Houses for sale & to rent in Andover Romans, Andover

House Prices in Andover Romans

Properties in Andover Romans have an average house price of £286,845.00 and had 311 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
Andover Romans is an area in Andover, Hampshire with 127 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £610,000.00.

Properties for sale in Andover Romans


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Roads and Postcodes in Andover Romans

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Andover Romans, Andover for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Alder Road SP11 6YZ
Angora Road SP11 6ZU
Arena Close SP11 6YD
Blackthorn Road SP11 6YS
Bobbin Road SP11 6WU
Brocade Road SP11 6SH SP11 6SR SP11 6SW
Calico Street SP11 6SL
Cashmere Drive SP11 6ZQ SP11 6ZR SP11 6SS SP11 6ZS
Chambray Road SP11 6SG
Comber Close SP11 6YQ
Copper Box Close SP11 6YA
Corinthian Close SP10 5PU
Dairy Road SP11 6YG
Daisy Walk SP11 6RT
Draper Close SP11 6YR
Earls Road SP11 6XY
East Anton Farm Road SP11 6RD
Eton Dorney Walk SP11 6YJ SP11 6YL
Fleece Close SP11 6UP SP11 6UQ
Grain Walk SP11 6GZ
Hadleigh Close SP11 6WQ
Harebell Road SP11 6ZA
Hawthorn Avenue SP11 6YU SP11 6YW
Heddle Road SP11 6WY
Hornbeam Close SP11 6YT
Horse Guards Crescent SP11 6FU
Hyde Park Walk SP11 6FB
Icknield Way SP10 5RG
Lee Valley Close SP11 6XZ
Livia Close SP10 5QR
Lords Way SP11 6FQ
Maize Close SP11 6FR
Marjoram Walk SP11 6RQ
Merino Road SP11 6SP SP11 6SZ
Pasture Walk SP11 6FE
Portland Close SP11 6WP
Rimini Road SP11 6WN
Riverside Close SP11 6YB
Roman Way SP10 5JY
Rowan Way SP11 6YX
Shuttle Crescent SP11 6WS
Shuttle Road SP11 6WR
Skein Road SP11 6WX
Spindle Close SP11 6UR
Stratford Road SP11 6XX
Tapestry Road SP11 6WT
The Oval SP10 5DE
Till Close SP11 6FG
Viking Way SP10 5QQ
Weave Crescent SP11 6SQ
Whitebeam Close SP11 6YY
SP11 6NF SP11 6ZT

Transport near Andover Romans

Frequently asked questions about Andover Romans

What is the average price for a property for sale in Andover Romans?

The average price for a property for sale in Andover Romans is £286,845. This amount is 21% lower than the average price in Andover. There are 848 property listings for sale in Andover Romans.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Andover Romans?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Andover Romans are Riverside Close at an average of £576,500, Copper Box Close at an average of £520,000 and Bobbin Road at an average of £425,000.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Andover Romans?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Andover Romans are Skein Road at an average of £165,750, Shuttle Road at an average of £182,857 and Spindle Close at an average of £222,625.

Which train stations are available in or near Andover Romans?

Some of the train stations available in or near Andover Romans are Andover, Whitchurch (Hampshire) and Grateley.

Property Price Paid in Andover Romans by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £280,481
43 Properties
2023 £296,966
53 Properties
2022 £298,805
69 Properties
2021 £279,392
146 Properties
2020 £256,510
154 Properties
2019 £270,406
215 Properties
2018 £282,781
159 Properties
2017 £272,506
125 Properties
2016 £269,498
106 Properties
2015 £218,152
141 Properties
2014 £221,327
59 Properties
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Andover Romans

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Semi Detached House £295,800.00 91 Semi Detached Houses
Detached House £377,403.00 85 Detached Houses
Terraced House £271,863.00 67 Terraced Houses
Flat £176,423.00 68 Flats
Source: Land Registry