Houses for sale & to rent in Roche South, Rochford

House Prices in Roche South

Properties in Roche South have an average house price of £478,476.00 and had 109 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
Roche South is an area in Rochford, Essex with 185 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £1,200,000.00.

Properties for sale in Roche South


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Roads and Postcodes in Roche South

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Roche South, Rochford for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Airport Business Park Southend SS4 1YG
Alfred Gardens SS4 1JX
Anne Close SS4 1GQ
Appleton Gardens SS4 1WW
Arthur Court SS4 1XU
Athelstan Crescent SS4 1GY
Bradley Way SS4 1BU
Brickfield Way SS4 1NB
Brooklands Road SS4 1WN
Charles Crescent SS4 1FN SS4 1FT
Charlotte Close SS4 1YJ
Cherry Orchard Lane SS4 1PN SS4 1PP
Cherry Orchard Way SS4 1WS SS4 1YH
Clover Gardens SS4 1XP
College Gardens SS4 1YL
East Street SS4 1DE
Edmund Close SS4 1JW
Edward Place SS4 1QU SS4 1UU
Egbert Drive SS4 1QX
Elizabeth Gardens SS4 1FS SS4 1FX
Fleet Hall Farm SS4 1LN
Fleet Hall Road SS4 1NF
Frederick Court SS4 1XY
George Court SS4 1FU
Godwin Walk SS4 1QG
Hall Road SS4 1NU SS4 1NW SS4 1PA SS4 1PB SS4 1PH SS4 1PJ SS4 1PL
Harold Close SS4 1JT
Henry Crescent SS4 1GU
James Drive SS4 1GX
John Court SS4 1FY
Jubilee Gardens SS4 1XJ
Lever Lane SS4 1EL
Locks Hill SS4 1BB
Maple Drive SS4 1XN
Margaret Road SS4 1XT
Mary Place SS4 1QY
Mildred Place SS4 1JZ
Millhead Way SS4 1XQ
Millview Court SS4 1DH
North Street SS4 1BD SS4 1FJ
Pollards Close SS4 1GA
Purdeys Way SS4 1LZ SS4 1NE
Redwood Drive SS4 1WQ
Riverside Industrial Estate SS4 1BS SS4 1GR
Roche Close SS4 1PX
Rochehall Way SS4 1JU
Rocheview Business Park SS4 1LB
Rochford Business Park SS4 1GP
Rose Way SS4 1LY
Shopland Road SS4 1LH SS4 1LP SS4 1LS
Slated Row SS4 1LR
South Street SS4 1BW SS4 9SA SS4 9SB SS4 9SD SS4 9SE SS4 9SF SS4 9SG SS4 9SH SS4 9SJ SS4 9SL SS4 9SP SS4 9SQ SS4 9SS SS4 9ST SS4 9SU SS4 9SW SS4 9SX SS4 9SY SS4 9SZ SS4 9TA SS4 9TB
Southend Road SS4 1HA SS4 1HU
Stephen Place SS4 1GW
Sutton Court Drive SS4 1JN
Sutton Road SS4 1LG SS4 1XS
Union Lane SS4 1AP SS4 1RB
Victoria Gardens SS4 1XW
Watts Lane SS4 1FQ
Welton Way SS4 1LA
West Street SS4 1AL SS4 1AX
William Gardens SS4 1FW
Windsor Road SS4 1XG
Winterbon Mews SS4 1GS
Woodlands Drive SS4 1XH

Transport near Roche South

Frequently asked questions about Roche South

What is the average price for a property for sale in Roche South?

The average price for a property for sale in Roche South is £478,476. This amount is 32% higher than the average price in Rochford. There are 2,787 property listings for sale in Roche South.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Roche South?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Roche South are Purdeys Way at an average of £1,200,000, Mildred Place at an average of £920,000 and Clover Gardens at an average of £775,000.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Roche South?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Roche South are Edward Place at an average of £261,000, Henry Crescent at an average of £311,000 and Windsor Road at an average of £337,500.

Which train stations are available in or near Roche South?

Some of the train stations available in or near Roche South are Rochford, Southend Airport and Prittlewell.

Property Price Paid in Roche South by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £462,900
10 Properties
2023 £550,125
8 Properties
2022 £498,482
36 Properties
2021 £457,791
55 Properties
2020 £478,179
85 Properties
2019 £452,267
81 Properties
2018 £489,745
96 Properties
2017 £445,382
53 Properties
2015 £345,000
1 Property
2009 £266,000
1 Property
2006 £320,000
1 Property
2002 £360,000
1 Property
2000 £58,000
1 Property
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Roche South

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Semi Detached House £388,597.00 30 Semi Detached Houses
Detached House £554,424.00 66 Detached Houses
Terraced House £373,200.00 5 Terraced Houses
Flat £254,750.00 8 Flats
Source: Land Registry