Houses for sale & to rent in CH44 6QL, Brighton Street, Seacombe, Wallasey
House Prices in CH44 6QL, Brighton Street, Seacombe
Properties in CH44 6QL have an average house price of £143,600.00 and had 5 Property Transactions within the last 3 years.¹ CH44 6QL is a postcode in Brighton Street located in Seacombe, an area in Wallasey, Wirral, with 11 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £230,000.00.
Properties for sale near CH44 6QL, Brighton Street
Price Paid in Brighton Street, CH44 6QL, Seacombe
99 FLAT 3 Brighton Street, CH44 6QL, Seacombe Wallasey
Property 99 FLAT 3 has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 25/09/2023 and the sold price was £90,000.00.
This is a Flat which was sold as a leasehold in 25/09/2023
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
25/09/2023 | £90,000.00 | Flat | leasehold | Established Building |
99 Brighton Street, CH44 6QL, Seacombe Wallasey
Property 99 has been sold 2 times. The last time it was sold was in 09/08/2023 and the sold price was £140,000.00.
This is a Terraced House which was sold as a freehold in 09/08/2023
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
09/08/2023 | £140,000.00 | Terraced House | freehold | Established Building |
21/12/2021 | £285,000.00 | Terraced House | freehold | Established Building |
97 FLAT Brighton Street, CH44 6QL, Seacombe Wallasey
Property 97 FLAT has been sold 3 times. The last time it was sold was in 09/08/2023 and the sold price was £230,000.00.
This is a Terraced House which was sold as a freehold in 09/08/2023
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
09/08/2023 | £230,000.00 | Terraced House | freehold | Established Building |
21/12/2021 | £285,000.00 | Terraced House | freehold | Established Building |
07/02/2001 | £20,000.00 | Terraced House | freehold | Established Building |
95 Brighton Street, CH44 6QL, Seacombe Wallasey
Property 95 has been sold 3 times. The last time it was sold was in 09/08/2023 and the sold price was £140,000.00.
This terraced house, sold as a freehold on 09/08/2023, is a 40 sqm top-floor flat with an EPC rating of D.
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
09/08/2023 | £140,000.00 | Terraced House | freehold | Established Building |
21/12/2021 | £285,000.00 | Terraced House | freehold | Established Building |
07/02/2001 | £20,000.00 | Terraced House | freehold | Established Building |
103A Brighton Street, CH44 6QL, Seacombe Wallasey
Property 103A has been sold 4 times. The last time it was sold was in 03/08/2023 and the sold price was £118,000.00.
This flat, sold as a leasehold on 03/08/2023, is a 121 sqm top-floor flat with an EPC rating of E.
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
03/08/2023 | £118,000.00 | Flat | leasehold | Established Building |
28/06/2021 | £60,000.00 | Flat | leasehold | Established Building |
16/11/2018 | £50,000.00 | Other Property | freehold | Established Building |
25/07/2007 | £42,000.00 | Terraced House | freehold | Established Building |
101 Brighton Street, CH44 6QL, Seacombe Wallasey
Property 101 has been sold 2 times. The last time it was sold was in 09/12/2021 and the sold price was £204,000.00.
This flat, sold as a freehold on 09/12/2021, is a 45 sqm mid-floor flat with an EPC rating of F.
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
09/12/2021 | £204,000.00 | Flat | freehold | Established Building |
26/02/2020 | £14,000.00 | Other Property | freehold | Established Building |
91 - 93 Brighton Street, CH44 6QL, Seacombe Wallasey
Property 91 - 93 has been sold 2 times. The last time it was sold was in 12/02/2020 and the sold price was £175,000.00.
This is a Terraced House which was sold as a freehold in 12/02/2020
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
12/02/2020 | £175,000.00 | Terraced House | freehold | Established Building |
27/10/1998 | £40,000.00 | Terraced House | freehold | Established Building |
93 Brighton Street, CH44 6QL, Seacombe Wallasey
Property 93 has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 12/02/2020 and the sold price was £175,000.00.
