Houses for sale & to rent in Myton, Hull

House Prices in Myton

Properties in Myton have an average house price of £104,372.00 and had 384 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
Myton is an area in Hull, City of Kingston upon Hull with 6,595 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £360,000.00.

Properties for sale in Myton


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Roads and Postcodes in Myton

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Myton, Hull for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Adelaide Street HU1 2SU HU3 2EZ
Admirals Croft HU1 2DR
Albany Street HU3 1PJ HU3 1PL HU3 1PN
Albert Avenue HU3 1NY
Albion Street HU1 3TD HU1 3TG
Aldbro Street HU2 8AW
Alexandra Avenue HU3 1NZ
Alexandra Street HU3 1DU HU3 1DX
All Saints Street HU3 1SY
Anlaby Road HU1 2PG HU3 2PG
Argyle Street HU3 1HS
Baker Street HU2 8HE HU2 8HP
Barberry Court HU3 2QX
Beaufort Close HU3 2NA
Berberis Close HU3 2QZ
Beta Villas HU3 1PA
Beverley Road HU3 1TS HU3 1TY HU3 1UP HU3 1UX HU3 1XH HU3 1XR HU3 1YA HU3 1YD HU3 1YE
Bishop Lane HU1 1PA
Blake Close HU2 9JH
Bloomsbury Court HU3 1AL
Blundell Close HU2 9BX
Boatswain Croft HU1 2EJ
Bowlalley Lane HU1 1XR HU1 1YT
Bridlington Avenue HU2 0DU
Browning Close HU3 1RE
Burslem Street HU2 9BP
Cambridge Street HU3 2EB HU3 2EE HU3 2EF
Canberra Street HU3 2HT
Captains Walk HU1 2DX
Caroline Place HU2 8DR
Caroline Street HU2 8DN
Castle Street HU1 2LY
Catherine Street HU2 8AN
Cavendish Square HU3 1SS
Cavill Place HU3 2NE HU3 2NJ
Charles Street HU2 8DF
Cheadle Close HU2 9PB
Clarendon Street HU3 1AN HU3 1AP HU3 1AT
Clifton Street HU2 9AP HU2 9BB
College Street HU3 1YW
Commodore Croft HU1 2EL
Cottingham Avenue HU1 2PP
Cresswell Close HU2 9PD
Cromwell Close HU3 1RS
Dagger Lane HU1 2LU HU1 2LX HU1 2LZ
Derby Street HU3 1SU
Dock Street HU1 3AH HU1 3AL HU1 3DL
Dudley Avenue HU3 1PF
Edom Villas HU3 1PB
Everthorpe Close HU3 2QB
Exchange Court HU1 1DB
Ferensway HU2 8NY
Fern Close HU2 0DZ
Firglades Court HU3 2PL
Fish Street HU1 2NB
Fountain Road HU2 9PF
Francis Street HU2 8DG HU2 8DT
Freehold Street HU3 1RB HU3 1RD
George Street HU1 3AB HU1 3BN
Goodrich Close HU2 0BG HU2 0BQ
Goodwin Parade HU3 2HA
Grammar School Yard HU1 1SE
Grange Close HU2 0AT
Great Thornton Street HU3 2LT HU3 2LU HU3 2LY
Green Lane HU2 0HG
Grey Street HU2 8TJ
Grimston Street HU1 3HG
Grosvenor Street HU3 1RU
Hadleigh Close HU2 0BD
Halyard Croft HU1 2EP
Hampstead Court HU3 1UF
Harley Street HU2 9BE
Hazel Grove HU3 2LN
Hessle Road HU3 2AA
High Street HU1 1HA HU1 1NE HU1 1NG HU1 1NH HU1 1NR HU1 1QE
Hobart Street HU3 2EX
Hopwood Close HU3 1QU
Humber Street HU1 1TG
Hutt Street HU3 1QL
Jameson Street HU1 3JF HU1 3LX
Jarratt Street HU1 3HB
John Street HU2 8DH
Jubilee Square HU2 8BD
Kilburn Avenue HU2 0DT
Kingston Square HU2 8DA HU2 8GA
Kingston Street HU1 2DZ
Kingston Wharf HU1 2ES
Knightsbridge Court HU3 1UG
Land Of Green Ginger HU1 2EA HU1 2EG
Leicester Street HU3 1TA
Leonard Street HU3 1SA
Lichfield Close HU2 9PE
Linnaeus Street HU3 2PD HU3 2PE HU3 2QT
Londesborough Street HU3 1DR
Lorne Close HU2 0AJ
Louis Street HU3 1LY HU3 1LZ
Lovat Close HU3 2HN
Lowgate HU1 1AA HU1 2AA
Lyric Close HU3 2QJ
Manor House Street HU1 2DF
Manor Street HU1 1YU
Margaret Street HU3 1ST
Marina Mews HU1 1UD
Marine Wharf HU1 2TY
Marlborough Terrace HU2 9AE
Maxim Close HU3 2QH
Mayfield Avenue HU3 1PD
Mayfield Street HU3 1NS HU3 1NT
Melville Street HU1 2QJ HU1 2QL HU1 2QN
Mendip Close HU3 2QG
Middleton Court HU3 1NG
Middleton Street HU3 1NA HU3 1ND HU3 1NE
Midgley Close HU3 2QL
Minnies Grove HU3 1PE
Morpeth Street HU3 1RF HU3 1RG
Myrtle Villas HU3 1NR
Nelson Street HU1 1XE
Neville Close HU3 2HL
New George Street HU2 8AU HU2 8AX HU2 8AY
Newport Close HU3 2NB
Norfolk Street HU2 9AA
Osborne Street HU1 2PN
Outram Close HU2 9JR
Park Row HU2 8TB
Park Street HU2 8RR HU2 8TA HU3 2JF
Pease Street HU3 2EW
Peel Street HU3 1QR HU3 1QS
Pendrill Street HU3 1UU
Percy Cottages HU3 1NU
Percy Street HU2 8HH HU2 8HL
Porter Street HU1 2RH
Posterngate HU1 2JP
Prince Street HU1 2LJ
Prospect Street HU1 3RT HU2 8NR
Quantock Close HU3 2HJ
Queen Street HU1 1UU
Queens Dock Avenue HU1 3DR
Railway Houses HU3 1DP
Railway Street HU1 2BE
Redfern Close HU3 2RB
Reed Street HU2 8BE HU2 8BL
Robinson Row HU1 2NA HU1 2QX
Rodney Close HU2 9JP
Rugmere Close HU3 2ND
Scotney Close HU2 0BE
Scott Street HU2 8AP
Shakespeare Close HU3 1RP
Silver Street HU1 1JG
Somerscales Street HU2 9PA
Sophia Close HU2 9PG
Spring Bank HU3 1AB HU3 1AF HU3 1AG HU3 1BH HU3 1BL HU3 1BN HU3 1LP HU3 1LR HU3 1LU HU3 1NP HU3 1PG HU3 1QH HU3 1QJ HU3 1QN HU3 1QW
Spring Street HU2 8RB HU2 8RD
St Clements Place HU2 9LW
St Hilda Street HU3 1UT
St Pauls Street HU2 0DH
Stafford Street HU2 9BH HU2 9BJ
Stanley Street HU3 1JS HU3 1JT HU3 1JU HU3 1JX HU3 1JY
Stoke Street HU2 9BL
Story Street HU1 3SA
Strand Close HU2 9DA
Sykes Street HU2 8AZ
Symons Close HU2 0DX
Tattershall Close HU2 0BA HU2 0BB
Tichbourne Close HU3 2QE
Union Street HU2 8HD
Upper Union Street HU1 2QH
Vane Street HU3 1RJ
Vauxhall Grove HU3 2QY
Viceroy Close HU2 0AN
Victoria Avenue HU3 1NX
Walmsley Street HU3 1QA
Waterloo Street HU2 0DY HU2 9LE HU2 9LG HU2 9LP
Wellington Lane HU3 1SG HU3 1SJ
Wellington Street HU1 1UF HU1 1XD
Wellington Street West HU1 2DG
Wenlock Street HU3 1DA HU3 1DF
West Parade HU3 1BU HU3 1BX
Wincolmlee HU2 0QE HU2 8HZ
Winship Close HU3 2QN
Woodbine Close HU2 9JJ
Wright Street HU2 8HU HU2 8JD HU2 8JR HU2 8JS

