Houses for sale & to rent in Huntington & New Earswick, York

House Prices in Huntington & New Earswick

Properties in Huntington & New Earswick have an average house price of £331,146.00 and had 26 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
Huntington & New Earswick is an area in York, York with 249 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £560,000.00.

Properties for sale in Huntington & New Earswick


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Roads and Postcodes in Huntington & New Earswick

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Huntington & New Earswick, York for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Alder Way YO32 4TP
Arbor Close YO32 9GA
Birch Close YO31 9PJ YO31 9PP YO31 9PT YO32 4BH
Birch Park YO31 9BL
Birch Park Industrial Estate YO31 9XX
Bramble Grove YO31 9HH
Brecks Lane YO32 9NP
Carrnock Close YO32 9YP
Crab Tree Grove YO32 4BB
Dormary Close YO32 9LN
Forest Walk YO31 9JR
Garth Court YO32 4TY YO32 9YE
Garth Road YO32 9QJ
Garth Way YO32 4AF
Hawthorn Close YO32 4AH
Hawthorn Terrace YO32 4AQ YO32 4BY
Haxby Road YO32 4AA YO32 4AB YO32 4BZ YO32 4BR YO32 4DZ
Heathside YO32 9AA YO32 9ZD
Huntington Road YO32 9WT
Jockey Lane YO32 9GY YO32 9LF YO32 9LG YO32 9XW
Julia Avenue YO32 9JR
Kathryn Avenue YO32 9AF YO32 9JS
Lucombe Way YO32 4DY
Maple Court YO32 4BJ
Martello Way YO32 9JU
Monks Cross Drive YO32 9GW YO32 9GZ YO32 9LB YO32 9WN YO32 9AG YO32 9GU
Monks Cross Shopping Park YO32 9GX
New Lane YO32 9NB YO32 9NU YO32 9NW YO32 9PR YO32 9PT YO32 9TA YO32 9AH
North Moor Gardens YO32 9YH
North Moor Road YO32 9QT
Oak Tree Grove YO32 4BQ
Pear Tree Close YO32 9QZ
Royal Avenue YO31 9JS
Sycamore Court YO32 4BG
Upperdale Park YO31 9FA
Vangarde Way YO32 9AE
White Rose Avenue YO32 4TZ
York Road YO32 3HJ
YO30 4QW YO30 6WW YO30 7WS YO31 6AA YO31 6DG YO31 6DH YO31 6DW YO31 6DZ YO31 6EA YO31 6EB YO31 6ED YO31 6EE YO31 6EG YO31 6EH YO31 6EP YO31 6EQ YO31 6ER YO31 6ET YO31 6EX YO31 6FD YO31 6FF YO31 6FG YO31 6FH YO31 6FN YO31 6FP YO31 6FQ YO31 6FR YO31 6FS YO31 7WP YO32 4DU YO32 4ZA YO32 9LW YO32 9XR

Transport near Huntington & New Earswick

Frequently asked questions about Huntington & New Earswick

What is the average price for a property for sale in Huntington & New Earswick?

The average price for a property for sale in Huntington & New Earswick is £331,146. This amount is 0.83% lower than the average price in York. There are 2,875 property listings for sale in Huntington & New Earswick.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Huntington & New Earswick?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Huntington & New Earswick are New Lane at an average of £425,000, Royal Avenue at an average of £366,875 and Heathside at an average of £344,000.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Huntington & New Earswick?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Huntington & New Earswick are Birch Park at an average of £300,000 and Forest Walk at an average of £301,666.

Which train stations are available in or near Huntington & New Earswick?

Some of the train stations available in or near Huntington & New Earswick are York, Poppleton and Hammerton.

Property Price Paid in Huntington & New Earswick by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £354,583
6 Properties
2023 £319,500
6 Properties
2022 £296,328
4 Properties
2021 £338,000
10 Properties
2020 £325,351
8 Properties
2019 £324,750
8 Properties
2018 £215,000
1 Property
2017 £321,222
21 Properties
2016 £295,950
33 Properties
2015 £191,471
44 Properties
2014 £344,822
27 Properties
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Huntington & New Earswick

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Semi Detached House £316,562.00 8 Semi Detached Houses
Detached House £448,214.00 7 Detached Houses
Terraced House £296,500.00 9 Terraced Houses
Flat £135,656.00 2 Flats
Source: Land Registry