Houses for sale & to rent in MK43 8EB, Hawthorn Close, Kempston Rural, Bedford
House Prices in MK43 8EB, Hawthorn Close, Kempston Rural
Properties in MK43 8EB have an average house price of £437,500.00 and had 2 Property Transactions within the last 3 years.¹ MK43 8EB is a postcode in Hawthorn Close located in Kempston Rural, an area in Bedford, Bedfordshire, with 8 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £445,000.00.
Properties for sale near MK43 8EB, Hawthorn Close
Previously listed properties near MK43 8EB, Hawthorn Close
Price Paid in Hawthorn Close, MK43 8EB, Kempston Rural
6A Hawthorn Close, MK43 8EB, Kempston Rural Bedford
Property 6A has been sold 2 times. The last time it was sold was in 18/11/2022 and the sold price was £430,000.00.
This semi detached house, sold as a freehold on 18/11/2022, is a 112 sqm end-terrace house with an EPC rating of C.
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
18/11/2022 | £430,000.00 | Semi Detached House | freehold | Established Building |
21/10/2022 | £445,000.00 | Semi Detached House | freehold | Established Building |
4 Hawthorn Close, MK43 8EB, Kempston Rural Bedford
Property 4 has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 26/06/2013 and the sold price was £168,000.00.
This semi detached house, sold as a freehold on 26/06/2013, is a 97 sqm semi-detached house with an EPC rating of D.
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
26/06/2013 | £168,000.00 | Semi Detached House | freehold | Established Building |
7 Hawthorn Close, MK43 8EB, Kempston Rural Bedford
Property 7 has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 29/11/2007 and the sold price was £150,000.00.
This semi detached house, sold as a freehold on 29/11/2007, is a 93 sqm semi-detached house with an EPC rating of E.
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
29/11/2007 | £150,000.00 | Semi Detached House | freehold | Established Building |
6 Hawthorn Close, MK43 8EB, Kempston Rural Bedford
Property 6 has been sold 1 time. The last time it was sold was in 27/08/2004 and the sold price was £175,000.00.
This semi detached house, sold as a freehold on 27/08/2004, is a 95 sqm mid-terrace house with an EPC rating of C.
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
27/08/2004 | £175,000.00 | Semi Detached House | freehold | Established Building |
2 Hawthorn Close, MK43 8EB, Kempston Rural Bedford
Property 2 has been sold 2 times. The last time it was sold was in 31/05/2002 and the sold price was £89,500.00.
This is a Semi Detached House which was sold as a freehold in 31/05/2002
Date | Price | Property Type | Tenure | Classification |
31/05/2002 | £89,500.00 | Semi Detached House | freehold | Established Building |
28/02/1995 | £48,000.00 | Semi Detached House | freehold | Established Building |
Transport near MK43 8EB, Hawthorn Close
Bedford Midland Station
Bedford St.Johns Station
Kempston Hardwick Station
Stewartby Station
Millbrook (Bedfordshire) Station
Lidlington Station
Ridgmont Station
Wellingborough Station
Aspley Guise Station
House price paid reports for MK43 8EB, Hawthorn Close
Click on the buttons below to see price paid reports by year or property price:
- Price Paid By Year
- Property Type Price
Property Price Paid in MK43 8EB, Hawthorn Close by Year
The average sold property price by year was:
Year | Average Sold Price | Price Change |
Sold Properties
2022 | £437,500 | 62% |
2 Properties |
2013 | £168,000 | 11% |
1 Property |
2007 | £150,000 | -17% |
1 Property |
2004 | £175,000 | 49% |
1 Property |
2002 | £89,500 | 46% |
1 Property |
1995 | £48,000 | - |
1 Property |
Property Price per Property Type in MK43 8EB, Hawthorn Close
Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.
The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:
Property Type | Average Sold Price | Sold Properties |
Semi Detached House | £437,500.00 | 2 Semi Detached Houses |