Houses for sale & to rent in Stone and Waddesdon, Aylesbury

House Prices in Stone and Waddesdon

Properties in Stone and Waddesdon have an average house price of £368,283.00 and had 279 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
Stone and Waddesdon is an area in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire with 201 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £1,066,000.00.

Properties for sale in Stone and Waddesdon


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Roads and Postcodes in Stone and Waddesdon

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Stone and Waddesdon, Aylesbury for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Alderman Drive HP18 0UF
Alma Street HP18 0FU
Amber Close HP18 0UG
Amorosa Gardens HP18 0UJ
Andrews Way HP17 8QQ
Anstey Court HP18 0ND
Apollo Close HP18 1AP
Arch Grove HP18 0UN
Ashendon Road HP18 0PD
Ashmead Street HP18 0HN
Auralia Close HP18 0UL
Averdal Drive HP18 0UQ
Aylesbury Road HP18 0NE
Ayless Close HP18 0NT
Banks Yard HP18 0GW
Beeley Street HP18 0GZ
Bennet Way HP18 1AL
Benton Mews HP18 0YE
Bicester Road HP18 0JR HP18 0JS HP18 0JT HP18 0JX HP18 0PN
Blackgrove Road HP18 0NJ
Blue Rock Drive HP18 1AW
Braeburn Road HP18 0HU
Bramley Road HP18 0XF
Brandy Street HP18 0YN
Calville Gardens HP18 0UX
Cameo Court HP18 0RJ
Carrick Street HP18 0ZA
Church Lane HP18 0PJ
Claygate Corner HP18 0TB
Clemens Road HP18 1AR
Colney Road HP18 0YF
Comet Way HP18 1AJ
Concorde Square HP18 1AS
Conference Road HP18 0ZF
Crawford Road HP18 0YZ
Crispin Street HP18 0HW
Dadfield Close HP18 0BH
Damson Road HP18 0JL
Darcy Close HP18 0QS
Denbigh Close HP18 1AT
Discovery Street HP18 0GB
Donnington Row HP17 8TQ
Draycott Close HP18 1AZ
Dubery Close HP17 8RU
Dukes Row HP18 0EE
Elderberry Road HP18 0WR
Elize Close HP18 0XG
Elmore Street HP18 0XE
Elton Close HP18 1AB
Empire Close HP18 0ZX
Excalibur Road HP18 0WJ
Eythrope Park HP18 0HP HP18 0HS HP18 0HT
Farleigh Drive HP18 0NZ
Fiesta End HP18 0GH
Ford Road HP17 8SA
Fortune Street HP18 0XY
Gala Road HP18 0XX
Gilliflower Street HP18 0GL
Glenton Green HP18 0WB
Golden Mede HP18 0NG
Great Ground HP18 0FE
Grenadier Path HP18 0GR
Grieve Road HP18 0DQ
Herman Street HP18 0NW
High Street HP18 0JG HP18 0LB
Honeypin Drive HP18 1AG
Howgate Street HP18 0SG
Hunters Farm Industrial Estate HP18 0QT
Idaho Street HP18 0ZE
Invicta Road HP18 0RR
Jazz Road HP18 0EZ
Jupiter Close HP18 0ZZ
Keepsake Way HP18 0XR
Kentish Street HP18 1AA
Kirkes Way HP18 0YD
Lakeland Drive HP18 0ZU
Laxton Road HP18 0NL
Leveller Way HP18 0WF
Limelight Avenue HP18 0FX
Lombard Avenue HP18 1BA
Low Lane HP18 0AA
Lower Blackgrove Farm Cottages HP18 0QB
Lower Pollicott HP18 0HG
Marjorie Close HP18 0PP
Martlet Way HP18 0WE
Melba Street HP18 0RE
Mendip Street HP18 0ZL
Merryweather Street HP18 0YB
Merton Close HP18 0ZN
Mirabelle Close HP18 0PU
Monarch Street HP18 0JP
Moore Crescent HP18 1AH
Newton Avenue HP18 0BN
Nicholas Charles Crescent HP18 0GU
Nimrod Street HP18 1BB
Noble Crescent HP18 0WX
Northcliffe Way HP18 0GY
Oldfield Street HP18 0ZB
Olympia Way HP18 1AY
Opal Mews HP18 0WG
Oving Road HP22 4FW
Oxford Road HP17 8NP HP17 8PR HP17 8QP
Paradise Orchard HP18 0WS
Perrine Close HP18 0XN
Pixie Road HP18 0GJ
Pomeroy Court HP18 0XW
Poplars Close HP17 8PQ
President Road HP18 0YA
Prima Road HP18 0US
Quainton Road HP18 0LS
Queen Street HP18 0JW
Quindell Close HP18 1AQ
Raven Forge HP17 8SJ
Redcurrant Avenue HP18 0ZH
Ridgebarn Lane HP18 0AE
Ritson Lane HP18 0ZD
Ruby Crescent HP18 0ZR
Russet Street HP18 0GN
Saturn Path HP18 0GQ
School Lane HP18 0EJ
Seabright Way HP18 1AF
Seneca Close HP18 1AX
Sierra Drive HP18 0YQ
Silk Street HP18 0JY HP18 0JZ
Sir Henry Lee Crescent HP18 0PE HP18 0YT
Spartlet Mews HP18 0YG
St Johns Drive HP17 8PP
Stella Close HP18 1AD
Stockwell Lane HP17 9UH
Taylor's Corner HP18 0EU
Tibbys Lane HP18 0AR
Topaz Lane HP18 0XP HP18 0ZP
Tydemans Close HP18 0QZ
Tyson Road HP18 0YW
Valerie Way HP18 1AU
Victor Close HP18 1AE
Waddesdon Manor Estate HP18 0JJ HP18 0JN
Warmstone Lane HP18 0NQ
Water Lane HP17 8XD
Welford Way HP18 0AL
Westcott Venture Park HP18 0NP HP18 0XB
Westlington Lea HP17 8UB
Whinham Green HP18 0XJ
White Swan Lane HP18 0YL
Wilks Path HP18 0BF
Woolbrock Close HP18 1AN
Worcester Street HP18 0GP
Zoe Street HP18 0ZG
HP17 8YF HP17 8XA HP17 8XW HP17 8YB HP18 0DS HP18 0DX HP18 0ED HP18 0EF HP18 0EG HP18 0EL HP18 0ER HP18 0ES HP18 0HF HP18 0JH HP18 0PR HP18 0PY HP22 4AE HP22 4RJ

