Houses for sale & to rent in Wakefield, Leeds
House Prices in Wakefield
Properties in Wakefield have an average house price of £234,912.00 and had 979 Property Transactions within the last 3 years.¹
Wakefield is an area in Leeds with 9,533 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £1,185,000.00.
Properties for sale in Wakefield
Neighbourhoods in Wakefield
Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Wakefield, Leeds for sale or to rent.
Transport in Wakefield
Please see below transportation links in this area:
Outwood Station
Morley Station
Cottingley Station
Batley Station
Wakefield Westgate Station
Wakefield Kirkgate Station
Dewsbury Station
Woodlesford Station
Leeds Station
- Price Paid By Year
- Property Type Price
Frequently asked questions about Wakefield
What is the average price for a property for sale in Wakefield?
The average price for a property for sale in Wakefield is £234,912. This amount is 8% lower than the average price in Leeds. There are 8,002 property listings for sale in Wakefield.
What locations have the most expensive properties for sale in Wakefield?
The locations with the most expensive properties for sale in Wakefield are Rothwell at an average of £319,411 and Morley South at an average of £244,724.
What locations have the most affordable properties for sale in Wakefield?
The locations with the most affordable properties for sale in Wakefield are Ardsley & Robin Hood at an average of £222,394 and Ardsley And Robin Hood at an average of £231,401.
Which train stations are available in or near Wakefield?
Some of the train stations available in or near Wakefield are Outwood, Morley and Cottingley.
Property Price Paid in Wakefield by Year
The average sold property price by year was:
Year | Average Sold Price | Price Change |
Sold Properties
2024 | £236,957 | 1% |
254 Properties |
2023 | £235,462 | 1% |
296 Properties |
2022 | £233,322 | 8% |
429 Properties |
2021 | £215,032 | 9% |
473 Properties |
2020 | £196,502 | 5% |
384 Properties |
2019 | £187,133 | 2% |
417 Properties |
2018 | £182,698 | 3% |
451 Properties |
2017 | £176,886 | 8% |
433 Properties |
2016 | £163,072 | 0,1% |
478 Properties |
2015 | £162,984 | 1% |
413 Properties |
2014 | £160,626 | 3% |
456 Properties |
2013 | £155,864 | -0,4% |
406 Properties |
2012 | £156,420 | 1% |
269 Properties |
2011 | £155,227 | -2% |
259 Properties |
2010 | £158,788 | 6% |
298 Properties |
2009 | £148,721 | -9% |
300 Properties |
2008 | £162,665 | -1% |
277 Properties |
2007 | £164,295 | 4% |
588 Properties |
2006 | £158,488 | 4% |
594 Properties |
2005 | £152,213 | 3% |
356 Properties |
2004 | £147,032 | 15% |
545 Properties |
2003 | £125,108 | 24% |
618 Properties |
2002 | £94,610 | 13% |
583 Properties |
2001 | £82,482 | 11% |
513 Properties |
2000 | £73,399 | 6% |
516 Properties |
1999 | £68,967 | 3% |
510 Properties |
1998 | £66,570 | 11% |
478 Properties |
1997 | £58,992 | 4% |
497 Properties |
1996 | £56,557 | -4% |
356 Properties |
1995 | £58,602 | - |
328 Properties |
Property Price per Property Type in Wakefield
Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.
The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:
Property Type | Average Sold Price | Sold Properties |
Terraced House | £180,164.00 | 267 Terraced Houses |
Flat | £116,885.00 | 64 Flats |
Semi Detached House | £207,237.00 | 370 Semi Detached Houses |
Detached House | £351,501.00 | 278 Detached Houses |