Houses for sale & to rent in Glyndon, London

House Prices in Glyndon

Properties in this part of Glyndon within London have an average house price of £367,580.00 and had 354 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹. This area has 6,697 households² , where the most expensive property was sold for £715,000.00.

Properties for sale in Glyndon


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Roads and Postcodes in Glyndon

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Glyndon, London for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Allenby Road SE28 0AL SE28 0BB SE28 0BF SE28 0BG SE28 0BL SE28 0BN SE28 0BP
Ancona Road SE18 1AA SE18 1AB SE18 1AD SE18 1AE
Ann Street SE18 7LS SE18 7LT SE18 7LY SE18 7LU
Apollo Way SE28 0EF
Arthur Grove SE18 7EP SE18 7ES
Blendon Terrace SE18 7RR SE18 7RS SE18 7SR SE18 7SS
Bramblebury Road SE18 7TF SE18 7TG SE18 7TB
Brewery Road SE18 1NB SE18 1ND SE18 1NF SE18 1NG SE18 7PT SE18 7PS SE18 7PX SE18 7PY
Broadwater Road SE28 0AZ
Burrage Grove SE18 7LJ
Burrage Road SE18 7HH SE18 7HR SE18 7JZ SE18 7LN SE18 7LR SE18 7HS SE18 7LQ
Burwash Road SE18 7QY SE18 7QZ
Camelot Close SE28 0ES SE28 0ET
Carronade Place SE28 0EE
Chamberlain Close SE28 0EL
Chestnut Rise SE18 1RJ SE18 1RL SE18 1RN
Church Hyde SE18 1QQ
Clendon Way SE18 7DR SE18 7DS SE18 7DT
Congleton Grove SE18 7HL SE18 7HN SE18 7HP SE18 7HT SE18 7HW SE18 7LG
Congo Road SE18 1TF SE18 1TG
Coupland Place SE18 7SN SE18 7SW
Coxwell Road SE18 1AL SE18 1AN
Dawson Close SE18 7LP SE18 7LW
Durham Rise SE18 7TD SE18 7TE SE18 7TQ
Earl Rise SE18 7NF SE18 7NH
Elmley Street SE18 7NL SE18 7AE SE18 7NJ SE18 7NN SE18 7NR SE18 7NU
Erebus Drive SE28 0GB SE28 0GD SE28 0GE SE28 0GF SE28 0GG SE28 0GH SE28 0GJ SE28 0GL SE28 0GN
Foreland Street SE18 7BY
Fortune Walk SE28 0EJ
Fox Hollow Close SE18 1RX
Garrick Drive SE28 0EG SE28 0EQ
Garside Close SE28 0EX
Gateway Business Centre SE28 0EZ
Glenmount Path SE18 7HU
Glyndon Road SE18 7NX SE18 7NY SE18 7NZ SE18 7PA SE18 7PB SE18 7PU SE18 7NS SE18 7NT SE18 7PD
Goldsmid Street SE18 1PT
Goosander Way SE28 0ER
Gossage Road SE18 1NQ
Griffin Road SE18 7PZ SE18 7QA SE18 7QD SE18 7QE SE18 7QF SE18 7QG
Heavitree Close SE18 7QR
Heavitree Road SE18 1ST SE18 1SU SE18 7QX SE18 7RA SE18 7RB
Heckford Close SE18 1DS
Hudson Place SE18 7SJ SE18 7SL
Ingledew Road SE18 1AP SE18 1AW
Invermore Place SE18 7DE SE18 7DF SE18 7DJ
Jessup Close SE18 7HB SE18 7HD
Lakedale Road SE18 1PS SE18 1PU
Leghorn Road SE18 1SZ
Liffler Road SE18 1AT
Livesey Close SE28 0GR
Majendie Road SE18 7QB
Mallard Path SE28 0EU
Manthorp Road SE18 7TA SE18 7SA
Manthorpe Road SE18 7SZ
Maxey Road SE18 7EJ SE18 7EL SE18 7ET SE18 7HA
Old Mill Road SE18 1QE SE18 1QG SE18 1QF
Parkdale Road SE18 1RP SE18 1RS SE18 1RT SE18 1RW
Pattison Walk SE18 7EY
Perrott Street SE18 7DH
Pettacre Close SE28 0AN SE28 0AR SE28 0BS SE28 0BU SE28 0BW SE28 0BX SE28 0GX SE28 0PA SE28 0PB SE28 0PD
Pettman Crescent SE28 0BJ SE28 0FE SE28 0FF
Piedmont Road SE18 1TA SE18 1TB SE18 1TD SE18 1TE
Pier Way SE28 0EP SE28 0GP SE28 0GQ SE28 0FH
Plumstead Common Road SE18 2SS SE18 2UJ SE18 2UQ
Plumstead Road SE18 7DD SE18 7DG SE18 7DN SE18 7DW SE18 7DX SE18 7DY SE18 7DQ
Polthorne Grove SE18 7DP SE18 7DU SE18 7AS
Raglan Road SE18 7HX SE18 7LF SE18 7LB
Richmond Place SE18 7EQ
Robert Street SE18 7LZ SE18 7ND SE18 7NB SE18 7NE SE18 7NG
Roydene Road SE18 1PZ SE18 1QA
Sandbach Place SE18 7EX
Senator Walk SE28 0EH
Sladedale Road SE18 1PX SE18 1PY
South Rise Way SE18 7PF SE18 7PG
Southport Road SE18 7PH SE18 7PJ SE18 7PL SE18 7PQ
St James Close SE18 7LE
St Johns Terrace SE18 7RT
St Margarets Grove SE18 7RL
St Margarets Terrace SE18 7RN SE18 7RW
Swetenham Walk SE18 7EZ
Temple Close SE28 0EN SE28 0EW
The Oaks SE18 7JR SE18 7JS
Tom Cribb Road SE28 0FN
Tormount Road SE18 1QB SE18 1QD
Tuppy Street SE28 0GA
Tuscan Road SE18 1SY
Vicarage Park SE18 7SU SE18 7SX SE18 7SY
Vicarage Road SE18 7SP SE18 7ST SE18 7SH
Villas Road SE18 7PN SE18 7PP SE18 7PW SE18 7PR
Walker Close SE18 7ER
Walmer Terrace SE18 7DZ SE18 7EB SE18 7ED SE18 7EE SE18 7EG SE18 7AD SE18 7AF SE18 7AN SE18 7EA
Warwick Terrace SE18 1QJ
Waverley Crescent SE18 7QS SE18 7QT SE18 7QU
Waverley Road SE18 7TH SE18 7TJ SE18 7TL SE18 7TN SE18 7AU
Wernbrook Street SE18 7RU SE18 7RX
Whinchat Road SE28 0DP SE28 0DR SE28 0DW SE28 0DZ SE28 0EA
Woolwich Trade Park SE28 0AJ
SE18 1WD SE18 1YX SE18 3ZW SE18 5WA SE18 6WD SE18 6WH SE18 6WJ SE18 6WN SE18 6WQ SE18 6YA SE18 6YD SE18 6ZB SE18 6ZX SE18 9BN SE18 9DE SE18 9DW SE18 9GR SE18 9GU SE18 9JP SE18 9LD SE18 9LF SE18 9LL SE18 9LQ SE18 9LS SE18 9LU SE18 9LZ SE18 9ND SE18 9NF SE18 9NS SE18 9NT SE18 9NW SE18 9NX SE18 9NZ SE18 9PA SE18 9PB SE18 9PD SE18 9PE SE18 9PF SE18 9PH SE18 9PJ SE18 9QD

