Houses for sale & to rent in Bisley & West End, Woking

House Prices in Bisley & West End

Properties in Bisley & West End have an average house price of £569,675.00 and had 43 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
Bisley & West End is an area in Woking, Surrey with 44 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £3,900,000.00.

Properties for sale in Bisley & West End


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Roads and Postcodes in Bisley & West End

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Bisley & West End, Woking for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Bagshot Road GU24 9PT GU24 9PU GU24 9PX
Beldam Bridge Gardens GU24 9GD
Benner Lane GU24 9JG GU24 9JP
Blackstroud Lane East GU24 9GR
Bourne Close GU24 9GP
Boxwood Grove GU24 9BP
Brentmoor Road GU24 9ND
Brompton Gardens GU24 9GN
Church Lane GU24 9DR
Clews Lane GU24 9DY
Common Lane GU24 9LA
Daborn Close GU24 9FZ
Fulton Drive GU24 9FU
Great Barn Crescent GU24 9FX
Guildford Road GU24 9EP GU24 9PZ
Hayhurst Grove GU24 9FT
Jopling Road GU24 9FN
Kings Close GU24 9GJ
Kings Court GU24 9GL
Kings Place GU24 9BN
Lucas Drive GU24 9GG
Lucas Green Road GU24 9YB
Meadow Way GU24 9JH
Michie Court GU24 9FS
Noble Drive GU24 9BQ
Oakbourne Avenue GU24 9BG
Onslow Place GU24 9GF
Parsonage Grove GU24 9GA
Pixley Mews GU24 9FW
Pullman Square GU24 9FR
Queens Place GU24 9GE
Reidon Hill GU24 9GQ
Sarsen Court GU24 9GB
Scotts Grove Road GU24 8DP
Shaftesbury Road GU24 9EX
Stafford Lake GU24 9AZ
Streets Heath GU24 9PR
Tithe Lane GU24 9FY
Trinity Wood GU24 9BW
Westside Court GU24 9RH
Wyatt Close GU24 9FP
GU24 9GH

Transport near Bisley & West End

Frequently asked questions about Bisley & West End

What is the average price for a property for sale in Bisley & West End?

The average price for a property for sale in Bisley & West End is £569,675. This amount is 2% higher than the average price in Woking. There are 1,781 property listings for sale in Bisley & West End.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Bisley & West End?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Bisley & West End are Scotts Grove Road at an average of £3,900,000, Daborn Close at an average of £1,200,000 and Tithe Lane at an average of £791,500.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Bisley & West End?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Bisley & West End are Michie Court at an average of £210,375, Lucas Drive at an average of £250,000 and Noble Drive at an average of £282,900.

Which train stations are available in or near Bisley & West End?

Some of the train stations available in or near Bisley & West End are Brookwood, Bagshot and Woking.

Property Price Paid in Bisley & West End by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £432,200
8 Properties
2023 £508,100
17 Properties
2022 £877,000
8 Properties
2021 £538,475
10 Properties
2020 £566,095
55 Properties
2019 £532,896
138 Properties
2018 £686,500
60 Properties
2017 £490,844
35 Properties
2016 £514,958
6 Properties
2009 £425,000
1 Property
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Bisley & West End

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Semi Detached House £456,205.00 20 Semi Detached Houses
Detached House £1,023,813.00 11 Detached Houses
Terraced House £377,416.00 9 Terraced Houses
Flat £237,750.00 3 Flats
Source: Land Registry