Houses for sale & to rent in Hart Plain, Waterlooville

House Prices in Hart Plain

Properties in Hart Plain have an average house price of £318,708.00 and had 537 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
Hart Plain is an area in Waterlooville, Hampshire with 4,140 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £707,500.00.

Properties for sale in Hart Plain


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Roads and Postcodes in Hart Plain

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in Hart Plain, Waterlooville for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Albretia Avenue PO8 8QS
Alten Road PO7 6DR PO7 6DS
Anmore Drive PO7 6DY
Ash Close PO8 8TU
Ash Copse PO8 9US
Baker Close PO8 9WP
Barney Evans Crescent PO8 8SR
Beech Close PO8 8RT
Bevan Road PO8 9QH
Birch Close PO8 8TY
Blackbird Close PO8 9UA
Bridefield Close PO8 8PY
Bridefield Crescent PO8 8QY
Buckland Close PO7 6ED PO7 6EE PO7 6EF
Budd Close PO8 9AJ
Bunting Gardens PO8 9UN PO8 9UW
Buttercup Way PO7 7RQ
Cartwright Close PO8 9FE
Chaffinch Green PO8 9UG PO8 9UH PO8 9UQ
Chaplains Avenue PO8 8QH PO8 8QL
Chaplains Close PO8 8QN
Chatburn Avenue PO8 8UB
Chesterton Gardens PO8 8SY
Clements Grove PO8 9FF
Clinton Road PO7 6DT
Coddington Grove PO8 9WW PO8 9ZE
Coleridge Gardens PO8 8LJ PO8 8ND
Cricket Drive PO8 9QT
Curlew Gardens PO8 9UD PO8 9UE
Darnel Road PO7 7YP
Delft Gardens PO8 8SP
Dove Close PO8 9UF
Downham Close PO8 8UD
Dresden Drive PO8 8RN
Eagle Avenue PO8 9UB PO8 9UL PO8 9UX PO8 9XB PO8 8BT PO8 9GX PO8 9XP
Edwards Close PO8 8RJ
Elaine Gardens PO8 9QS
Fairbourne Close PO8 8RL
Firs Avenue PO8 8RR PO8 8RS
Frogmore Lane PO8 9QL PO8 9QN PO8 9QQ
Fulmer Walk PO8 9UP PO8 9UR
Gardiner Walk PO8 9BF
Glenmore Gardens PO8 8BS
Glenwood Gardens PO8 8TN
Grebe Close PO8 9UT PO8 9UU
Gypsy Lane PO8 9SW
Hart Plain Avenue PO8 8PN PO8 8PP PO8 8PW PO8 8QP PO8 8QR PO8 8RG PO8 8RP PO8 8RQ PO8 8RX PO8 8QZ PO8 8RY PO8 8RZ PO8 8SA
Hartwood Gardens PO8 8RA
Hawkewood Avenue PO7 6EB
Hemlock Road PO8 8QT
Herriott Close PO8 9QJ
Hobby Close PO8 9AY
Homer Close PO8 8SB
Hudson Gardens PO8 9FA
Huntsman Close PO8 9GJ
James Copse Road PO8 9RH PO8 9RP
Kingfisher Close PO8 9XD
Kings Road PO8 8UR PO8 8UT
Kingscote Road PO8 8QB PO8 8QD
Kingsdown Road PO7 6DW
Kite Close PO8 9UJ
Lawnswood Close PO8 8RU
Lawrence Avenue PO8 8TT
Lensyd Gardens PO8 9SJ
Linnet Close PO8 9UY
London Road PO8 8DD PO8 8DE PO8 8DF PO8 8DH
Lovedean Lane PO8 9RJ PO8 9RN PO8 9RW PO8 9SN PO8 9SS PO8 9ST
Lynwood Avenue PO8 8PZ
Madocks Way PO8 8QE
Magpie Walk PO8 9UZ PO8 9XA
Manns Way PO8 9FJ
Maytree Gardens PO8 8RH
Meadowlands Close PO8 9WR
Merlin Close PO8 9AZ
Merritt Way PO8 9AX PO8 9WN
Milton Road PO8 8LH PO8 8LL PO8 8LP PO8 8LS PO8 8RD PO8 8RE PO8 8RF PO8 8SE PO8 8SF PO8 8TX
Newbolt Close PO8 8SS
Oak Close PO8 8SD
Oaklands Grove PO8 8PR PO8 8PS PO8 8QX PO8 8SJ PO8 8SL
Oakmont Drive PO8 8TH
Old Barn Gardens PO8 9XL
Orchard Grove PO8 8TP
Partridge Gardens PO8 9XG PO8 9XH PO8 9XQ
Potts Close PO8 9FH
Primrose Gardens PO8 8BN
Puffin Walk PO8 9XN PO8 9XW
Pyrford Close PO7 6BT PO7 6GJ
Reed Walk PO8 9WQ
Renown Gardens PO8 9QP
Rimington Road PO8 8UA
Robin Gardens PO8 9XE PO8 9XF PO8 9XJ
Sandyfield Crescent PO8 8SG PO8 8SQ
Shakespeare Gardens PO8 8SN
Shelley Gardens PO8 8LT
Silverdale Drive PO7 6DN PO7 6DP PO7 6DU PO7 6DX
Silvester Road PO8 8TJ PO8 8TL PO8 8TR PO8 8TS PO8 8TD
Southdown View PO7 6BJ
Sparrow Close PO8 8LY
Spencer Gardens PO8 8LR
Spinney Close PO8 8QU
Stone Road PO8 9FL
Sunnymead Drive PO7 6BN PO7 6BP PO7 6BS PO7 6BU PO7 6BW PO7 6BX PO7 6DA PO7 6BL
Sutton Close PO8 8QQ
Sutton Road PO8 8PT PO8 8PU PO8 8QA
Swinburn Gardens PO8 8LN
Sycamore Close PO8 8SH
Tarrant Close PO8 9FD
Thrush Walk PO8 8LU PO8 8LX
Timothy Walk PO7 7YE
Waterloo Close PO8 8QJ
Wedgwood Way PO8 8RW
Welchwood Close PO8 9SL
Wheatsheaf Drive PO8 8PX
Wilkes Way PO8 9ZF
Williams Walk PO8 9FG
Willowside PO8 9AQ
Woodbury Grove PO8 9RL
Woodcroft Gardens PO8 9PZ
Woodcroft Lane PO8 9PY PO8 9QB PO8 9QG PO8 9QA PO8 9QD
Woodcutters Drive PO8 8QF
Yoells Crescent PO8 9SH
Yoells Lane PO8 9SP PO8 9SQ

