Houses for sale & to rent in AB45 2AR, Cornhill, Banff and District, Banff
House Prices in AB45 2AR, Cornhill, Banff and District
Properties in AB45 2AR have no sales history available within the last 3 years. AB45 2AR is a postcode in Cornhill located in Banff and District, an area in Banff, Aberdeenshire, with 3 households².
Previously listed properties near AB45 2AR, Cornhill
Price Paid in Cornhill, AB45 2AR, Banff and District
2 Black Culphin Cottage Cornhill, AB45 2AR, Banff and District Banff
Property 2 Black Culphin Cottage has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 25/05/2018 and the sold price was £70,000.00.
This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 25/05/2018
Date | Price | Classification |
25/05/2018 | £70,000.00 | Established Building |
1 Black Culphin Cottage Cornhill, AB45 2AR, Banff and District Banff
Property 1 Black Culphin Cottage has been sold 2 times. The last time it was sold was in 10/10/2017 and the sold price was £80,000.00.
This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 10/10/2017
Date | Price | Classification |
10/10/2017 | £80,000.00 | Established Building |
27/07/2016 | £80,000.00 | Established Building |
Postcodes in Cornhill, Banff and District
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- AB45 2AN
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- AB45 3BD
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- AB45 3BQ
Transport near AB45 2AR, Cornhill
House price paid reports for AB45 2AR, Cornhill
Click on the buttons below to see price paid reports by year or property price:
- Price Paid By Year
Property Price Paid in AB45 2AR, Cornhill by Year
The average sold property price by year was:
Year | Average Sold Price | Price Change |
Sold Properties
2018 | £70,000 | -14% |
1 Property |
2017 | £80,000 | - |
1 Property |
2016 | £80,000 | - |
1 Property |