Houses for sale & to rent in Smiths Wood, Birmingham

House Prices in Smiths Wood

Properties in Smiths Wood have an average house price of £187,378.95 and had 323 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
Smiths Wood is an area in Birmingham, Solihull with 5,030 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £375,000.00.

Properties for sale in Smiths Wood


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Roads and Postcodes in Smiths Wood

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Smiths Wood, Birmingham for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Acacia Avenue B37 6AG B37 6AQ
Acacia Close B37 6AZ
Alvis Walk B36 9JH B36 9JX B36 9JY B36 9JZ
Anglesey Avenue B36 0NS B36 0NT B36 0NX
Armstrong Drive B36 9NL
Arran Way B36 0QE B36 0QG
Ash Crescent B37 6AD B37 6AE B37 6AF
Auckland Drive B36 0DB B36 0DD B36 0NB B36 0ND B36 0NH B36 0NL B36 0QB B36 0QN B36 0RG B36 0RX B36 0SF B36 0SN B36 0NF
Austin Croft B36 9JJ
Avon Drive B36 0TR
Ballard Walk B37 6BJ B37 6BW B37 6BZ
Balmoral Road B36 0JS B36 0JT
Barle Grove B36 0TY B36 0UA B36 0UB
Bell Close B36 0PZ
Blackbird Croft B36 0QS
Buckingham Road B36 0JL B36 0JP
Burtons Way B36 0UG B36 0BD B36 0SZ
Chaffinch Drive B36 0QH
Chelmar Close B36 0SX
Cherwell Drive B36 0SS
Chester Road B36 0JJ B36 0JU B36 0LE B36 0LF B36 0LG
Church Close B37 6HA
Colling Walk B37 6BQ
Corncrake Drive B36 0QU
Cowley Close B36 9NJ
Daimler Close B36 9NB
Daren Close B36 0TE
Dove Way B36 0TG
Eagle Grove B36 0RL
Ellice Drive B36 0QD
Elm Grove B37 6AB
Elva Croft B36 9NH
Falkland Way B36 0LT B36 0LX
Fieldfare Croft B36 0SG
Gilson Way B37 6BG
Goldcrest Croft B36 0SB
Green Lane B36 0DA
Greenfinch Close B36 0QZ
Greenfinch Road B36 0QL B36 0QX B36 0QY B36 0RA B36 0RB
Guernsey Drive B36 0PA B36 0PB B36 0PG
Hamble Close B36 0SW
Heather Close B36 0RF
Hillman Grove B36 9LX
Humber Grove B36 9NX
Isis Grove B36 0SU
Jackdaw Drive B36 0RJ
Jersey Croft B36 0PD
Jura Way B36 0QJ
Kennet Grove B36 0TA
Kingfisher Drive B36 0RD B36 0RP B36 0SA B36 0SE
Kings Croft B36 0JX
Laburnum Avenue B37 6AJ B37 6AL B37 6AN B37 6AR B37 6AW
Lanchester Way B36 9JG B36 9JL B36 9LE B36 9LF B36 9LP B36 9LR B36 9LS B36 9LU B36 9LT
Landrail Walk B36 0RS B36 0RR
Langton Close B36 0LR
Linnet Drive B36 0RE
Lundy View B36 0LY
Maple Grove B37 6AP
Marcos Drive B36 9ND
Marston Drive B37 6BD
Medway Croft B36 0TU
Meriden Drive B37 6BH B37 6BL B37 6BP B37 6BS
Morgan Grove B36 9NR
Morris Croft B36 9JN
Mull Croft B36 0QF B36 0PU
Nene Way B36 0UL
Nightingale Avenue B36 0RT
Orkney Croft B36 0QA
Over Green Drive B37 6EZ
Pheasant Croft B36 0SD
Portsea Drive B36 0BE
Rathlin Croft B36 0PJ B36 0PL
Red Wing Walk B36 0RU
Riley Drive B36 9NP
Robin Close B36 0RN
Rover Drive B36 9JS B36 9JU B36 9LA B36 9LB B36 9LD B36 9LH B36 9LJ B36 9LL
Sanda Croft B36 0NG
Sark Drive B36 0NU
School Close B37 6BN
Severn Close B36 0TT
Sheppey Drive B36 0LZ B36 0NA B36 0LU
Sherard Croft B36 0LS
Shetland Walk B36 0PH
Silver Birch Road B37 6AA B37 6AH B37 6AS B37 6AT
Singer Croft B36 9NA
Skye Close B36 0NJ
St Agnes Drive B36 0BF
Starling Grove B36 0RQ
Sunbeam Close B36 9JR
Swallow Avenue B36 0RH
Swift Close B36 0RY
Tamar Drive B36 0SR B36 0ST B36 0SY B36 0TP B36 0TX
Tame Avenue B36 0RW
Taw Close B36 0TS
The Parade B37 6BA B37 6BB
Trent Drive B36 0UJ B36 0BG
Triumph Walk B36 9NS B36 9NT B36 9NU B36 9NE
Usk Way B36 0TN
Vauxhall Crescent B36 9JP B36 9JT
Waldon Walk B36 0TL B36 0TB
Waveney Croft B36 0TD
Wheatfield Close B36 0QP
Wight Croft B36 0PX
Windsor Road B36 0JN B36 0JR
Windward Way B36 0PF B36 0PN B36 0PP B36 0SP B36 0SQ B36 0UD B36 0UH B36 0PS B36 0UE B36 0UF
Wolseley Close B36 9LG B36 9LQ
Woodpecker Grove B36 0QT
Wyegate Close B36 0TQ

