Houses for sale & to rent in Weston-super-Mare Winterstoke, Weston-super-mare

House Prices in Weston-super-Mare Winterstoke

Properties in Weston-super-Mare Winterstoke have an average house price of £255,412.00 and had 135 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
Weston-super-Mare Winterstoke is an area in Weston-super-mare, North Somerset with 79 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £505,000.00.

Properties for sale in Weston-super-Mare Winterstoke


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Roads and Postcodes in Weston-super-Mare Winterstoke

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Weston-super-Mare Winterstoke, Weston-super-mare for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Achilles Path BS24 8AL
Airoh End BS24 8FJ
Aisecome Way BS22 8FD BS22 8NG
Allans Way BS24 7GZ
Astazou Drive BS24 8EU
Beaufighter Road BS24 8EE
Bofors Tower BS24 8FH
Buckingham Road BS24 9BG
Cadet Drive BS24 8BN
Clover Court BS22 8NB
Cobham Parade BS24 8EG
Cody Walk BS24 8AS
Cubitt Close BS24 8AT
Dragonfly Walk BS24 8DH
Fullens Close BS22 8PQ
Gazelle Road BS24 9ES
Glider Avenue BS24 8EQ BS24 8EZ
Gnome Road BS24 8FR
Gypsy Moth Lane BS24 8FS
Hercules Road BS24 8ET
Hosegood Drive BS24 8AU
Hutton Moor Road BS22 8LY
Hutton Park BS24 8RZ
Leonides Avenue BS24 8DT
Lincoln Lane BS24 8AW
Locking Moor Road BS24 8FN BS24 8PP
Lynx Crescent BS24 9BP BS24 9DJ
Mamba Grove BS24 8EW
Martinet Walk BS24 8BU
Miles Row BS24 8BW
Moor Lane BS24 7LH
Mosquito End BS24 8FB
Nimbus Road BS24 8DJ
Peritrack Lane BS24 8FD
Piper Cross BS24 8BX
Proctor Drive BS24 8AX
Puma Road BS24 8EY
Sea King Way BS24 8FQ
Slingsby Gardens BS24 8AY
The Sidings BS24 8FG
The Taxiway BS24 8FL
Tiger Moth Road BS24 8DL
Turmo Road BS24 8FE
Victor Landing BS24 8FP
Wasp Way BS24 8EX
Wayfarer Close BS24 8BL
Westland Business Centre BS24 9AD
Weston Business Park BS24 8RA
Weston Links BS23 3WL
Wharf Road BS24 8FF
Whirlwind Road BS24 8EF
Whitney Crescent BS24 8ES
Winterstoke Road BS24 9AB BS24 9BQ

Transport near Weston-super-Mare Winterstoke

Frequently asked questions about Weston-super-Mare Winterstoke

What is the average price for a property for sale in Weston-super-Mare Winterstoke?

The average price for a property for sale in Weston-super-Mare Winterstoke is £255,412. This amount is 3% lower than the average price in Weston-super-mare. There are 4,995 property listings for sale in Weston-super-Mare Winterstoke.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Weston-super-Mare Winterstoke?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Weston-super-Mare Winterstoke are Wayfarer Close at an average of £346,125, Achilles Path at an average of £308,833 and Cobham Parade at an average of £306,385.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Weston-super-Mare Winterstoke?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Weston-super-Mare Winterstoke are Airoh End at an average of £181,363, Bofors Tower at an average of £185,000 and Whitney Crescent at an average of £194,500.

Which train stations are available in or near Weston-super-Mare Winterstoke?

Some of the train stations available in or near Weston-super-Mare Winterstoke are Weston Milton, Weston-Super-Mare and Worle.

Property Price Paid in Weston-super-Mare Winterstoke by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £258,181
30 Properties
2023 £260,400
45 Properties
2022 £250,286
60 Properties
2021 £216,333
66 Properties
2020 £230,746
68 Properties
2019 £214,732
74 Properties
2018 £210,554
213 Properties
2017 £212,701
148 Properties
2016 £211,257
192 Properties
2015 £198,253
103 Properties
2014 £228,800
35 Properties
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Weston-super-Mare Winterstoke

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Semi Detached House £262,163.00 48 Semi Detached Houses
Detached House £367,345.00 23 Detached Houses
Terraced House £240,882.00 35 Terraced Houses
Flat £173,000.00 29 Flats
Source: Land Registry