This is a Terraced House which was sold as a freehold in 12/02/2020
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
12/02/2020 | £175,000.00 | Terraced House | freehold | Established Building |
101A Brighton Street, CH44 6QL, Seacombe Wallasey
Property 101A has been sold 2 times. The last time it was sold was in 26/06/2015 and the sold price was £9,000.00.
This other property, sold as a freehold on 26/06/2015, is a 47 sqm ground-floor flat with an EPC rating of D.
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
26/06/2015 | £9,000.00 | Other Property | freehold | Established Building |
06/11/2003 | £44,000.00 | Terraced House | freehold | Established Building |
111 Brighton Street, CH44 6QL, Seacombe Wallasey
Property 111 has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 22/06/1999 and the sold price was £48,500.00.
This is a Terraced House which was sold as a freehold in 22/06/1999
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
22/06/1999 | £48,500.00 | Terraced House | freehold | Established Building |
113 Brighton Street, CH44 6QL, Seacombe Wallasey
Property 113 has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 22/06/1999 and the sold price was £48,500.00.
This is a Terraced House which was sold as a freehold in 22/06/1999
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
22/06/1999 | £48,500.00 | Terraced House | freehold | Established Building |
93A Brighton Street, CH44 6QL, Seacombe Wallasey
Property 93A has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 14/05/1998 and the sold price was £18,500.00.
This terraced house, sold as a freehold on 14/05/1998, is a 54 sqm mid-floor flat with an EPC rating of D.
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
14/05/1998 | £18,500.00 | Terraced House | freehold | Established Building |
Postcodes in Brighton Street, Seacombe
Navigate through other locations in Brighton Street, Seacombe, Wallasey to see more property listings for sale or to rent.
- CH44 6QL
- CH44 6QN
- CH44 8DT
- CH44 8DU
- CH44 8DY
- CH27 9SA
- CH27 9SB
- CH27 9ZU
- CH27 9ZW
- CH27 9ZX
- CH27 9ZY
- CH27 9ZZ
- CH44 4SA
- CH44 4SB
- CH44 4SD
- CH44 4SE
- CH44 4SF
- CH44 4SG
- CH44 4SH
- CH44 4SJ
- CH44 4SL
- CH44 4SN
- CH44 4SQ
- CH44 4SR
- CH44 4SS
- CH44 4ST
- CH44 4SU
- CH44 4SW
- CH44 4SX
- CH44 4SY
- CH44 4SZ
- CH44 4TA
- CH44 4TB
- CH44 4TD
- CH44 6QH
- CH44 6QJ
- CH44 6QW
- CH44 8ED
Transport near CH44 6QL, Brighton Street
Birkenhead Park Station
Birkenhead Hamilton Square Station
Liverpool James Street Station
Moorfields Station
Conway Park Station
Birkenhead North Station
Sandhills Station
Birkenhead Central Station
New Brighton Station
Liverpool Central Station
House price paid reports for CH44 6QL, Brighton Street
Click on the buttons below to see price paid reports by year or property price:
- Price Paid By Year
- Property Type Price
Property Price Paid in CH44 6QL, Brighton Street by Year
The average sold property price by year was:
Year | Average Sold Price | Price Change |
Sold Properties
2023 | £143,600 | -56% |
5 Properties |
2021 | £223,800 | 22% |
5 Properties |
2020 | £175,000 | 76% |
2 Properties |
2007 | £42,000 | -5% |
1 Property |
2003 | £44,000 | 55% |
1 Property |
2001 | £20,000 | -143% |
2 Properties |
1999 | £48,500 | 40% |
2 Properties |
1998 | £29,250 | - |
2 Properties |
Property Price per Property Type in CH44 6QL, Brighton Street
Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.
The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:
Property Type | Average Sold Price | Sold Properties |
Terraced House | £170,000.00 | 3 Terraced Houses |
Flat | £104,000.00 | 2 Flats |