynes Square
Price Paid in Keynes Square, ML4 2RP, Mossend and Holytown
9 Keynes Square, ML4 2RP, Mossend and Holytown Bellshill
Property 9 has been sold 4 times. The last time it was sold was in 09/01/2023 and the sold price was £105,000.00.
This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 09/01/2023
Date | Price | Classification |
09/01/2023 | £105,000.00 | Established Building |
06/11/2018 | £73,500.00 | Established Building |
24/12/2010 | £74,000.00 | Established Building |
19/11/2007 | £70,000.00 | Established Building |
3 Keynes Square, ML4 2RP, Mossend and Holytown Bellshill
Property 3 has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 25/01/2021 and the sold price was £77,000.00.
This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 25/01/2021
Date | Price | Classification |
25/01/2021 | £77,000.00 | Established Building |
7 Keynes Square, ML4 2RP, Mossend and Holytown Bellshill
Property 7 has been sold 2 times. The last time it was sold was in 21/08/2018 and the sold price was £80,000.00.
This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 21/08/2018
Date | Price | Classification |
21/08/2018 | £80,000.00 | Established Building |
23/11/2006 | £88,000.00 | Established Building |
4 Keynes Square, ML4 2RP, Mossend and Holytown Bellshill
Property 4 has been sold 3 times. The last time it was sold was in 05/10/2017 and the sold price was £71,000.00.
This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 05/10/2017
Date | Price | Classification |
05/10/2017 | £71,000.00 | Established Building |
24/11/2006 | £78,000.00 | Established Building |
29/06/2004 | £53,500.00 | Established Building |
1 Keynes Square, ML4 2RP, Mossend and Holytown Bellshill
Property 1 has been sold 2 times. The last time it was sold was in 22/01/2014 and the sold price was £70,000.00.
This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 22/01/2014
Date | Price | Classification |
22/01/2014 | £70,000.00 | Established Building |
04/12/2013 | £75,000.00 | Established Building |
8 Keynes Square, ML4 2RP, Mossend and Holytown Bellshill
Property 8 has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 07/08/2007 and the sold price was £23,600.00.
This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 07/08/2007
Date | Price | Classification |
07/08/2007 | £23,600.00 | Established Building |
5 Keynes Square, ML4 2RP, Mossend and Holytown Bellshill
Property 5 has been sold 2 times. The last time it was sold was in 22/07/2005 and the sold price was £72,000.00.
This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 22/07/2005
Date | Price | Classification |
22/07/2005 | £72,000.00 | Established Building |
04/03/2004 | £55,000.00 | Established Building |
Transport near ML4 2RP, Keynes Square
Bellshill Station
Holytown Station
Motherwell Station
Carfin Station
Airbles Station
Whifflet Station
House price paid reports for ML4 2RP, Keynes Square
Click on the buttons below to see price paid reports by year or property price:
- Price Paid By Year
Property Price Paid in ML4 2RP, Keynes Square by Year
The average sold property price by year was:
Year | Average Sold Price | Price Change |
Sold Properties
2023 | £105,000 | 27% |
1 Property |
2021 | £77,000 | 0,3% |
1 Property |
2018 | £76,750 | 7% |
2 Properties |
2017 | £71,000 | 1% |
1 Property |
2014 | £70,000 | -7% |
1 Property |
2013 | £75,000 | 1% |
1 Property |
2010 | £74,000 | 37% |
1 Property |
2007 | £46,800 | -77% |
2 Properties |
2006 | £83,000 | 13% |
2 Properties |
2005 | £72,000 | 25% |
1 Property |
2004 | £54,250 | - |
2 Properties |