Houses for sale & to rent in New Town, Colchester

House Prices in New Town

Properties in New Town have an average house price of £238,533.00 and had 550 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
New Town is an area in Colchester, Essex with 4,020 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £850,000.00.

Properties for sale in New Town


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Roads and Postcodes in New Town

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in New Town, Colchester for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Albion Grove CO2 7RZ
Artillery Street CO1 2JG CO1 2JJ CO1 2JL CO1 2JQ
Attlee Gardens CO1 2AQ
Barrack Street CO1 2LJ CO1 2LL CO1 2LP CO1 2LS CO1 2LW CO1 2LZ
Barrington Road CO2 7RP CO2 7RW CO2 7SE
Beche Road CO2 7LS
Bourne Road CO2 7LP CO2 7LQ CO2 7LT CO2 8RS
Brigade Grove CO2 7FY
Brook Street CO1 2UZ
Brookside Close CO2 7LZ
Butt Road CO3 3DA
Campion Road CO2 7RT
Cannon Road CO1 2EW
Cannon Street CO1 2DU
Canterbury Road CO2 7RU CO2 7RX CO2 7RY
Captain Gardens CO2 7FX
Carters Court CO1 2LQ
Cavalier Grove CO2 7SF
Cedars Road CO2 7BS
Chapel Street South CO2 7AU CO2 7AX
Charles Place CO1 2NR
Charles Street CO1 2BL
Circular Road East CO2 7GA CO2 7GB
Claudius Road CO2 7RR
Connaught Close CO1 2GJ
Cromwell Road CO2 7EN
Edward Paxman Gardens CO1 2NL CO1 2NT
Fairfax Road CO2 7EW
Falcon Crescent CO1 2HR
Flagstaff Road CO2 7NP
Gantry Close CO1 2ZP
George Williams Way CO1 2JP CO1 2JR CO1 2JZ
Gilberd Road CO2 7LR CO2 7LX
Gladstone Road CO1 2EA CO1 2EB
Golden Noble Hill CO1 2AG
Goodey Close CO1 2BH
Granville Road CO1 2ED CO1 2EE
Grimston Road CO2 7RN
Gunner Mews CO1 2ZJ
Haddon Park CO1 2GX CO1 2GY
Harsnett Road CO1 2HS CO1 2HT CO1 2HX CO1 2HY
Hatcher Crescent CO2 8JG CO2 8JL
Hesper Road CO2 8JR CO2 8JS
Hyderabad Close CO2 7FZ
Hythe Hill CO1 2NB CO1 2NF CO1 2NG CO1 2NH CO1 2NP CO1 2NQ
Hythe Quay CO2 8JB
James Street CO1 2BP
Kendall Road CO1 2BN CO1 2BS CO1 2BU
Kimberley Road CO1 2JH
King Stephen Road CO1 2DR CO1 2DS
Knights Field CO2 7SL CO2 7SS CO2 7SY
Lenz Close CO1 2FP
Lisle Road CO2 7SA CO2 7SB CO2 7SD
Lucas Road CO2 7EP CO2 7ER
Magdalen Street CO1 2JT CO1 2JX CO1 2LA CO1 2LD CO1 2LE CO1 2LF CO1 2SE
Maria Court CO2 8JP
Meachen Road CO2 8JD
Mersea Road CO2 7ES CO2 7ET CO2 7EU CO2 7EX CO2 7QS CO2 7RA CO2 7RB CO2 7RL
Military Road CO1 2AA CO1 2AD CO1 2AJ CO1 2AN CO1 2AP CO1 2AR CO1 2AS CO1 2AT CO1 2AW
Mill Street CO1 2AH
Morant Road CO1 2HZ CO1 2JA CO1 2JB CO1 2JD
Myrtle Grove CO2 7LG
Neptune Court CO1 2PU
New Park Street CO1 2NA
New Town Road CO1 2DH CO1 2EF CO1 2EG
Old Heath Road CO1 2ES CO1 2EX CO2 8AA
Peache Road CO1 2FR CO1 2FS
Port Lane CO1 2FT CO1 2HL CO1 2HN CO1 2JE CO1 2JF
Portland Road CO2 7EH
Providence Place CO1 2LN
Rebow Street CO1 2DT
Recreation Road CO1 2LB
Roberts Road CO2 7FW
Sadler Close CO2 7LU
Saw Mill Road CO1 2ZL CO1 2ZQ
Shrubland Road CO2 7EL
Simons Lane CO1 2LH
South Street CO2 7BJ CO2 7BL
Spurgeon Street CO1 2NS
St Johns Green CO2 7EZ CO2 7HA CO2 7HE
St Leonards Road CO1 2NU
Standard Road CO1 2NZ
Steed Crescent CO2 7SJ
Tarrett Drive CO1 2NJ
Timber Hill CO1 2PW
Victor Road CO1 2LU CO1 2LX
Victoria Place CO1 2DZ
Walsingham Road CO2 7BN CO2 7BP
Wellington Street CO2 7BH
West Street CO2 7BG
Weston Road CO2 7LJ
Wimpole Road CO1 2BX CO1 2BY CO1 2DD CO1 2DE CO1 2DL CO1 2DN CO1 2DW
Winchester Road CO2 7LH CO2 7LL CO2 7LN
Winnock Road CO1 2BE CO1 2BG CO1 2BJ CO1 2BQ CO1 2DP
Winsley Road CO1 2DG

Transport near New Town

Frequently asked questions about New Town

What is the average price for a property for sale in New Town?

The average price for a property for sale in New Town is £238,533. This amount is 31% lower than the average price in Colchester. There are 1,946 property listings for sale in New Town.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in New Town?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in New Town are Flagstaff Road at an average of £575,000, Brigade Grove at an average of £352,750 and Roberts Road at an average of £342,500.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in New Town?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in New Town are Hythe Quay at an average of £69,375, Connaught Close at an average of £135,000 and Meachen Road at an average of £155,583.

Which train stations are available in or near New Town?

Some of the train stations available in or near New Town are Colchester Town, Hythe and Colchester.

Property Price Paid in New Town by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £239,741
131 Properties
2023 £231,901
182 Properties
2022 £242,957
237 Properties
2021 £213,748
297 Properties
2020 £194,846
180 Properties
2019 £203,126
209 Properties
2018 £206,828
219 Properties
2017 £198,171
235 Properties
2016 £186,660
341 Properties
2015 £168,030
316 Properties
2014 £161,234
335 Properties
2013 £158,328
282 Properties
2012 £153,674
262 Properties
2011 £141,572
215 Properties
2010 £140,189
160 Properties
2009 £131,154
149 Properties
2008 £132,596
196 Properties
2007 £151,488
363 Properties
2006 £141,655
368 Properties
2005 £136,131
342 Properties
2004 £130,164
366 Properties
2003 £116,051
452 Properties
2002 £98,254
458 Properties
2001 £73,408
331 Properties
2000 £63,294
350 Properties
1999 £53,997
382 Properties
1998 £47,836
299 Properties
1997 £45,014
307 Properties
1996 £40,541
288 Properties
1995 £41,093
185 Properties
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in New Town

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Flat £161,060.00 95 Flats
Terraced House £242,118.00 339 Terraced Houses
Detached House £353,944.00 27 Detached Houses
Semi Detached House £272,560.00 89 Semi Detached Houses
Source: Land Registry