Houses for sale & to rent in Courtfield, London

House Prices in Courtfield

Properties in this part of Courtfield within London have an average house price of £1,882,428.00 and had 432 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹. This area has 5,066 households² , where the most expensive property was sold for £11,750,000.00.

Properties for sale in Courtfield


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Roads and Postcodes in Courtfield

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Courtfield, London for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Ashburn Gardens SW7 4DG
Ashburn Place SW7 4JR SW7 4JS SW7 4LR SW7 4LL
Astwood Mews SW7 4DE
Barnaby Place SW7 3JW
Bina Gardens SW5 0LA
Brechin Place SW7 4QA SW7 4QB SW7 4QD
Bute Street SW7 3EY
Clareville Grove SW7 5AR SW7 5AS SW7 5AT SW7 5AU
Clareville Grove Mews SW7 5AN
Clareville Street SW7 5AJ SW7 5AQ SW7 5AW SW7 5AX
Colbeck Mews SW7 4LX
Collingham Gardens SW5 0HL SW5 0HN SW5 0HS SW5 0HW
Collingham Place SW5 0PY SW5 0PZ SW5 0QE SW5 0QF
Collingham Road SW5 0LT SW5 0NS SW5 0NT SW5 0NU SW5 0LS SW5 0LX SW5 0NY
Courtfield Gardens SW5 0LZ SW5 0NA SW5 0ND SW5 0NF SW5 0NJ SW5 0NL SW5 0NQ SW5 0PA SW5 0PH SW5 0PJ SW5 0PL
Courtfield Mews SW5 0NH
Courtfield Road SW7 4DA SW7 4DB SW7 4DD
Cranley Gardens SW7 3BB SW7 3BD SW7 3DA SW7 3DD SW7 3DE
Cranley Mews SW7 3BX SW7 3BY
Cranley Place SW7 3AB SW7 3AE
Cromwell Road SW5 0QD SW5 0TQ SW7 5BJ SW7 5BW SW5 0TH SW7 2ED SW7 2EF SW7 2EH SW7 4DL SW7 4DN SW7 4DP SW7 4DS SW7 4DU SW7 4DW SW7 4DX SW7 5BH
Dove Mews SW5 0LE
Drayton Gardens SW10 9QS SW10 9QT SW10 9QU SW10 9QY SW10 9QZ SW10 9RT SW10 9RU SW10 9RX SW10 9RY SW10 9QX
Eagle Place SW7 3RG
Elm Place SW7 3QH SW7 3QJ
Ensor Mews SW7 3BT
Evelyn Gardens SW7 3BE SW7 3BG SW7 3BH SW7 3BJ SW7 3BQ
Foulis Terrace SW7 3LZ
Fulham Road SW10 9PY SW3 6HH SW3 6HS SW3 6HX SW3 6HR SW3 6HU
Gaspar Close SW5 0NE
Gaspar Mews SW5 0NB
Gloucester Road SW7 4QF SW7 4SS SW7 4TE SW7 4TH SW7 4QH SW7 4SF SW7 4ST SW7 4SZ SW7 4TD
Harrington Gardens SW7 4JJ SW7 4JU SW7 4JZ SW7 4LS SW7 4LT SW7 4JX SW7 4LF SW7 4LJ
Harrington Gdns SW7 4LH
Harrington Road SW7 3HD SW7 3ND
Hereford Square SW7 4NB SW7 4TS SW7 4TT SW7 4TR
Holly Mews SW10 9RS
Kendrick Mews SW7 3HG
Kendrick Place SW7 3HF
Knaresborough Place SW5 0TG
Lecky Street SW7 3QP
Manson Mews SW7 5AF
Manson Place SW7 5LT
Neville Street SW7 3AR SW7 3AS
Neville Terrace SW7 3AT
Old Brompton Road SW5 0BE SW5 0LF SW7 3DY SW7 3LD SW7 3LE SW7 3RA SW7 3RD SW7 4NP SW7 3HZ SW7 3JE SW7 3JG SW7 3JP SW7 3JS SW7 3JT SW7 3JX SW7 3JZ SW7 3LB SW7 3LQ SW7 3RB SW7 3RN SW7 3RP SW7 3TD SW7 4NR
Onslow Crescent SW7 3JH SW7 3JQ
Onslow Gardens SW7 3AG SW7 3AH SW7 3AL SW7 3AP SW7 3AQ SW7 3AW SW7 3BS SW7 3BU SW7 3LX SW7 3LY SW7 3PY SW7 3QA SW7 3QB SW7 3QD SW7 3QF
Onslow Mews East SW7 3AA
Onslow Mews West SW7 3AF
Onslow Square SW7 3LR SW7 3LS SW7 3LT SW7 3LU SW7 3NP SW7 3NS SW7 3NX
Queen's Gate SW7 5AE SW7 5LF SW7 5LW SW7 5AB SW7 5AG SW7 5JT SW7 5JU SW7 5JX SW7 5LE SW7 5LJ SW7 5LP
Queensberry Mews West SW7 2DU SW7 2DY
Queensberry Place SW7 2DR SW7 2EA SW7 2EB
Reece Mews SW7 3HE
Regency Terrace SW7 3QW
Roland Gardens SW7 3PE SW7 3PF SW7 3PG SW7 3PH SW7 3PL SW7 3PQ SW7 3RW SW7 3AJ SW7 3PW
Roland Way SW7 3RE SW7 3RF
Rosary Gardens SW7 4NH SW7 4NJ SW7 4NN SW7 4NQ SW7 4NS SW7 4NT SW7 4NW
Rose Square SW3 6RS
Selwood Place SW7 3QL SW7 3QQ
Selwood Terrace SW7 3QG SW7 3QN
Stanhope Gardens SW7 5QX SW7 5QY SW7 5RD SW7 5RF SW7 5RG SW7 5RQ SW7 5RN
Stanhope Mews East SW7 5QT SW7 5QU
Stanhope Mews South SW7 4TF
Stanhope Mews West SW7 5RB
Sumner Place SW7 3EE SW7 3EG SW7 3NT
Sumner Place Mews SW7 3EF
Sydney Close SW3 6HN SW3 6HW
Sydney Mews SW3 6HL
Sydney Place SW7 3NN SW7 3NW
Thistle Grove SW10 9RR SW10 9RZ
Wetherby Gardens SW5 0JN SW5 0JP SW5 0JR SW5 0JW
Wetherby Place SW7 4ND SW7 4NG SW7 4NU SW7 4NE SW7 4NX

