Houses for sale & to rent in Innsworth, Gloucester

House Prices in Innsworth

Properties in Innsworth have an average house price of £302,773.00 and had 128 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
Innsworth is an area in Gloucester, Gloucestershire with 469 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £1,232,950.00.

Properties for sale in Innsworth


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Roads and Postcodes in Innsworth

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Innsworth, Gloucester for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Abrams Drive GL3 1FN
Alvin Drive GL2 9FL
Andover Close GL3 1PQ
Apley Road GL2 9RQ GL2 9RZ
Ashmeads Crescent GL2 9RF
Aster Close GL2 9GY
Barley Drive GL2 9LE GL2 9LF GL2 9RJ GL2 9SB
Bewdley Drive GL2 9GP
Campbell Close GL3 1HQ
Carrington Road GL2 9GR
Catherine Place GL2 9FD
Cavalier Drive GL3 1FU
Centurion Road GL3 1GT GL3 1GW
Challenger Road GL3 1FQ
Cheltenham Road East GL3 1AF GL3 1JZ
Cheshire Road GL3 1ES
Cheston Close GL2 9FG
Churchill Drive GL3 1FP
Clock Tower Road GL2 9FP
Comet Close GL3 1FT
Comfrey Gardens GL2 9GQ
Cromwell Road GL3 1FG
Dawkes Road GL2 9FY
Drymeadow Lane GL3 1DR
Ellis Drive GL2 9FJ
Gazelle Close GL3 1FR
Gibson Road GL3 1ET GL3 1EU
Godwine Drive GL2 9GA
Gwinnett Drive GL2 9FT
Halfpenny Close GL2 9GX
Halfren Drive GL2 9GU
Hamlet Grove GL2 9FU
Hanbury Road GL3 1PU
Hannah Place GL3 1ER
Hawfinch Road GL2 9FX
Hobarts Close GL3 1FH
Horsbere Drive GL2 9DH
Hyatt Close GL2 9FF
Innsworth Lane GL3 1DS GL3 1DU GL3 1DZ GL3 1FE
Innsworth Technology Park GL3 1DL
Ironbridge Road GL2 9GL GL2 9GS GL2 9GT
Jackson Crescent GL3 1BY
Juniper Close GL3 1FB
Kale Drive GL2 9RL
Kestrel Parade GL3 1BJ
Leighton Close GL2 9GN
Longford Lane GL2 9EW
Longstone Avenue GL2 9FS
Magnolia Close GL3 1AP
Matilda Street GL3 1PH
Meadow Lane GL2 9FQ GL2 9GF
Middleton Lawn GL3 1EN GL3 1EP GL3 1EW
Mottershead Drive GL3 1EG GL3 1EH GL3 1EQ
Nicolson Close GL3 1DN
Olive Close GL2 9FH
Orchard Park GL2 9QP GL2 9QS GL2 9QX
Oswald Drive GL2 9FW
Oswalds Close GL2 9FE
Penrose Road GL3 1BZ
Porthill Close GL2 9GW
Purton Close GL2 9RN
Roberts Road GL3 1HG
Rookery Road GL3 1AX GL3 1AZ
Saintbridge Road GL2 9FN
Sandhurst Lane GL2 9PH
Stuart Road GL3 1FW
Tewkesbury Road GL2 9BJ
The Bramleys GL2 9GB
The Orchards GL2 9PJ
Thompson Way GL3 1BT
Twigworth Way GL2 9FZ
Vertican Road GL3 1BX
Vickers Close GL3 1FJ
Victoria Road GL2 9HG
Walham GL2 9ND
Ward Avenue GL3 1EJ GL3 1EL
Whitefield Crescent GL2 9FR
Willows Caravan Site GL2 9NB
Winter Gate Road GL2 9FA GL2 9FB

Transport near Innsworth

Frequently asked questions about Innsworth

What is the average price for a property for sale in Innsworth?

The average price for a property for sale in Innsworth is £302,773. This amount is 11% higher than the average price in Gloucester. There are 2,208 property listings for sale in Innsworth.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Innsworth?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Innsworth are Meadow Lane at an average of £675,983, Olive Close at an average of £536,650 and Ellis Drive at an average of £527,500.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Innsworth?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Innsworth are Kestrel Parade at an average of £125,000, Whitefield Crescent at an average of £216,800 and Thompson Way at an average of £218,500.

Which train stations are available in or near Innsworth?

Some of the train stations available in or near Innsworth are Gloucester, Cheltenham Spa and Ashchurch.

Property Price Paid in Innsworth by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £316,775
10 Properties
2023 £345,123
32 Properties
2022 £314,264
45 Properties
2021 £253,693
41 Properties
2020 £255,589
33 Properties
2019 £243,431
64 Properties
2018 £229,089
120 Properties
2017 £226,985
137 Properties
2016 £251,755
124 Properties
2015 £269,164
66 Properties
2014 £199,561
8 Properties
2004 £315,000
1 Property
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Innsworth

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Semi Detached House £265,447.00 60 Semi Detached Houses
Detached House £420,159.00 42 Detached Houses
Terraced House £255,090.00 11 Terraced Houses
Flat £158,366.00 15 Flats
Source: Land Registry