Houses for sale & to rent in PA28 6QE, South Kintyre, Campbeltown

House Prices in PA28 6QE, South Kintyre

Properties in PA28 6QE have no sales history available within the last 3 years. PA28 6QE is a postcode in South Kintyre, an area in Campbeltown, Argyll and Bute, with 29 households².

Price Paid in PA28 6QE, South Kintyre

Low Drummore Bellochantuy PA28 6QE, South Kintyre Campbeltown

Property Low Drummore Bellochantuy has been sold 2 times. The last time it was sold was in 08/09/2021 and the sold price was £365,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 08/09/2021

Date Price Classification
08/09/2021 £365,000.00 Established Building
12/06/2015 £246,000.00 Established Building

Redbrae Bellochantuy PA28 6QE, South Kintyre Campbeltown

Property Redbrae Bellochantuy has been sold 2 times. The last time it was sold was in 14/09/2018 and the sold price was £280,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 14/09/2018

Date Price Classification
14/09/2018 £280,000.00 Established Building
15/04/2010 £3,000.00 Established Building

Bellochantuy Campbeltown PA28 6QE, South Kintyre Campbeltown

Property Bellochantuy Campbeltown has been sold 3 times. The last time it was sold was in 14/09/2018 and the sold price was £280,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 14/09/2018

Date Price Classification
14/09/2018 £280,000.00 Established Building
19/04/2017 £36,000.00 Established Building
20/11/2013 £30,000.00 Established Building

Putechan House Bellochantuy PA28 6QE, South Kintyre Campbeltown

Property Putechan House Bellochantuy has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 19/01/2018 and the sold price was £220,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 19/01/2018

Date Price Classification
19/01/2018 £220,000.00 Established Building

Failte Putechan Farm PA28 6QE, South Kintyre Campbeltown

Property Failte Putechan Farm has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 07/03/2017 and the sold price was £46,200.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 07/03/2017

Date Price Classification
07/03/2017 £46,200.00 Established Building

Putechan Cottage Bellochantuy PA28 6QE, South Kintyre Campbeltown

Property Putechan Cottage Bellochantuy has been sold 2 times. The last time it was sold was in 30/08/2016 and the sold price was £219,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 30/08/2016

Date Price Classification
30/08/2016 £219,000.00 Established Building
13/10/2008 £170,000.00 Established Building

Old Lagalgarve Cottage Bellochantuy PA28 6QE, South Kintyre Campbeltown

Property Old Lagalgarve Cottage Bellochantuy has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 29/07/2016 and the sold price was £96,700.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 29/07/2016

Date Price Classification
29/07/2016 £96,700.00 Established Building

4 Bellochantuy Cottages Bellochantuy PA28 6QE, South Kintyre Campbeltown

Property 4 Bellochantuy Cottages Bellochantuy has been sold 2 times. The last time it was sold was in 22/02/2016 and the sold price was £91,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 22/02/2016

Date Price Classification
22/02/2016 £91,000.00 Established Building
04/08/2003 £59,000.00 Established Building

Islay View Bellochantuy PA28 6QE, South Kintyre Campbeltown

Property Islay View Bellochantuy has been sold 4 times. The last time it was sold was in 10/02/2016 and the sold price was £220,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 10/02/2016

Date Price Classification
10/02/2016 £220,000.00 Established Building
03/04/2007 £189,000.00 Established Building
03/04/2007 £189,000.00 Established Building
10/11/2006 £2,000.00 Established Building

Newmains Cottage Bellochantuy PA28 6QE, South Kintyre Campbeltown

Property Newmains Cottage Bellochantuy has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 13/12/2013 and the sold price was £100,577.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 13/12/2013

Date Price Classification
13/12/2013 £100,577.00 Established Building

3 Bellochantuy Cottages Bellochantuy PA28 6QE, South Kintyre Campbeltown

Property 3 Bellochantuy Cottages Bellochantuy has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 02/11/2012 and the sold price was £55,555.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 02/11/2012

Date Price Classification
02/11/2012 £55,555.00 Established Building

Barrmains Cottage Bellochantuy PA28 6QE, South Kintyre Campbeltown

Property Barrmains Cottage Bellochantuy has been sold 2 times. The last time it was sold was in 15/02/2012 and the sold price was £62,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 15/02/2012