Transport near Myton

Frequently asked questions about Myton

What is the average price for a property for sale in Myton?

The average price for a property for sale in Myton is £104,372. This amount is 22% lower than the average price in Hull. There are 1,125 property listings for sale in Myton.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Myton?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Myton are Story Street at an average of £360,000, College Street at an average of £320,000 and Manor House Street at an average of £212,000.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Myton?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Myton are Porter Street at an average of £40,000, Jubilee Square at an average of £42,450 and Silver Street at an average of £50,000.

Which train stations are available in or near Myton?

Some of the train stations available in or near Myton are Hull, New Holland and Cottingham.

Property Price Paid in Myton by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £108,873
79 Properties
2023 £101,814
135 Properties
2022 £104,311
170 Properties
2021 £101,360
172 Properties
2020 £96,177
100 Properties
2019 £94,792
155 Properties
2018 £94,069
141 Properties
2017 £100,385
131 Properties
2016 £93,339
114 Properties
2015 £80,961
184 Properties
2014 £69,330
144 Properties
2013 £74,117
81 Properties
2012 £85,231
82 Properties
2011 £86,751
100 Properties
2010 £85,944
90 Properties
2009 £99,985
107 Properties
2008 £113,143
201 Properties
2007 £103,096
329 Properties
2006 £102,199
357 Properties
2005 £95,116
289 Properties
2004 £85,449
359 Properties
2003 £64,484
266 Properties
2002 £43,797
228 Properties
2001 £35,152
134 Properties
2000 £32,032
114 Properties
1999 £33,295
96 Properties
1998 £29,607
94 Properties
1997 £33,209
128 Properties
1996 £33,282
122 Properties
1995 £32,166
136 Properties
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Myton

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Flat £88,338.00 183 Flats
Terraced House £119,177.00 184 Terraced Houses
Detached House £100,000.00 1 Detached House
Semi Detached House £117,781.00 16 Semi Detached Houses
Source: Land Registry