Houses for sale & to rent in Seighford & Church Eaton, Stafford

House Prices in Seighford & Church Eaton

Properties in Seighford & Church Eaton have an average house price of £282,995.00 and had 163 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
Seighford & Church Eaton is an area in Stafford, Staffordshire with 108 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £900,000.00.

Properties for sale in Seighford & Church Eaton


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Roads and Postcodes in Seighford & Church Eaton

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Seighford & Church Eaton, Stafford for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Acre Mews ST16 1GF
Airfield Industrial Estate ST18 9NR
Alstone Lane ST18 9EQ
Amison Close ST16 1WB
Andrus Way ST16 1WP
Back Lane ST18 9HX
Beech Court ST18 9QQ
Bellis Court ST16 1ZJ
Betony Villas ST16 1XF
Boons Industrial Estate ST18 9NH ST18 9PN
Bunns Bank ST18 9PF
Burbank Burrow ST16 1WJ
Burton Manor Road ST18 9AT
Buttercup Croft ST18 9TQ
Cardamine Parade ST16 1DR
Chebsey Lane ST18 9QD
Church Lane ST18 9DB
Clanford Road ST18 9NL ST18 9NP
Clover Way ST18 9TR
Common Lane ST20 0GA
Cowslip Gardens ST16 1XG
Dairy Crest ST16 1NZ
Dale Lane ST18 9EJ
Deere Furrow ST16 1WG
Derrington Lane ST18 9NQ
Dunbar Close ST16 1WN
Ellenhall Road ST21 6PA
Forge Rise ST18 9EW
Green Farm Meadows ST18 9QN
Green Lane ST18 9AY
Harrow Place ST16 1GH
Harry Kerr Drive ST16 1WT
Hurricane Close ST16 1GZ
Jefferson Walk ST16 1WF
Johnson Close ST18 9JD
Ladford Covert Industrial Park ST18 9QL
Levedale Road ST18 9FA
Littywood Lane ST18 9DD
Lower Ruele ST20 0BG
Marigold Place ST16 1ZH
Marjoram Walk ST16 1XH
Marston Lane ST18 9TS
Meadowsweet Avenue ST16 1ZF
Mustang Drive ST16 1GW
New Road ST20 0FN
Newbold Drive ST16 1WA
Newport Road ST18 9EZ
Pasture Lane ST16 1GJ
Paterson Drive ST16 1WH
Quincy Way ST16 1WD
Randolph Close ST16 1WE
Redfern Rise ST18 9NU
Royds Close ST18 9HA
Shackleton Way ST16 1GY
Shippey Lane ST18 9GY
Smithy Lane ST18 9QH
Snowdrop Lane ST16 1ZL
Spitfire Close ST16 1GX
Staples Close ST16 1WQ
Stone Road ST18 9SE
Thorneyfields Lane ST18 9BY
Till View ST16 1GG
William Bagnall Drive ST16 1WS
Winnow Avenue ST16 1GE
Woodruff Chase ST16 1BZ
Yarrow Grove ST16 1GL
ST18 9DN ST18 9DQ ST18 9LG ST18 9PP ST18 9QE ST18 9QG

Transport near Seighford & Church Eaton

Frequently asked questions about Seighford & Church Eaton

What is the average price for a property for sale in Seighford & Church Eaton?

The average price for a property for sale in Seighford & Church Eaton is £282,995. This amount is 7% higher than the average price in Stafford. There are more than 10,000 property listings for sale in Seighford & Church Eaton.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Seighford & Church Eaton?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Seighford & Church Eaton are Church Lane at an average of £625,000, Green Lane at an average of £543,500 and Beech Court at an average of £382,333.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Seighford & Church Eaton?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Seighford & Church Eaton are Stone Road at an average of £190,000, Burbank Burrow at an average of £216,350 and Paterson Drive at an average of £225,083.

Which train stations are available in or near Seighford & Church Eaton?

Some of the train stations available in or near Seighford & Church Eaton are Stafford, Penkridge and Stone.

Property Price Paid in Seighford & Church Eaton by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £270,566
15 Properties
2023 £303,766
15 Properties
2022 £265,623
38 Properties
2021 £288,626
95 Properties
2020 £246,635
98 Properties
2019 £245,728
104 Properties
2018 £250,506
64 Properties
2017 £229,364
71 Properties
2016 £249,961
56 Properties
2015 £226,137
57 Properties
2014 £213,235
33 Properties
2001 £115,000
1 Property
1997 £70,000
1 Property
1996 £107,000
1 Property
1995 £68,000
1 Property
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Seighford & Church Eaton

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Semi Detached House £217,796.00 43 Semi Detached Houses
Detached House £313,773.00 107 Detached Houses
Terraced House £245,323.00 13 Terraced Houses
Source: Land Registry