Houses for sale & to rent in Hateley Heath, West Bromwich

House Prices in Hateley Heath

Properties in Hateley Heath have an average house price of £179,418.00 and had 448 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
Hateley Heath is an area in West Bromwich, Sandwell with 5,307 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £375,000.00.

Properties for sale in Hateley Heath


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Roads and Postcodes in Hateley Heath

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Hateley Heath, West Bromwich for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Abbey Close B71 1NY
All Saints Way B71 1PS B71 1PZ B71 1PY
Allens Avenue B71 2QB
Allerton Lane B71 2HG B71 2HR B71 2HS B71 2HQ
Angus Close B71 1BE
Ash Drive B71 1BP
Bank Street B71 1HF B71 1HB
Beaconsfield Street B71 1PU B71 1QH B71 1QJ
Bedford Road B71 2RS B71 2RT
Berkshire Close B71 2SJ
Bernard Street B71 1PJ
Beverley Road B71 2JS B71 2JT B71 2LH B71 2LP B71 2LR
Black Lake B70 0PL B70 0PD B70 0PR B70 0PJ
Blencathra Drive B71 1EY
Bowfell Way B71 1FE
Brecknock Road B71 2RH B71 2BB
Caddick Crescent B71 2DH
Caldwell Street B71 2DN B71 2DW
Campville Crescent B71 3NG B71 3NQ
Canterbury Close B71 2LQ
Canterbury Road B71 2LA B71 2LB B71 2LD B71 2LE B71 2LF B71 2LG
Cardigan Close B71 1BD
Church Lane B71 1AS B71 1BU
Church Lane Industrial Estate B71 1AR
Clarkes Lane B71 2BS B71 2BT B71 2BU B71 2BX
Clive Street B71 1LH B71 1LJ B71 1NA B71 1NB
Coles Crescent B71 2QN
Coles Lane B71 2QL
Crankhall Lane B71 3JP B71 3JY B71 3JZ
Crockford Road B71 2ES B71 2ET
Cromwell Street B71 1LL
Cumberland Road B71 1HP
Denbigh Crescent B71 2RU
Denbigh Drive B71 2RJ B71 2RL B71 2RY B71 2RZ B71 2SH B71 2SP B71 2RX
Devon Crescent B71 1BG B71 1BQ
Drake Street B71 1PA
Durham Drive B71 1HS B71 1HT
Eden Grove B71 1EX
Elford Road B71 3ND
Ely Crescent B71 2SD
Essex Avenue B71 1HR B71 1HU B71 1HY B71 1HZ B71 1JE B71 1JF B71 1JA
Garratt Street B71 1LY B71 1LZ B71 1NE B71 1NF B71 1NH
Gladstone Street B71 1EG B71 1EN B71 1EQ B71 1ER B71 1ET B71 1EW
Glastonbury Road B71 2LL B71 2LJ
Gordon Avenue B71 2HT B71 2HU
Grant Close B71 1ND
Great Gable Road B71 1DW
Greswold Street B71 1NT B71 1NU B71 1NX
Griffiths Road B71 2BA B71 2EH B71 2EJ B71 2EL
Haig Street B71 1EL B71 1ES
Hall Crescent B71 1BS
Hall Green Road B71 2DX B71 2DY B71 2DZ B71 2EA B71 3JS B71 3JT B71 3LA B71 3LB
Hampton Court B71 2EN
Hargate Lane B71 1PH B71 1PL B71 1PD B71 1PG
Heath Lane B71 2BG B71 2BL B71 2BN B71 2BW B71 2BP
Helvellyn Way B71 1FD
Hereford Place B71 2RR
Hill Top B70 0PX B70 0QA
Huntingdon Road B71 2RP B71 2RW B71 2RN
Hydes Road B71 2EB B71 2ED B71 2EE B71 2EF B71 2EG B71 2EQ
James Eaton Close B71 1EZ
John Street North B71 1NG
Johnsons Bridge Road B71 1DG
Jowetts Lane B71 2QR B71 2QU B71 2RA B71 2RB B71 2QX
Jubilee Avenue B71 2QT
Jubilee Street B71 2DG B71 2DQ
Kent Close B71 2SL
Kesteven Road B71 1JH B71 1JQ
Keys Crescent B71 1AX
Kimbley Rise B71 2DE
Knights Close B71 3PD
Law Street B71 1DY B71 1DZ B71 1EA
Leicester Place B71 1LB
Lellow Street B71 2HP
Lily Street B71 1EB B71 1ED B71 1EH B71 1QA B71 1QB B71 1QD B71 1QE B71 1QF
Lincoln Road B71 2JD B71 2JE B71 2JF
Lindsey Road B71 1JY B71 1JZ
Lynton Avenue B71 2QY B71 2QZ
Malvern Close B71 1PP
Marsh Lane B71 2DA B71 2DB B71 2DL B71 2DP B71 2DR
Melrose Avenue B71 2LN B71 2LW
Milton Street B71 1NJ
Monkgate Drive B71 1NL
Monmouth Drive B71 2SN B71 2SS B71 2ST B71 2SU
Montgomery Walk B71 1RT
Moorlands Road B71 2EP B71 2ER
Needwood Grove B71 3NJ
Nelson Street B71 1EE
Norfolk Avenue B71 1HX
Nottingham Drive B71 2SX
Oakwood Croft B71 3DN
Okehampton Drive B71 1DE
Peel Street B71 1EJ
Pembroke Way B71 2SR
Plympton Mews B71 1DL
Princess Grove B71 2DS B71 2DJ
Radnor Green B71 1JL
Raleigh Street B71 1DP
Ridgacre Enterprise Park B71 1BW
Ridgacre Road B71 1BB
Ripon Drive B71 2JP
Roman Way B71 3NZ
Ruskin Street B71 1LN B71 1LR B71 1LS B71 1LT B71 1LU B71 1LW B71 1LX
Rutland Road B71 1JP
Rydding Lane B71 2EU B71 2HA B71 2HB B71 2HD B71 2EX
Saints Drive B71 3PA
Salop Close B71 2SB
Sandfield Road B71 3NE B71 3NF B71 3NH
Scafell Way B71 1DN B71 1DQ
Selkirk Close B71 1BH
Shaftesbury Square B71 1DX
Shaftesbury Street B71 1LP
Shropshire Way B71 1AL B71 1AU B71 1BF B71 1BJ B71 1BT B71 1BZ
Skiddaw Drive B71 1DT
Small Street B71 1NN
Somerset Road B71 1HA B71 1HN
St John Bosco Close B71 2SG
Stafford Drive B71 2SA
Stonelea Close B71 2LT
Sunnydale Walk B71 1EU
Sussex Avenue B71 1AY B71 1AZ
Tame Crescent B71 1BA
Tantany Lane B71 1DS B71 1DU
The Parade B71 3NY
Thistle Way B71 3PB
Tiverton Drive B71 1DA
Trotters Lane B71 2QD B71 2QE B71 2QF
Vicarage Road B71 1AF B71 1AG B71 1AQ
Victory Rise B71 1EF
Vowles Road B71 1AP B71 1AT
Walsall Road B71 3LH B71 3LS B71 3AZ B71 3LR
Wellington Street B71 1DR
Westley Court B71 1HH
Westminster Road B71 2JH B71 2JJ B71 2JL B71 2JN B71 2JG B71 2JQ B71 2JR B71 2JW
Westmorland Court B71 1HD B71 1HJ
Westmorland Road B71 1HG B71 1HQ B71 1HL
Whites Road B71 1DF
Wills Avenue B71 2QS
Wiltshire Way B71 1JB B71 1JJ B71 1JN B71 1JR B71 1JS B71 1JU B71 1JW B71 1JX B71 1JT
Worcester Green B71 1JD
Wordsworth Street B71 1EP
Wychnor Grove B71 3NB
Wyntor Lane B71 2HH B71 2HW

