Houses for sale & to rent in Attleborough Queens & Besthorpe, Attleborough

House Prices in Attleborough Queens & Besthorpe

Properties in Attleborough Queens & Besthorpe have an average house price of £286,565.00 and had 169 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
Attleborough Queens & Besthorpe is an area in Attleborough, Norfolk with 168 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £1,200,000.00.

Properties for sale in Attleborough Queens & Besthorpe


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Roads and Postcodes in Attleborough Queens & Besthorpe

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Attleborough Queens & Besthorpe, Attleborough for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Anglers Alley NR17 2FA
Appletree Close NR17 2LU
Bramble Close NR17 2LZ
Brimstone Close NR17 1GJ
Bunwell Road NR17 2LL
College Court NR17 2AZ
Cornflower Way NR17 1RQ
Cosmos Close NR17 1RA
Daffodil Drive NR17 2PF
Deopham Road NR17 1YG
Dingle Drive NR17 2FN
Eldon Court NR17 2FG
Elm Drive NR17 2FL
Fen Street NR17 1AS
Finch Road NR17 1GL
Garnier Meadow NR17 1ZJ
Goldfinch Drive NR17 1GT
Halifax Close NR17 1FY
High Street NR17 2AA NR17 2AL
Hill Common NR17 1AF
Hurricane Close NR17 1GX
Lancaster Road NR17 1FR
Linnet Drive NR17 2FY
Meadowsweet Loke NR17 1BJ
Mustang Way NR17 1FZ
Norfolk Drive NR17 1QW
Nuthatch Way NR17 1GR
Oak Tree Park NR17 2SQ
Peacock Way NR17 1GN
Phoenix Way NR17 1FD
Red Admiral Way NR17 1GH
Royal Court NR17 2AU
Silver Street NR17 2LQ
Sluts Hole Lane NR17 2LG
Slutshole Lane NR17 2LS
Snapdragon Close NR17 1QQ
Sparrow Close NR17 1GP
Speckled Wood Close NR17 1GS
Spitfire Close NR17 1GE
St Edmund Close NR17 2EA
Swangey Lane NR17 1HA
Swift Close NR17 1GF
Thrush Road NR17 1GG
Tortoiseshell Drive NR17 1GU NR17 1GW
Waller Drive NR17 1FF
Wayland Court NR17 2HT
Wellington Road NR17 1GQ
West Carr Road NR17 1AP
Whitehouse Lane NR17 2PB
Wildflower Gardens NR17 1HB
Wroo Road NR17 1AR
NR17 1FH NR17 1FS NR17 1UY NR17 1WU NR17 2LJ NR17 2PU NR17 2XF NR17 2YU NR17 1WZ NR17 2XG

Transport near Attleborough Queens & Besthorpe

Frequently asked questions about Attleborough Queens & Besthorpe

What is the average price for a property for sale in Attleborough Queens & Besthorpe?

The average price for a property for sale in Attleborough Queens & Besthorpe is £286,565. This amount is 9% lower than the average price in Attleborough. There are 1,697 property listings for sale in Attleborough Queens & Besthorpe.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Attleborough Queens & Besthorpe?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Attleborough Queens & Besthorpe are Hill Common at an average of £1,200,000, Meadowsweet Loke at an average of £651,875 and Whitehouse Lane at an average of £566,750.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Attleborough Queens & Besthorpe?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Attleborough Queens & Besthorpe are St Edmund Close at an average of £195,000, Eldon Court at an average of £195,000 and Peacock Way at an average of £223,142.

Which train stations are available in or near Attleborough Queens & Besthorpe?

Some of the train stations available in or near Attleborough Queens & Besthorpe are Attleborough, Spooner Row and Eccles Road.

Property Price Paid in Attleborough Queens & Besthorpe by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £260,816
15 Properties
2023 £353,015
16 Properties
2022 £279,196
70 Properties
2021 £284,195
68 Properties
2020 £261,180
57 Properties
2019 £252,415
70 Properties
2018 £246,656
52 Properties
2017 £231,449
48 Properties
2016 £263,916
38 Properties
2015 £245,449
47 Properties
2014 £233,425
15 Properties
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Attleborough Queens & Besthorpe

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Semi Detached House £242,683.00 61 Semi Detached Houses
Detached House £373,471.00 61 Detached Houses
Terraced House £232,592.00 45 Terraced Houses
Flat £188,750.00 2 Flats
Source: Land Registry