Transport near Courtfield

Frequently asked questions about Courtfield

What is the average price for a property for sale in Courtfield?

The average price for a property for sale in Courtfield is £1,882,428. This amount is 19% lower than the average price in London. There are more than 10,000 property listings for sale in Courtfield.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Courtfield?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Courtfield are Sumner Place at an average of £5,402,500, Neville Street at an average of £5,400,000 and Gloucester Road at an average of £5,320,833.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Courtfield?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Courtfield are Cromwell Road at an average of £628,750, Stanhope Mews West at an average of £772,500 and Sydney Close at an average of £777,500.

Which train stations are available in or near Courtfield?

Some of the train stations available in or near Courtfield are West Brompton and Imperial Wharf.

Which tube stations are available in or near Courtfield?

Some of the tube stations available in or near Courtfield are Gloucester Road, South Kensington and Earls Court.

Property Price Paid in Courtfield by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £1,829,284
99 Properties
2023 £1,888,348
155 Properties
2022 £1,906,829
178 Properties
2021 £1,964,123
174 Properties
2020 £1,716,693
119 Properties
2019 £1,701,281
126 Properties
2018 £1,895,797
111 Properties
2017 £1,922,172
128 Properties
2016 £2,039,962
154 Properties
2015 £1,935,579
181 Properties
2014 £1,823,350
194 Properties
2013 £1,660,522
220 Properties
2012 £1,444,141
201 Properties
2011 £1,364,619
221 Properties
2010 £1,272,834
227 Properties
2009 £1,050,101
167 Properties
2008 £1,170,757
146 Properties
2007 £1,005,696
357 Properties
2006 £877,737
320 Properties
2005 £701,023
305 Properties
2004 £723,455
328 Properties
2003 £644,485
261 Properties
2002 £647,761
349 Properties
2001 £609,549
314 Properties
2000 £580,295
370 Properties
1999 £503,193
476 Properties
1998 £422,964
382 Properties
1997 £373,577
427 Properties
1996 £302,302
411 Properties
1995 £255,108
316 Properties
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Courtfield

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Flat £1,553,765.00 364 Flats
Terraced House £3,633,266.00 65 Terraced Houses
Detached House £3,825,333.00 3 Detached Houses
Source: Land Registry