Transport near Smiths Wood

Frequently asked questions about Smiths Wood

What is the average price for a property for sale in Smiths Wood?

The average price for a property for sale in Smiths Wood is £187,379. This amount is 16% lower than the average price in Birmingham. There are 1,200 property listings for sale in Smiths Wood.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Smiths Wood?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Smiths Wood are Jura Way at an average of £365,000, Buckingham Road at an average of £343,500 and Windsor Road at an average of £322,000.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Smiths Wood?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Smiths Wood are Daren Close at an average of £92,000, Vauxhall Crescent at an average of £116,666 and Barle Grove at an average of £121,444.

Which train stations are available in or near Smiths Wood?

Some of the train stations available in or near Smiths Wood are Water Orton, Coleshill Parkway and Lea Hall.

Property Price Paid in Smiths Wood by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £188,312.94
85 Properties
2023 £193,239.81
108 Properties
2022 £181,899.23
130 Properties
2021 £162,954.51
122 Properties
2020 £155,427.61
109 Properties
2019 £162,936.29
155 Properties
2018 £139,023.73
122 Properties
2017 £149,517.45
106 Properties
2016 £130,079
125 Properties
2015 £117,898.61
108 Properties
2014 £103,861.71
102 Properties
2013 £109,460
110 Properties
2012 £111,362
93 Properties
2011 £108,247
100 Properties
2010 £105,347
79 Properties
2009 £102,317.95
64 Properties
2008 £106,406
112 Properties
2007 £103,968
171 Properties
2006 £103,783
184 Properties
2005 £99,786.71
140 Properties
2004 £88,110
149 Properties
2003 £75,774.82
157 Properties
2002 £60,839
149 Properties
2001 £52,102.46
138 Properties
2000 £46,906.98
122 Properties
1999 £43,997
127 Properties
1998 £44,227
108 Properties
1997 £39,878
93 Properties
1996 £38,943
120 Properties
1995 £39,908
88 Properties
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Smiths Wood

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Flat £110,961.54 26 Flats
Terraced House £174,999.53 212 Terraced Houses
Detached House £265,055.56 9 Detached Houses
Semi Detached House £238,855.26 76 Semi Detached Houses
Source: Land Registry