Transport near Hateley Heath

Frequently asked questions about Hateley Heath

What is the average price for a property for sale in Hateley Heath?

The average price for a property for sale in Hateley Heath is £179,418. This amount is 4% lower than the average price in West Bromwich. There are 2,948 property listings for sale in Hateley Heath.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Hateley Heath?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Hateley Heath are Malvern Close at an average of £375,000, Campville Crescent at an average of £256,500 and Hall Green Road at an average of £245,999.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Hateley Heath?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Hateley Heath are Sunnydale Walk at an average of £75,000, Caddick Crescent at an average of £82,000 and Raleigh Street at an average of £95,000.

Which train stations are available in or near Hateley Heath?

Some of the train stations available in or near Hateley Heath are Tame Bridge Parkway, Bescot Stadium and Sandwell and Dudley.

Property Price Paid in Hateley Heath by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £189,700
52 Properties
2023 £193,861
100 Properties
2022 £182,815
151 Properties
2021 £162,232
145 Properties
2020 £146,288
98 Properties
2019 £140,360
117 Properties
2018 £144,129
127 Properties
2017 £125,120
115 Properties
2016 £121,399
123 Properties
2015 £116,488
105 Properties
2014 £107,080
109 Properties
2013 £102,276
75 Properties
2012 £106,012
71 Properties
2011 £101,057
85 Properties
2010 £101,425
72 Properties
2009 £113,600
90 Properties
2008 £123,397
114 Properties
2007 £124,003
288 Properties
2006 £115,095
193 Properties
2005 £111,534
180 Properties
2004 £99,710
169 Properties
2003 £77,488
173 Properties
2002 £75,172
182 Properties
2001 £60,489
158 Properties
2000 £56,472
186 Properties
1999 £42,541
117 Properties
1998 £42,299
103 Properties
1997 £39,627
99 Properties
1996 £40,015
87 Properties
1995 £37,496
98 Properties
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Hateley Heath

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Flat £86,223.00 51 Flats
Semi Detached House £193,953.00 260 Semi Detached Houses
Terraced House £179,409.00 113 Terraced Houses
Detached House £220,028.00 24 Detached Houses
Source: Land Registry