Houses for sale & to rent in North Mundham & Tangmere, Chichester

House Prices in North Mundham & Tangmere

Properties in North Mundham & Tangmere have an average house price of £338,616.00 and had 88 Property Transactions within the last 3 years¹.
North Mundham & Tangmere is an area in Chichester, Surrey with 167 households², where the most expensive property was sold for £975,000.00.

Properties for sale in North Mundham & Tangmere


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Roads and Postcodes in North Mundham & Tangmere

Navigate through our locations to find the location of your next house in North Mundham & Tangmere, Chichester for sale or to rent.

Streets Postcodes
Bankside PO20 2GU
Broom Hills PO20 2EG
Campbell Road PO20 2HX
Canberra Place PO20 2WB
Challen Close PO20 2DJ
Chichester By Pass PO19 7BJ PO19 7UN
City Fields Business Park PO20 2FP PO20 2FR PO20 2FS PO20 2FU
City Fields Way PO20 2FT
Coach Road PO20 2BH PO20 2BQ
Drayton Lane PO20 2AJ PO20 2BN PO20 2EW
Filkins Close PO20 2EH
Gamecock Terrace PO20 2ER PO20 2ES
Ham Lane PO20 2BD
Hampden Place PO20 2WL
Hangar Drive PO20 2BB PO20 2BE PO20 2BF PO20 2DF PO20 2DY PO20 2DZ PO20 2EA PO20 2EB PO20 2ED
Hayter Gardens PO20 2AW
Heron Close PO20 2EL
Highfield Lane PO20 2DH
Jerrard Road PO20 2GR
Kingfisher Gardens PO20 2EQ
Longacres Way PO20 2EJ PO20 2JG
Malcolm Road PO20 2HY
Meadow Way PO20 2AX
Neville Duke Way PO20 2AT
Osborn Drive PO20 2EE
Richmond Close PO20 2EF
Shopwhyke Industrial Centre PO20 2GD
Silver Lakes Lane PO20 2EN
Stoneypost Close PO20 2BA
Sunderland Close PO20 2GH
Tern Crescent PO20 2EP PO20 2GF
Waterside View PO20 2GE
Watery Lane PO19 8XH
Western Road PO20 2GJ PO20 2GN
Windmill Drive PO20 2AR
Woodhorn Lane PO20 2DA
PO20 2BJ PO20 2DB PO20 2DX

Transport near North Mundham & Tangmere

Frequently asked questions about North Mundham & Tangmere

What is the average price for a property for sale in North Mundham & Tangmere?

The average price for a property for sale in North Mundham & Tangmere is £338,616. This amount is 30% lower than the average price in Chichester. There are 2,405 property listings for sale in North Mundham & Tangmere.

What streets have the most expensive properties for sale in North Mundham & Tangmere?

The streets with the most expensive properties for sale in North Mundham & Tangmere are Drayton Lane at an average of £975,000, Waterside View at an average of £620,000 and Heron Close at an average of £493,750.

What streets have the most affordable properties for sale in North Mundham & Tangmere?

The streets with the most affordable properties for sale in North Mundham & Tangmere are Tern Crescent at an average of £236,500, Hangar Drive at an average of £296,092 and Longacres Way at an average of £332,926.

Which train stations are available in or near North Mundham & Tangmere?

Some of the train stations available in or near North Mundham & Tangmere are Chichester, Barnham and Fishbourne.

Property Price Paid in North Mundham & Tangmere by Year

The average sold property price by year was:

Year Average Sold Price Price Change
Sold Properties icon
2024 £285,009
9 Properties
2023 £315,166
15 Properties
2022 £378,888
27 Properties
2021 £331,775
37 Properties
2020 £354,662
21 Properties
2019 £312,852
59 Properties
2018 £369,808
98 Properties
2017 £335,327
73 Properties
2016 £244,316
25 Properties
Source: Land Registry

Property Price per Property Type in North Mundham & Tangmere

Here you can find historic sold price data in order to help with your property search.

The average Property Paid Price for specific property types in the last three years are:

Property Type Average Sold Price Sold Properties
Semi Detached House £356,484.00 33 Semi Detached Houses
Terraced House £305,372.00 18 Terraced Houses
Flat £180,629.00 20 Flats
Detached House £525,000.00 17 Detached Houses
Source: Land Registry