Date Price Classification
15/02/2012 £62,000.00 Established Building
31/05/2005 £30,000.00 Established Building

North Cottage Cottage Row PA28 6QE, South Kintyre Campbeltown

Property North Cottage Cottage Row has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 29/08/2011 and the sold price was £60,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 29/08/2011

Date Price Classification
29/08/2011 £60,000.00 Established Building

Corputechan Farm Bellochantuy PA28 6QE, South Kintyre Campbeltown

Property Corputechan Farm Bellochantuy has been sold 4 times. The last time it was sold was in 02/12/2009 and the sold price was £82,500.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 02/12/2009

Date Price Classification
02/12/2009 £82,500.00 Established Building
27/03/2008 £13,500.00 Established Building
30/01/2008 £249,999.00 Established Building
29/04/2004 £190,000.00 Established Building

New Mains Cottage Bellochantuy PA28 6QE, South Kintyre Campbeltown

Property New Mains Cottage Bellochantuy has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 28/11/2008 and the sold price was £75,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 28/11/2008

Date Price Classification
28/11/2008 £75,000.00 Established Building

Putechan Lodge Hotel Bellochantuy PA28 6QE, South Kintyre Campbeltown

Property Putechan Lodge Hotel Bellochantuy has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 19/12/2007 and the sold price was £585,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 19/12/2007

Date Price Classification
19/12/2007 £585,000.00 Established Building

1 Bellochantuy Cottages Bellochantuy PA28 6QE, South Kintyre Campbeltown

Property 1 Bellochantuy Cottages Bellochantuy has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 17/04/2007 and the sold price was £90,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 17/04/2007

Date Price Classification
17/04/2007 £90,000.00 Established Building

Moonlight House Bellochantuy PA28 6QE, South Kintyre Campbeltown

Property Moonlight House Bellochantuy has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 25/07/2006 and the sold price was £166,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 25/07/2006

Date Price Classification
25/07/2006 £166,000.00 Established Building

High Bellochantuy Bellochantuy PA28 6QE, South Kintyre Campbeltown

Property High Bellochantuy Bellochantuy has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 06/03/2006 and the sold price was £500,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 06/03/2006

Date Price Classification
06/03/2006 £500,000.00 Established Building

2 Old Cottages Bellochantuy PA28 6QE, South Kintyre Campbeltown

Property 2 Old Cottages Bellochantuy has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 12/05/2004 and the sold price was £26,630.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 12/05/2004

Date Price Classification
12/05/2004 £26,630.00 Established Building

Corputechan Bellochantuy PA28 6QE, South Kintyre Campbeltown

Property Corputechan Bellochantuy has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 14/04/2004 and the sold price was £33,000.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 14/04/2004

Date Price Classification
14/04/2004 £33,000.00 Established Building

2 Bellochantuy Cottages Bellochantuy PA28 6QE, South Kintyre Campbeltown

Property 2 Bellochantuy Cottages Bellochantuy has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 01/09/2003 and the sold price was £22,680.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 01/09/2003

Date Price Classification
01/09/2003 £22,680.00 Established Building

3 Bellochantuy Cottages PA28 6QE, South Kintyre Campbeltown

Property 3 Bellochantuy Cottages has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 24/02/2003 and the sold price was £23,790.00.

This is a Property which was sold as an Established Building in 24/02/2003

Date Price Classification
24/02/2003 £23,790.00 Established Building

Transport near PA28 6QE

House price paid reports for PA28 6QE

Click on the buttons below to see price paid reports by year or property price:

Property Price Paid in PA28 6QE by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2021 £365,000
1 Property
2018 £260,000
3 Properties
2017 £41,100
2 Properties
2016 £156,675
4 Properties
2015 £246,000
1 Property
2013 £65,288
2 Properties
2012 £58,777
2 Properties
2011 £60,000
1 Property
2010 £3,000
1 Property
2009 £82,500
1 Property
2008 £127,124
4 Properties
2007 £263,250
4 Properties
2006 £222,666
3 Properties
2005 £30,000
1 Property
2004 £83,210
3 Properties
2003 £35,156
3 Properties
Source: Registers of Scotland