Houses for sale & to rent in PL12 6SL, Halton Quay, St Dominick, Harrowbarrow And Kelly Bray, Saltash

House Prices in PL12 6SL, Halton Quay, St Dominick, Harrowbarrow And Kelly Bray

Properties in PL12 6SL have no sales history available within the last 3 years. PL12 6SL is a postcode in Halton Quay located in St Dominick, Harrowbarrow And Kelly Bray, an area in Saltash, Cornwall, with 16 households².

Price Paid in Halton Quay, PL12 6SL, St Dominick, Harrowbarrow And Kelly Bray

HALTON QUAY HOUSE Halton Quay, PL12 6SL, St Dominick, Harrowbarrow And Kelly Bray Saltash

Property HALTON QUAY HOUSE has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 31/10/2024 and the sold price was £870,000.00.

This other property, sold as a freehold on 31/10/2024, is a 273 sqm end-terrace house with an EPC rating of E.

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
31/10/2024 £870,000.00 Other Property freehold Established Building

HILLBROW COTTAGE Halton Quay, PL12 6SL, St Dominick, Harrowbarrow And Kelly Bray Saltash

Property HILLBROW COTTAGE has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 01/10/2018 and the sold price was £301,000.00.

This detached house, sold as a freehold on 01/10/2018, is a 118 sqm detached house with an EPC rating of G.

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
01/10/2018 £301,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

HILLBROW BARN Halton Quay, PL12 6SL, St Dominick, Harrowbarrow And Kelly Bray Saltash

Property HILLBROW BARN has been sold 2 times. The last time it was sold was in 24/11/2016 and the sold price was £445,000.00.

This other property, sold as a freehold on 24/11/2016, is a 121 sqm detached house with an EPC rating of G.

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
24/11/2016 £445,000.00 Other Property freehold Established Building
14/09/2006 £400,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

LITTLE BRAUNDER Halton Quay, PL12 6SL, St Dominick, Harrowbarrow And Kelly Bray Saltash

Property LITTLE BRAUNDER has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 02/10/2015 and the sold price was £345,000.00.

This detached house, sold as a freehold on 02/10/2015, is a 75 sqm detached house with an EPC rating of D.

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
02/10/2015 £345,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

HALTON QUAY COTTAGE Halton Quay, PL12 6SL, St Dominick, Harrowbarrow And Kelly Bray Saltash

Property HALTON QUAY COTTAGE has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 22/11/2013 and the sold price was £465,000.00.

This detached house, sold as a freehold on 22/11/2013, is a 109 sqm detached house with an EPC rating of F.

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
22/11/2013 £465,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

MELYN GY Halton Quay, PL12 6SL, St Dominick, Harrowbarrow And Kelly Bray Saltash

Property MELYN GY has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 09/04/2010 and the sold price was £475,000.00.

This semi detached house, sold as a freehold on 09/04/2010, is a 172 sqm semi-detached house with an EPC rating of B.

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
09/04/2010 £475,000.00 Semi Detached House freehold Established Building

RIVERSIDE BARN Halton Quay, PL12 6SL, St Dominick, Harrowbarrow And Kelly Bray Saltash

Property RIVERSIDE BARN has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 31/01/2005 and the sold price was £275,000.00.

This detached house, sold as a freehold on 31/01/2005, is a 219 sqm detached house with an EPC rating of F.

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
31/01/2005 £275,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

CHAPEL HOUSE Halton Quay, PL12 6SL, St Dominick, Harrowbarrow And Kelly Bray Saltash

Property CHAPEL HOUSE has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 04/10/2002 and the sold price was £375,250.00.

This detached house, sold as a freehold on 04/10/2002, is a 334 sqm detached house with an EPC rating of C.

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
04/10/2002 £375,250.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

GREENBANK Halton Quay, PL12 6SL, St Dominick, Harrowbarrow And Kelly Bray Saltash

Property GREENBANK has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 03/04/1998 and the sold price was £165,000.00.

This detached house, sold as a freehold on 03/04/1998, is a 166 sqm detached house with an EPC rating of E.

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
03/04/1998 £165,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

BRAUNDER Halton Quay, PL12 6SL, St Dominick, Harrowbarrow And Kelly Bray Saltash

Property BRAUNDER has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 06/03/1995 and the sold price was £200,000.00.

This detached house, sold as a freehold on 06/03/1995, is a 169 sqm detached house with an EPC rating of E.

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
06/03/1995 £200,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

Postcodes in Halton Quay, St Dominick, Harrowbarrow And Kelly Bray

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Transport near PL12 6SL, Halton Quay

House price paid reports for PL12 6SL, Halton Quay

Click on the buttons below to see price paid reports by year or property price:

Property Price Paid in PL12 6SL, Halton Quay by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2018 £301,000
1 Property
2015 £345,000
1 Property
2013 £465,000
1 Property
2010 £475,000
1 Property
2006 £400,000
1 Property
2005 £275,000
1 Property
2002 £375,250
1 Property
1998 £165,000
1 Property
1995 £200,000
1 Property
Source: Land Registry