Houses for sale & to rent in LN8 5LN, Ludford, Market Rasen

House Prices in LN8 5LN, Ludford

Properties in LN8 5LN have no sales history available within the last 3 years. LN8 5LN is a postcode in Ludford, an area in Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, with 23 households².

Price Paid in LN8 5LN, Ludford

RANBY HILL BARN LN8 5LN, Ludford Market Rasen

Property RANBY HILL BARN has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 17/05/2021 and the sold price was £695,000.00.

This detached house, sold as a freehold on 17/05/2021, is a 399 sqm detached house with an EPC rating of C.

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
17/05/2021 £695,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

JASMINE LN8 5LN, Ludford Market Rasen

Property JASMINE has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 19/06/2020 and the sold price was £190,000.00.

This detached house, sold as a freehold on 19/06/2020, is a 93 sqm detached bungalow with an EPC rating of D.

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
19/06/2020 £190,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

TRANKELDALES LN8 5LN, Ludford Market Rasen

Property TRANKELDALES has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 15/02/2019 and the sold price was £270,000.00.

This detached house, sold as a freehold on 15/02/2019, is a 179 sqm detached house with an EPC rating of G.

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
15/02/2019 £270,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

RANBY HILL FARM LN8 5LN, Ludford Market Rasen

Property RANBY HILL FARM has been sold 3 times. The last time it was sold was in 21/08/2017 and the sold price was £505,000.00.

This other property, sold as a freehold on 21/08/2017, is a 315 sqm detached house with an EPC rating of F.

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
21/08/2017 £505,000.00 Other Property freehold Established Building
26/03/2015 £370,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building
30/10/2009 £350,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building


Property SCHOOL CORNER BUNGALOW has been sold 3 times. The last time it was sold was in 03/08/2017 and the sold price was £265,000.00.

This detached house, sold as a freehold on 03/08/2017, is a 119 sqm detached bungalow with an EPC rating of D.

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
03/08/2017 £265,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building
20/04/2011 £245,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building
12/07/2005 £127,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

ORCHARD HOUSE LN8 5LN, Ludford Market Rasen

Property ORCHARD HOUSE has been sold 3 times. The last time it was sold was in 26/06/2017 and the sold price was £375,000.00.

This detached house, sold as a freehold on 26/06/2017, is a 161 sqm detached house with an EPC rating of E.

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
26/06/2017 £375,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building
19/10/2007 £376,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building
20/06/2002 £180,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

THE HOGAN LN8 5LN, Ludford Market Rasen

Property THE HOGAN has been sold 2 times. The last time it was sold was in 03/07/2013 and the sold price was £375,000.00.

This detached house, sold as a freehold on 03/07/2013, is a 545 sqm detached house with an EPC rating of C.

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
03/07/2013 £375,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building
06/02/2004 £387,500.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

THE OLD FORGE LN8 5LN, Ludford Market Rasen

Property THE OLD FORGE has been sold 3 times. The last time it was sold was in 18/05/2009 and the sold price was £350,000.00.

This is a Detached House which was sold as a freehold in 18/05/2009

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
18/05/2009 £350,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building
16/07/2005 £365,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building
13/06/2003 £240,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

OLD SCHOOL HOUSE LN8 5LN, Ludford Market Rasen

Property OLD SCHOOL HOUSE has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 29/10/2002 and the sold price was £183,500.00.

This is a Detached House which was sold as a freehold in 29/10/2002

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
29/10/2002 £183,500.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

RANBY HOUSE LN8 5LN, Ludford Market Rasen

Property RANBY HOUSE has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 15/04/1996 and the sold price was £125,000.00.

This detached house, sold as a freehold on 15/04/1996, is a 703 sqm detached house with an EPC rating of G.

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
15/04/1996 £125,000.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

THE STABLES LN8 5LN, Ludford Market Rasen

Property THE STABLES has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 15/04/1996 and the sold price was £82,500.00.

This is a Detached House which was sold as a freehold in 15/04/1996

Date Price Property Type Tenure Classification
15/04/1996 £82,500.00 Detached House freehold Established Building

1 The Row Ranby, LN8 5LN, Ludford Market Rasen

This is a 74 square meter End-terrace House with an EPC rating of G. Currently, there is no transaction history available for this property.

2 The Row Ranby, LN8 5LN, Ludford Market Rasen

This is a 75 square meter Mid-terrace House with an EPC rating of D. Currently, there is no transaction history available for this property.

Transport near LN8 5LN

House price paid reports for LN8 5LN

Click on the buttons below to see price paid reports by year or property price:

Property Price Paid in LN8 5LN by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2021 £695,000
1 Property
2020 £190,000
1 Property
2019 £270,000
1 Property
2017 £320,000
2 Properties
2015 £370,000
1 Property
2013 £375,000
1 Property
2011 £245,000
1 Property
2009 £350,000
2 Properties
2007 £376,000
1 Property
2005 £246,000
2 Properties
2004 £387,500
1 Property
2003 £240,000
1 Property
2002 £181,750
2 Properties
1996 £103,750
2 Properties
Source: Land Registry