Houses for sale & to rent in Mershe Lande, Wisbech
House Prices in Mershe Lande
Properties in Mershe Lande have an average house price of £333,701.00 and had 109 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
Mershe Lande is an area in Wisbech, Norfolk with 930 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £775,000.00.
Properties for sale in Mershe Lande
Roads and Postcodes in Mershe Lande
Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Mershe Lande, Wisbech for sale or to rent.
Streets | Postcodes |
All Saints Avenue | PE13 3RQ |
Argyl Gardens | PE13 3RS |
Biggs Road | PE14 7BD PE14 7BE |
Black Drove | PE14 8JU PE14 8JX |
Blackbear Lane | PE13 3RU |
Bonnetts Lane | PE14 8JE |
Broadend Road | PE14 7BQ |
Burrett Gardens | PE13 3RP |
Burrett Road | PE13 3RD PE13 3RF PE13 3RG PE13 3RT |
Burrettgate Road | PE14 7BL PE14 7BN |
Chapnall Road | PE13 3TU |
Church Bank | PE14 8JS |
Church Road | PE13 3RB |
Dades Lane | PE14 8JJ |
Goose Lane | PE14 8DR PE14 8DX |
Green Lane | PE14 7BJ |
Harolds Close | PE14 7BS |
Hickathrift Field | PE14 8EX |
Hunters Drove | PE14 8JQ |
Jubilee Lane | PE14 8JD |
Kingsway | PE13 3DU |
Low Road | PE14 8AT |
Middle Drove | PE14 8JP PE14 8JT |
Moyses Bank | PE14 8HD PE14 8HE |
Pippin Gardens | PE13 3XD |
Poppylots Road | PE14 8HF |
Rands Drove | PE14 8HA |
Ruston Road | PE14 8ER |
Rustons Road | PE14 8HG |
School Road | PE14 8EY PE14 8EZ PE14 8JR |
Sleights Drive | PE14 7BT |
Smeeth Road | PE14 8EP PE14 8ES PE14 8JB PE14 8JF |
Sparrowgate Road | PE14 7AY |
Station Road | PE14 8DJ |
Sylvden Drive | PE13 3UD |
Trinity Road | PE14 8JA |
Walsoken Road | PE14 8DZ |
Walton Road | PE14 8DP |
Westry Close | PE14 7BU |
Wilkins Road | PE14 7BG PE14 8DQ |
Woodlands Court | PE13 3SD |
Transport near Mershe Lande
- Price Paid By Year
- Property Type Price
Frequently asked questions about Mershe Lande
What is the average price for a property for sale in Mershe Lande?
The average price for a property for sale in Mershe Lande is £333,701. This amount is 8% higher than the average price in Wisbech. There are 1,648 property listings for sale in Mershe Lande.
What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Mershe Lande?
The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Mershe Lande are Burrettgate Road at an average of £644,625, Dades Lane at an average of £615,000 and Walton Road at an average of £524,000.
What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Mershe Lande?
The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Mershe Lande are Ruston Road at an average of £90,000, All Saints Avenue at an average of £204,750 and Trinity Road at an average of £210,500.
Which train stations are available in or near Mershe Lande?
Some of the train stations available in or near Mershe Lande are Watlington, Downham Market and March.
Property Price Paid in Mershe Lande by Year
The average sold property price by year was:
Year | Average Sold Price | Price Change |
Sold Properties
2024 | £311,136 | -8% |
22 Properties |
2023 | £336,743 | -1% |
39 Properties |
2022 | £341,572 | 18% |
48 Properties |
2021 | £280,565 | 5% |
73 Properties |
2020 | £267,675 | -3% |
37 Properties |
2019 | £276,696 | 8% |
48 Properties |
2018 | £254,659 | 6% |
42 Properties |
2017 | £238,174 | 9% |
60 Properties |
2016 | £217,322 | 23% |
49 Properties |
2015 | £167,192 | -2% |
26 Properties |
2014 | £170,732 | -15% |
52 Properties |
2013 | £195,703 | 18% |
38 Properties |
2012 | £160,999 | -10% |
23 Properties |
2011 | £177,196 | -4% |
28 Properties |
2010 | £184,703 | 11% |
29 Properties |
2009 | £164,729 | -6% |
24 Properties |
2008 | £174,222 | -12% |
20 Properties |
2007 | £195,359 | 4% |
51 Properties |
2006 | £188,311 | 7% |
49 Properties |
2005 | £175,454 | 6% |
47 Properties |
2004 | £165,210 | 22% |
65 Properties |
2003 | £129,515 | 12% |
57 Properties |
2002 | £114,425 | 18% |
70 Properties |
2001 | £93,584 | 11% |
51 Properties |
2000 | £82,986 | 18% |
52 Properties |
1999 | £67,884 | 15% |
72 Properties |
1998 | £57,777 | -1% |
44 Properties |
1997 | £58,384 | -3% |
55 Properties |
1996 | £59,881 | 6% |
62 Properties |
1995 | £56,151 | - |
49 Properties |
Property Price per Property Type in Mershe Lande
Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.
The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:
Property Type | Average Sold Price | Sold Properties |
Semi Detached House | £203,821.00 | 14 Semi Detached Houses |
Detached House | £355,591.00 | 93 Detached Houses |
Terraced House | £225,000.00 | 2 Terraced Houses |