Transport near Stone and Waddesdon

Frequently asked questions about Stone and Waddesdon

What is the average price for a property for sale in Stone and Waddesdon?

The average price for a property for sale in Stone and Waddesdon is £368,283. This amount is 9% lower than the average price in Aylesbury. There are 8,405 property listings for sale in Stone and Waddesdon.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Stone and Waddesdon?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Stone and Waddesdon are Dubery Close at an average of £1,066,000, Ritson Lane at an average of £552,500 and Ashmead Street at an average of £515,000.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Stone and Waddesdon?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Stone and Waddesdon are Saturn Path at an average of £213,375, Elton Close at an average of £216,645 and Worcester Street at an average of £222,500.

Which train stations are available in or near Stone and Waddesdon?

Some of the train stations available in or near Stone and Waddesdon are Aylesbury Vale Parkway, Aylesbury and Haddenham and Thame Parkway.

Property Price Paid in Stone and Waddesdon by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £370,981
56 Properties
2023 £391,474
93 Properties
2022 £350,531
130 Properties
2021 £338,095
127 Properties
2020 £378,749
147 Properties
2019 £341,111
289 Properties
2018 £329,600
293 Properties
2017 £360,098
173 Properties
2016 £340,694
268 Properties
2015 £291,425
308 Properties
2014 £264,993
115 Properties
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Stone and Waddesdon

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Flat £235,062.00 53 Flats
Terraced House £370,642.00 90 Terraced Houses
Detached House £500,434.00 44 Detached Houses
Semi Detached House £379,521.00 92 Semi Detached Houses
Source: Land Registry