Houses for sale & to rent in CR0 2NP, Turner Crescent, Bensham Manor, Croydon
House Prices in CR0 2NP, Turner Crescent, Bensham Manor
Properties in CR0 2NP have no sales history available within the last 3 years. CR0 2NP is a postcode in Turner Crescent located in Bensham Manor, an area in Croydon, Croydon London Borough, with 11 households².
Properties for sale near CR0 2NP, Turner Crescent
Transport near CR0 2NP, Turner Crescent
Thornton Heath Station
Selhurst Station
West Croydon Station
Centrale Station
Ampere Way Station
Reeves Corner Station
Wellesley Road Station
East Croydon Station
Waddon Marsh Station
George Street Station
House price paid reports for CR0 2NP, Turner Crescent
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