Transport near Glyndon

Frequently asked questions about Glyndon

What is the average price for a property for sale in Glyndon?

The average price for a property for sale in Glyndon is £367,580. This amount is 27% lower than the average price in London. There are 3,993 property listings for sale in Glyndon.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Glyndon?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Glyndon are St Johns Terrace at an average of £520,750, St Margarets Grove at an average of £513,625 and Lakedale Road at an average of £492,591.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Glyndon?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Glyndon are Gossage Road at an average of £195,000, Polthorne Grove at an average of £195,000 and Glyndon Road at an average of £215,666.

Which train stations are available in or near Glyndon?

Some of the train stations available in or near Glyndon are Plumstead, Woolwich Arsenal and Woolwich Dockyard.

Property Price Paid in Glyndon by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £369,526
94 Properties
2023 £380,857
130 Properties
2022 £352,897
130 Properties
2021 £364,485
181 Properties
2020 £345,039
95 Properties
2019 £321,526
103 Properties
2018 £330,337
144 Properties
2017 £318,196
154 Properties
2016 £292,886
179 Properties
2015 £263,241
206 Properties
2014 £231,765
207 Properties
2013 £191,344
145 Properties
2012 £183,600
100 Properties
2011 £178,766
108 Properties
2010 £184,097
92 Properties
2009 £157,337
85 Properties
2008 £188,724
110 Properties
2007 £192,079
354 Properties
2006 £176,134
300 Properties
2005 £183,908
325 Properties
2004 £169,563
428 Properties
2003 £173,425
430 Properties
2002 £119,703
310 Properties
2001 £91,450
247 Properties
2000 £80,841
220 Properties
1999 £66,259
183 Properties
1998 £57,095
201 Properties
1997 £49,276
210 Properties
1996 £41,961
172 Properties
1995 £45,965
104 Properties
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Glyndon

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Flat £292,886.00 141 Flats
Terraced House £415,822.00 201 Terraced Houses
Detached House £480,275.00 2 Detached Houses
Semi Detached House £428,575.00 10 Semi Detached Houses
Source: Land Registry