Transport near Hart Plain

Frequently asked questions about Hart Plain

What is the average price for a property for sale in Hart Plain?

The average price for a property for sale in Hart Plain is £318,708. This amount is 11% lower than the average price in Waterlooville. There are 1,573 property listings for sale in Hart Plain.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in Hart Plain?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in Hart Plain are Oakmont Drive at an average of £573,750, Edwards Close at an average of £484,375 and Lovedean Lane at an average of £458,552.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in Hart Plain?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in Hart Plain are Sparrow Close at an average of £142,500, Kite Close at an average of £188,833 and London Road at an average of £194,750.

Which train stations are available in or near Hart Plain?

Some of the train stations available in or near Hart Plain are Rowland's Castle, Bedhampton and Havant.

Property Price Paid in Hart Plain by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £308,468
89 Properties
2023 £304,382
114 Properties
2022 £341,628
143 Properties
2021 £314,870
191 Properties
2020 £283,698
136 Properties
2019 £289,656
144 Properties
2018 £263,898
158 Properties
2017 £259,949
166 Properties
2016 £246,438
155 Properties
2015 £224,206
130 Properties
2014 £212,725
150 Properties
2013 £194,695
112 Properties
2012 £192,939
104 Properties
2011 £197,429
93 Properties
2010 £194,604
93 Properties
2009 £190,338
93 Properties
2008 £174,460
92 Properties
2007 £197,537
153 Properties
2006 £181,835
203 Properties
2005 £180,847
141 Properties
2004 £168,650
232 Properties
2003 £152,055
188 Properties
2002 £137,778
233 Properties
2001 £108,349
188 Properties
2000 £100,405
161 Properties
1999 £81,444
181 Properties
1998 £75,113
169 Properties
1997 £72,447
179 Properties
1996 £64,033
163 Properties
1995 £60,418
138 Properties
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in Hart Plain

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Flat £181,412.00 46 Flats
Semi Detached House £335,869.00 209 Semi Detached Houses
Terraced House £248,276.00 134 Terraced Houses
Detached House £400,917.00 148 Detached Houses
Source: Land Registry